Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 05, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

The board of directors of the Rideta Electric Cooperative met February 1, with the assistant chief of the operations division in Des Moines, and after receiving his instructions, adopted a resolution and are proceeding to wind up the affairs of the cooperative for the duration of the war. The office in Mount Ayr will close March 1.

Multiple sales of a goat worth 25 cents - more or less - netted the local American Red Cross $35. The goat, consigned by W. M. Marrs, of Lotts Creek township, entered the sale ring of the Mount Ayr Livestock Market Tuesday wearing a blanket with the Red Cross symbol visible on either side. Later the goat was resold to the owner for 50 cents.

Clyde Stoburg, who recently completed his studies at an art school in Chicago, will be employed as a draftsman in a defense plant in San Diego, CA.

Ellston was host last weekend to the Ringgold county girls' basketball tournament, the first one to be held in the county for a number of years. Delphos, a team organized during the last year, won over Kellerton in the final game, 56-32. Other teams which competed were Tingley, Ellston, Beaconsfield and Redding.

Carolyn Warrick, daughter of Mrs. Ora Warrick, of Mount Ayr, and Doyle Denhart were united in marriage January 28, at the Baptist parsonage in Stanberry, Mo. with the Rev. E. A. Forderhase performing the ceremony. Mr. Denhart is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Denhart of Mount Ayr. They will be at home in Mount Ayr, where he is employed with his father in the Skelly service station.

TINGLEY - Mr. and Mrs. Manson Reynolds are the parents of an eight-pount boy, born January 26.
FRY CHAPEL - Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Olney received a message Saturday announcing the arrival of a son Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Olney of Des Moines.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2017
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