Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 02, 1957
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Dr. J. W. HILL of this city was one of 15 Iowa physicians elected to life membership in the Iowa State Medical
Society during its 107th annual convention held this week in Des Moines. Life memberships are based on 50 years
of medical practice and 30 years of membership in the medical society.

Jack HOWE, junior high instructor in the Mount Ayr schools, was elected scoutmaster of Troop No. 165 at a reorganization
meeting held last Wednesday. The Rev. Clyde E. MOSHER and Joe THOMPSON will serve as assistant scoutmasters.

The Mount Ayr high school band will be presented over KFEI-TV Thursday afternoon, May 9, at 4 p.m. The program will be
sponsored by the JOHNSTON Motor Company of this city.

Two youths have been chosen to attend Hawkeye Boys State the week of June 2 to 8 at Camp Dodge. They are Bill
PRITCHARD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PRITCHARD of Delphos, and Phil STONE, son of Mrs. Lee STONE of Mount Ayr. Both
will be seniors in the Mount Ayr high school next fall.

Graduation exercises for 13 seniors, of the Tingley high school were held last night at the theatre in Tingley. The
class was presented for graduation by Supt. M. H. OBERMEIER and the diplomas were issued by David ALLEN, president of
the board of education.

Three Ringgold county 4-H members have been nominated for state recognition by the county 4-H committees. Richard WILSON
has been nominated as a candidate for state 4-H office. Richard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence WILSON of Hatfield, MO.
JoAnn THOMSON and Roger STANLEY have been nominated to attend health camp at the state 4-H camp this summer. JoAnn is
the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. V. U. THOMSON of Clearfield and Roger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray STANLEY of Beaconsfield.

Students of the finest undergraduate records of scholarship during the winter quarter were announced Friday by deans of
the five divisions of Iowa State College [present day Iowa State University], Ames. Sharon BROWN, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. LeRoy BROWN of Riley township, completed 19 hours of credit last quarter and maintained an average of 3.53. She is a
junior and a double major in home economics education and extension. Melvin NEWTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burr NEWTON of
Mount Ayr, was recently presented an "Outstanding Member" award for his work in the Agricultural Education Club at Iowa
State College. He is a senior at Iowa State.

Ninety members and guest of Faith Lodge No. 179, A.F.&A.M., shared a dinner the evening of April 17 in the Masonic Hall,
complimentary to I. J. DALBEY of this city and a 50-year members[hip?] of the Lodge. Other 50-year Masons in attendance were

April 29, a son, Michael Lyle, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle GILLILAND, Lamoni
April 29, a son, Terry Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee STILL, Shannon City

OBITUARIES in May 02, 1957 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Elma Candace STEELE BYE
James W. WHITE
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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