Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 04, 1940
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

New officers of the Mount Ayr High School Alumni Association are Mrs. Floyd BEAMAN, president; Frank F. WILSON,
vice-president; and Charles W. LAWHEAD, secretary-treasurer.

The secret marriage of Clara BROWN and Elza BECK, which took place October 15, at Troy, KS, was revealed this week.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Martha BROWN, of Maloy, and Mr. BECK is the son of Mrs. Amanda E. BECK, of Mount
Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. BECK will make their home in Mount Ayr, where he has employment with the Princess Theatre and as
radio repairman at Shafer's Service Station.

The Maloy bank building was recently sold by the board of supervisors of Ringgold County to J.W. SHEIL, the consideration
being $35. The property was owned by the county under provisions of the deliquent tax law.

Officers of the Ringgold County Mutual Telephone Company elected recently are: J.W. SHEIL, president; Edd PRIMMER,
vice-president; Cora ROBINSON, treasurer; C.A. CAMPBELL, secretary; and A.G. MOFFATT and J.S. BUCK, directors for three-year

Bernice BASTOW, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. BASTOW, of Tingley, and Allen LONG were united in marriage December 27,
at the Methodist parsonage in Tingley, with the Rev. L.M. KIRBY officiating. Alidene TRIGGS served as bridesmade and
Robert BASTOW, brother of the groom, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. LONG will make their home on a farm south of Shannon City.

Velma Louise SHELDON, who has been employed part-time at the Bell telphone office, commenced working full-time in
January, and Velda GRAY was advanced to chief operator upon the resignation of Mrs. Bernita STEPHENS.

S.A. BULLOCK, of Diagonal, has purchased the Humphrey's blacksmith shop and he will be assisted with the work of the shop
by his son, Wilbur.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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