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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, April 4, 1963

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Kathy GREENLAND of Grand River won first place honors in the annual Ringgold county spelling contest held Saturday in Mount Ayr. Russell MANNING of Kellerton placed second. Vera F. DICKENS, county superintendent of school, conducted the contest.

Connie SANDAGE, an art major in the College of Fine Arts of Drake University, Des Moines, was recently selected for membership in Mortar Board, national leadership society for women. Miss SANDAGE is the daughter of Weldon SANDAGE of Kellerton, who was privileged to attend the tapping ceremony and coffee.

Ricky DEFENBAUGH topped 52 entrants to win the state championship in the Class A high hurdles at the state meet held Friday night in Iowa City. He ran 8.1 seconds in the finals of the 60-yard high hurdles. DEFENBAUGH first won his preliminary heat in 8.4 seconds and then ran his best time of the day in the semi-finals when he hit eight flat.

Selected as a member of the Des Moines Register’s second all-state basketball team is Jerry WAUGH, outstanding member of the Mount Ayr Community high school Raiders.

Students of the Mount Ayr Community high school received four I ratings and nine II ratings in one of the state contests of the Iowa High School Speech Association held Saturday in Perry. Those who received I ratings were Connie RICHARDS, oratorical declamation and interpretative prose; Jeanne MARLER, oratorical declamation, and Patty GROUT, interpretative poetry. Ratings of II were awarded Connie BETHARDS, Connie PERLENFEIN and Nancy WEEDA in humorous declamation; Norma WALLACE and Beverly MERRITT, dramatic declamation; David NEAS, oratorical declamation; Vicki NEWTON, interpretative prose; Norene DENNEY, interpretative poetry, and Jane KINNE, original oratory. The students were accompanied to Perry by Karen FLOHRA and Mrs. M. H. OBERMEIER, coaches, Mrs. Donald KINNE, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MERRITT, Mrs. P. J. NEAS and Mrs. Donald WEEDA.

Contracts have been offered by the board of education to 63 teachers and principals in the Mount Ayr Community school district. Salary increases, totaling $14,202 and ranging from $100 to $400 per year, have been proffered the teachers. Those who had received four-year college degrees prior to September 1 will receive an additional $150, and teachers who have earned 90 hours of college credit will receive $100.

Supt. C. Arthur HANSEN was issued a new three-year contract to begin July 1, 1963, at a starting salary of $9,600, which will be advanced to $10,000 beginning with the 1965-1966 term.

Jack SWEET of Ellston is included among the children of the advanced primary and intermediate grades of the Hospital School for Severely Handicapped Children at the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, who will present "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," an operetta in two acts, this week at the school.


  • March 28, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle CAMPBELL, Mount Ayr

    OBITUARIES in April 4, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    James Thomas STANLEY   Roy Forest BYERLY

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2013

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