Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 01, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Janice Sheldon and Ted McGehee were awarded a large doll and large electric train as first place winners in the gathering contest, sponsored by the Rexall Drug Store. A vote was given for each penny's worth of merchandise purchased at the drug store. Other winners were Joyce Ann Wheeler, Connie Sue Davis, Rosemary Reynolds, Frieda Lamb, Betty Jean Powell, Evelyn Jean Summers, Develyn Skinner, Dean Grindstaff, Louis Wilson, Bobbie Johnson, Charles Saville, Rex Stuck, Jack Mickael and James Mickael.

Plans for the Ringgold county campaign for war relief, under the direction of the American Red Cross, to begin January 1 and continue through January 8, are being made according to Cleta Swigart, county chairman of the war relief committee. The county chapter has been asked to raise $1,900 as its share of the 50-million-dollar goal set by national headquarters.

Dorothy Moiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Mosier, of Poe township, and Robert Matthews, son of Mrs. J.F. Matthews, of this city, were united in marriage on December 25, in a home wedding. The single-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Francis J. Kohler, pastor of the First Bapist Church in Mount Ayr. The couple is at home in Mount Ayr, where the bride is employed in the law officers of Beard &Beard, and Mr. Matthews is an employee of the Security State Bank.

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Rawlings, of Polo, MO, announces the marriage of their niece, Hazel Marie Rawlings, to Victor Lee Lesan, of Mount Ayr. The wedding took place December 25, in the home of the bride in Polo.

Born, December 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barker, a daughter. Weight, three and three-fourth pounds.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2017
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