Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 04, 1940
By Doris Rule

Committees were appointed by W. H. McFARLAND, president of the Mount Ayr Co-operative Club, for the annual fall
festival. The executive committee is composed of Clair O. RHOADES, chairman; C. E. HOLLOPETER and Mike BEAMAN.
Other committees are: Concessions, George BALDNER, Willis HOOD and Elmo ROE; free acts, Percy SPENCER, B. W.
KNIGHT, Robert HUDSON and W. B. CUNNING; special events, S. W. HOLLAND, Billie FINCH and C. L. SEAMAN; music,
Forest L. STEWART; platform, Roy CALDWELL and L. A. DALBEY; program, Earl T. HOOVER, Grant L. HAYES and T. E.
MARTIN; advertising, J. A. BEARD, George FARMER and Franklin SPURRIER; finance, Carson WILLIAMS, J. E. HORNE
and Orr B. WHITE.

Miss Helen PORTER of St. Charles started work Monday as operator at Hazel's Beauty Shoppe. Miss PORTER
recently graduated from the Iowa Beauty School in Des Moines.

Hatfield - Leland RINEHART left Monday for Ames, where he has employement.
Orvis HEYLE, clerk and assessor of this township, has resigned, having secured a position in Kansas City.
Orville PARSONS has been employed to take Mr. HEYLE's Place.
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 04, 1940
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Helen PORTER, of St. Charles and a recent graduate of the Iowa Beauty School in Des Moines, started work Monday as [an] operator in Hazel's Beauty Shoppe.

Bill BUCK, son of Mr. and Mrs. John BUCK, Jr., who attends the American Institute of Business in Des Moines, is eligible to become a member of the
International Honor Society, for having typed 70 words per minute with no error for a period of ten minutes.

H. E. BAGLEY and a council composed of James MAHAN, Billie FINCH, V. L. WHITMORE, Claude MOORE and Roy CALDWELL, took over the administration of
local government in Mount Ayr on Monday. B. R. ROBISON and Victor SKINNER, both former deputy sheriffs of Ringgold county, were appointed as
marshals. Other appointments are: Frank LEWIS, city attorney; Dr. J. W. HILL, health physician; Lester GRINDSTAFF, street commissioner; Reece SCOTT,
assistant street commissioner; and, Wm. F. HARROUN, town clerk.

EAST WASHINGTON - Rex SICKELS was re-elected school director at Walnut Valley for the coming year.

Hazel OGLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl OGLER, of Kellerton, and Herbert "Earl" STANLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert STANLEY, were united in marriage March 28, at the Methodist parsonage in Creston, with the
Rev. WATSON officiating. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne JOHNSON, brother-in-law and sister of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. STANLEY will make
their home in Athens township, where he is engaged in farming with his father.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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