Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 04, 1961
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Eleven students of the Mount Ayr Community high school received Division I ratings in a state music contest held in
Corning. Solo winners were Bill SULLIVAN, tuba; John PETERSON, clarinet, and Marie ANGUS, oboe. Division I group winners
were the brass sextet -- Carolyn DRAKE, Eugene RICKER, Bill SULLIVAN, Helen RAUCH, Jean BLACK and Becky JAMES -- and
clarinet quartet -- John PETERSEN, Ruth PETERSEN, Camille LAWHEAD and Marilyn DAVIS. Ed SULLIVAN was the instrumental
music instructor.

Pat JOHNSON, Shirley BRAND and LaVonne SPENCER won doubles and singles honors, respectively, in the women's city bowling
tournament completed recently in Mount Ayr.

Republicans from all over Iowa will meet May 6 in Des Moines to hear an address by Richard M. NIXON. In one of his first
major speeches since the 1960 election, the former vice-president will be the featured speaker at a $25-a-plate dinner
to beserved in the KRNT Theatre.

Clifford Dean TEALE, a graduate of the Mount Ayr high school in 1951, will serve the Diagonal Community high school next
term as girls' basketball coach, teacher and driver training instructor. Mr.and Mrs. TEALE and daughter Mickey visited
Sunday in Mount Ayr with his father, Thomas TEALE.

Dr. Leonard C. MURRAY of Des Moines, educator, philosopher and humorist, will deliver the commencement address for the
1961 seniors of the Mount Ayr Community high school on May 23.

Approximately 100 persons inspected the newly decorate postoffice building Friday in Mount Ayr on the occasion of its
open house.

Dale BICKEL of Mount Ayr and Mary Ann HERREN of Kellerton have been nominated by the county 4-H committees for
consideration as candidates for state 4-H offices. BICKEL,a member of the Liberty Boys 4-H Club and county 4-H president,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill BICKEL. Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John HERREN, is a member of the Liberty Belles
4-H Club and is year is serving as county reporter-historian.

The Delphos-Maloy boys took
a 12-5 baseball win from Tingley Thursday at Delphos. The batteries were Gary SCHUSTER, Bob HALEY, John JOHNSON and Bob
SEFRIT for Delphos-Maloy and Allan KINNE, Dennis MILLER, Roger TRULLINGER and Craig RIGGS for Tingley.
Apr 27, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Don KING, Redding
May 03, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn HUGHES, Denver MO

OBITUARIES in May 04, 1961 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Helen Agnes CARR Nellie THARP COWELL Ola Fern FRY
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2011

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