Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 02, 1954
Sandy Main, Mount Ayr

The Beaconsfield school opened August 30 with the following personnel: A. R. TROYER, superintendent; Mrs. Earl FISK,
home economics and commerce; Earl FISK, shop and science; Mrs. Sanoma LEWIS, junior high; Mrs. Roy HAMMOND, third
fourth and fifth grades; Mrs. Imogene SLAZEK, primary; R. A. ELMORE, band and music; Mrs. Guy HUPP, supervisor of
the hot lunch program; Delbert SEVIER and Paul WION, bus drivers; and J. M. STOGDILL, janitor.

Woodland News - School opened today (Monday) at Zwick school with Mrs. Leland DUFTY as teacher and at Lesanville school
with Mrs. Jim DAUGHTON as instructor.

Hickory Grove News - School began this morning (Monday) at Hickory Grove with Mrs. Rose FINDLEY as teacher and 10
pupils. Mrs. Jesse TRULLINGER is teaching again this year at Benton and Mrs. Evelyn JAMES is teaching at the Watterson

Mary Ann RUSK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl RUSK of Mount Ayr, and Carroll JOHNSON, son of Mrs. Esther JOHNSON of
Mount Ayr, were married Sunday evening at the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr. The couple will make their home in
the Croy Apartments in Mount Ayr.

Merle MILLER of Grant City, MO, daughter of Mrs. Dora MILLER of Corning, and Carl HOLLAND, son of Mrs. Lesta HOLLAND of
Blockton, were united in marriage August 21 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert HOLLAND of Leon. After a brief honeymoon
trip through Colorado, the couple will reside on the HOOVER farm east of Blockton.

Clearfield and Vicinity News - Word was received recently by Dr. and Mrs. L.F. MAHONEY of the marriage August 14 at Las
Vegas, NV of their son, Robert D. MAHONEY of Los Angeles, CA and Constance COATES of Fresno, CA. They will live in
Los Angeles where he is connected with the Texaco Oil Co.

August 27, a son, Steve Allen, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard WILSON, Lamoni
August 28, a son, Mark Irwin, to Mr. and Mrs. Elbert WATSON, Diagonal

OBITUARIES in September 02, 1954 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

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