Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 2, 1987
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Jo and Gerry
BOSMA of Lelystad, Holland and their daughters - Anke, 19, and Femke, 14 -- visited last week in the home of Don,
Marge, Dawn, Marya and Chad HEWLETT of rural Grand River. An insignificant local and personal item until one realizes
what the visit of a whole family from Holland can mean. The HEWLETTS are "adopted parents" for this school year of the
BOSMA'S middle daughter, Elske, who is a junior at Grand Valley Community high school at Kellerton. Elske is here as an
American Intercultural Student Exchangee.

If all goes well, the prairie chicken might again be seen in the Ringgold county
vicinity. Plans are underway for the re-establishment of the bird at the Wesley JONES farm, adjacent to the wildlife area,
14 miles southeast of Mount Ayr, or 11 miles southwest of Lamoni. A prairie chicken population was last known to be present
at this wildlife area.

Mount Ayr will have a newmayor
named at the regular meeting of the Mount Ayr city council Monday, April 6. The Mount Ayr city council visited with
three potential mayoral prospects at a special meeting Monday night and will make a final decision next week. Visiting
with the council Monday night were David WAGNER, Steve FETTY and Vivian WELLS.
 Two Mount Ayr Community high school
Library Club members were named to serve as 1987-88 Iowa Student Education Media Assistants officers for the 1987-88 year.
Lywanda CASE of Tingley was elected as state secretary after serving as state treasurer this past year. Michelle CLARK of
Ellston was appointed by the president as state reporter for next year. Both are MACHS sophomores.

OBITUARIES in Thursday, April 2, 1987 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Verlene Marie HENSLEY
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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