Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa October of 1944

FOR SALE - Improved 160 acres, four miles north of Mount Ayr on paved road, house and barn wired for REA,
$75 per acre; some town properties, one bath and oil burner furnace. - Mowry Real Estate Agency, Mount Ayr.
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TAKEN UP AS ESTRAYS - Ten head of heavy shoats. Owner may have same for paying for feed and keep and this advertisement.
- Charles Ricker, Diagonal, phone 16 on 42.
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FOR SALE - New bicycles. No certificate necessary. See them at your Firestone Store.
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STRAYED from sale barn in Mount Ayr - White-faced heifer, weight about 350 pounds.
- Ralph Reese.
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POPCORN WANTED - For quick sale on your 1944 crop write: F. H. Schallinger, care Confection Cabinet Corp.,
430 W. Erie St., Chicago, Ill.
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FOR SALE - Purebred Spotted Poland China male hog. - Doyle Barker, Mount Ayr, phone 3 on 26.
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FOR SALE - 175 big type White Leghorn yearling hens. - Mrs. Merle James, near Hickory Grove church.
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FOR SALE - Model B Allis-Chalmers tractor in good condition. - Merritt I. Reynolds, Kellerton.
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STRAYED - White-faced calf and a short two-year-old. - Wilber Lynch.
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FOR SALE - Sorrel team, well matched, gentle to work, five and seven eyars old, weight 1500. - Homer Smith.
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FOR SALE - Spoted male hog and circulating heater. - Russell Shields.
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LOST - Log chain in Liberty township. - Guy Burch, Benton.
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FOR SALE - Purbred Duroc boars and gilts, 40 head. Immune, pedigreed, dark red, thick, smooth kind. They are
sired by Ace's Pride, his dam being a littermate to the 1941 grand champion fat barrows at the International at Chicago.
Dams are 600-pound yearling sows, from some of the best herds in Iowa. They are the best pigs I have ever raised.
Farmer prices. - L. S. Ryan, 2 miles east of Ellston, rock road.
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FOR SALE - Hammermill in good condition. - Ansel Saville, Blockton.
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FOR SALE - 1938 V-8 DeLuxe sedan with '41 motor. Four good tires. - LBanks Wood, phone through Clearfield.
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FOR SALE - International No. 3 corn picker. See Lloyd Reynolds, two miles west of Tingley.
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FOR SALE - Chester White male hog from the Hall herd at Corning - good one. Also good wood heater.
- J. M. Link, Benton.
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BANNING FARM - 169 acres, 5 miles northwest from Shannon City. Six-room house and ample outbuildings. Low taxes.
School 1/2 mile. 25% by March 1st, balance terms. Want an offer. Tenant, L. R. Bantock. Write C. E. Riede, Feldman, 112
Ottwmwa St., Ottumwa, Iowa.
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FOR SALE - Jim Mosier 80 acres in Pow township. - Roy Wilkinson.
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FOR SALE - Between 600 and 700 White Oak posts. - M. C. Shay, Maloy.
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FOR SALE - 1938 Chevrolet, Tudor sedan, reconditioned, new paint; Hampshire boar; gray gelding, weight,
1600; sorrel gelding, weight 1600; two Herford bulls. - Archie Parker, Diagonal.
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FOR SALE OR TRADE - 1935 Chevrolet pickup, with grain box and rack. Good mechanical condition. Four extra good
7.50x15 6-ply tires. Will trade for tractor. - Merle Stephens at Roe Implement Co.
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HELP WANTED - Maid to work in modern home. Call Mount Ayr 132.
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NOTICE - We still can get material for reparing and upholstering furniture. - Hood's Furniture Store.
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FOR SALE - 1500 bushels of corn in crib. - W. E. Cavender, four miles north of Maloy.
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FOR SALE - Eight-inch Burr mill feed grinder. - A. W. Newman, Kellerton.
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NEW BATTERIES are getting scarce. Do you need a new battery? See us. - Spencer Service Station, Mount Ayr.
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FOR SALE - 10-inch International feed grinder. - Clyde Waugh, Redding, Iowa.
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THREE New South Wind Heaters left; also three good second-hand heaters and one nearly new hot water heater.
- Spencer Service Station, Mount Ayr.
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BUY your harness needs now. Supply is limited. - Kimble Shoe and Harness Shop.
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For Hammermill Service phone 230 or 390. - Raymond Barker.
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FOR SALE - A-C combine, in good condition. - W. C. Bagley, 7 miles north from Mount Ayr on No. 169 and 1/2 mile west.
Submission by Theola Weeda June of 2013
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
