Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 01 &04, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Alfred LEWIS has resigned as steward of the county farm after several years of service, and members of the board of supervisors have employed
Fred HAYWORTH, who will assume the duties of the position at once.

The contract for the construction of a sewage system for Mount Ayr was let last night by the council to the Mathews Construction Company, of Kansas
City, Mo., for $32,071.70. There were twelve bidders for the work.

Leona CANNEY, who formerly was employed in the telephone office here, quit work Saturday evening and left this morning for her home in Osceola.

KELLERTON - Lela EGLY has been employed as clerk at the post office and began work Tuesday Morning. Cliff HERRINGTON came from his home in Lamoni and
will work at the I. J. DALBEY Lumberyard. Children's Day will be observed at the Methodist Church June 6, and those who will appear on the program
are Kenneth McCULLOUGH, Lyndell and Neola FOSTER, Louise BASSETT, the STEZLER Sisters, Clyde RUCKEL, Vada JOHNSON, Helen ERVIN, Ruth PEASLEY, Beatrice ERVIN,
Dorothy TREICHLER, Faith WOODS and Kathaleen MOORE. Gov. Clark has appointed Clayton CHANDLER, of the Clover Hill Stock Farm, as a delegate from Ringgold
County to the "Top Notch Farmers Club" at the San Francisco Exposition, which convenes August 5 and 6.

SHANNON CITY - Commencement exercises were held Tuesday night for this year's graduates, Helen HENRY, Daisy BROWN, Georgia SPEELMAN and Archie McCHOW.

KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. A. I. PEYTON announce the arrival of a little son at their home on June 2.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. William COVERDALE are the proud parents of a little daughter, born to them June 1.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Claude LANTZ announce the birth of a little daughter at their home on May 25.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Forest MERRILL are the parents of a little daughter born May 31.
REDDING - Clyde NORRIS and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby goy, which came to their home Monday.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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