Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 05 & January 08, 1915
Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

EUREKA -- Sunday School teachers and officers elected for the coming year are as follows: Superintendent, E. C.
BLAUER; assistant superintendent, Edna DOEBERT; secretary, Hattie RUSH; treasurer, Mary BOYLES; librarians, Percy RUSH
and Roy OSBORN; chorister, S. H. RUSH; and organist, Mary BOYLES.

SHANNON CITY -- A baby boy was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Pearl GUSTIN, who live near Mortimor.

KELLERTON -- L. C. WILLIAMS closed a deal Tuesday in which he became owner of the I. A. MERRITT store.
~ ~ ~ ~V. E. SIDWELL, of Nebraska, came the first of the year and is employed at the Dalbey
Lumber Yard.
~ ~ ~ ~Willis SISEL (SISSEL?) was elected marshal and nightwatch man at the regular
meeting of the town council.

Zene LONG, who for the past two months has been employed at the C.B. & Q. depot in this city, resigned the position
Tuesday and intends to start to school. Clair RHOADES now has the position.

Officers of the court house have appointed the following deputies: clerk, Maud McCLANAHAN; auditor, C. S. PALMER, Sr.;
treasurer, Edna McQUIGG; recorder, Zella CAMPBELL; and sheriff, John W. SALTZMAN.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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