Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 01, 1954
Veronica Ray

Floyd FERTIG, veteran schoolhouse janitor, resigned his work with the Redding Consolidated school the first of the
week, to take effect April 1. FERTIG took up the work as school janitor at Benton in 1919. After he left Benton,
he came to Redding and has served efficiently in that capacity ever since. Floyd has a record that he can justly be
proud of, in that he has never failed to be on duty every school day during these 34 years.

The senior class of the Beaconsfield high school will present the play, "The Colonel's Maid," in the school gymnasium
April 7. The cast includes Rex WALTERS, Bob BRYANT, Lavonne MOON, Lyle WALTERS, Mary PEDERSEN, Gale BROWN, Keith WHITSON
and Kenneth CREES.

Two Mount Ayr high school trackmen, Charles BLACK and Dennis DRAKE, were entered in the state meet held over the weekend
at Iowa City. BLACK, a sophomore, placed fourth in teh mile run in a field of 66 participants with a time of a little
less than five minutes. DRAKE, a freshman, was entered in the 40-yard and 440-yard dash, but failed to qualify. The
boys were accompanied by coach Maury GEIST.

In order to settle the estate of Thomas J. STEPHENS, 121 1/2 acres of land, three miles west of Redding, was sold
Monday at public auction. Fay B. WARDEN of Blockton bought 40 acres at $75 per acre and a 2 1/2-acre tract for $20.
Samuel J. SMITH and Paul SMITH purchased 79 acres at $40 per acre. Children of the late Mr. STEPHENS, Lela STEPHENS,
Thomas STEPHENS and Lester STEPHENS, had previously purchased the home place, 160 acres, for $125 per acre. The
total sale price was $27,760.

March 24, a son, Dale Laverne, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert LAMB, Maryville MO
March 26, a daughter, Janice Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles BROTT, Clearfield
March 28, a son, Bradley Keith, to Mr. and Mrs. Bud BUTLER, Mount Ayr
March 28, a son, Kim Douglas, to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd CHARTRAND, Mount Ayr
March 30, a daughter, Susan Diane, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis GOFF, Grant City MO

For Sale, Nemaha seed oats, 96 percent Ames tested, $1.45 per bushel, Bernard Dufty
May Motor Sales
1946 Ford, $975 1949 Plymouth Suburban station wagon, $850
1942 Chevrolet Tudor, $250 1939 Plymouth $99.50
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

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