Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 01, 1937
Ione Spurrier, Mount Ayr

Superintendents of Ringgold County's ten schools for the ensuing year are Kyle JONES, Benton; E. C. MENDENHALL,
Delphos; John G. PARISHO, Redding; Maurice CARR, Maloy; Delmer BIRCH, Beaconsfield; O. C. VARNER, Diagonal;
Wayne McMURRAY, Ellston; J. P. JONES, Kellerton; Delbert PIDGEON, Tingley, and W. H. McFARLAND, Mount Ayr.

A new banking institution, successor to the Mount Ayr State Bank, opened its doors today (Thursday), under the name of
Security State Bank. H. O. LOVETT of Leon, is the new president, and Carson WILLIAMS serves as vice-president and
cashier. Other directors are I. J. DALBEY, Clyde LESAN, B. M. McDONOUGH of Leon, and Carter SCOTT of Davis City. The
capital stock of $30,000 is divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and officers report that the stock has been
over-subscribed. The first bank in Mount Ayr was organized in 1869 by Walter DUNNING and D. F. SELLARDS. In 1872, the Ringgold
County Bank was organized by C. D. KINSELL, Dr. J. T. MERRILL and others, and later the two banks were consolidated.

Zoe ELLIOTT began work recently in the office of Dr. J. W. HILL.

Fra ANDERSON has begun work in Dorn's Sandwich Shop.

The local Inter-Professional Association met recently with Drs. J. W. HILL, A. E. JESSUP, E. J. WATSON, O. L.
FULLERTON, F. C. SMITH, C. L. SEAMAN and B. W. KNIGHT in attendance. Dr. FULLERTON was named temporary chairman, and
Dr. SEAMAN as temporary secretary. Elected as executive councilors are Harry COOK, pharmacist; B. W. KNIGHT,
dentistry; C. L. SEAMAN, medical; E. C. SHEUMAKER, veterinarian, and Mrs. B. W. KNIGHT, nurse.

Mary HORNE is employed as a clerk in th Horne Hardware.

Fifty Ringgold County boys attended the 4-H club camp recently near Diagonal, which was in charge of Milton
HENDERSON, Mount Ayr High School vocational agriculture instructor, and Frank REED, assistant state club leader.
Presented medals as winners of various contests were Maxwell HUGHES, Eldon RICKER, Billy BUCK, Merritt TRIGGS, Ralph
WATSON, Paul BUCK and Eldon LOCKWOOD. Roy SHUEMAKER, Jr. was chosen by the boys as the "champion camper," because
of his all around ability of camping and getting along with his fellow campers.

Donella RHOADES is a new employee in the office of Dr. C. L. SEAMAN.

Born, June 27, a daughter, Deanna Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. DICKEY, in the Decatur County Hospital in Leon.
Weight, seven and one-half pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold KENNEDY are the parents of a seven and one-half pound son, born June 30.

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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