Ringgold County, Iowa 1917-1918NOTE: Children noted are under age of 12 years.
PACE, Clarence Kyle, Benton, Iowa
born December 24, 1889, Henderson, IA farmer, married
PACHA, Afred, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 25, 1895, Diagonal, IA farmhand of John REIFT, Ringgold Co., single
PACHA, Lewis, Diagonal, Iowa
born November 6, 1896, Diagonal, IA farms with
father, Joseph PACHA, Diagonal, IA NOTE: Father's birthplace -
Zanberk, Boehmia, Austria, Europe
PAGE, Albert Roy, RFD 2, Diagonal, Iowa
born August 18, 1883 farmer, spouse - Anna Mary PAGE
PAGE, Edward Evert, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 26, 1885 farmer, spouse - Lillie May PAGE
PAINTER, Cloyd Willis, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born August 25, 1900 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father B. J. PAINTER, Kellerton, IA
PAINTER, Ivyl Palmer, Kellerton, Iowa
born August 17, 1896 farmer, spouse - Fern PAINTER
NOTE: Father's birthplace - West Virginia
PAINTER, Lester H., Beaconsfield, Iowa
born February 28, 1892, Newhart, MO school teacher, married
PALMER, Bert Floyd, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 7, 1884 unemployed typist, single
nearest relative - father C. S. PALMER, Sr., Mount Ayr, IA
PALMER, Clarence Sidney, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 5, 1876 abstractor for F. C. SHELDON &Co. of Mount Ayr
souse - Mary A. PALMER
PARISH, Samuel Reed, Diagonal, Iowa
born Febuary 15 1891, Smokey Valley, KY farmhand of Thomas BENDER of Diagonal, IA, single
PARKER, Guy Harrison, Knowlton, Iowa
born January 17, 1889, Redding, IA farmer, single
PARKER, Jas. Carl, Knowlton, Iowa
born September 7, 1894, Redding, IA farmer, single
PARKER, Ralph Herbert, RFD 1, Knowlton, Iowa
born July 28, 1898 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father Frank PARKER, Knowlton, IA
PARKINS, Kenneth David, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 12, 1895 farmer, married
PARKHURST, Evert, RFD 1, Clearfield, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born February 15, 1880 farmhand of T. E. JAMISON, Clearfield, IA
spouse - Emma PARKHURST
PATTERSON, Floyd, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 12, 1888, Ringgold Co., IA farmhand of Wm.FIFE, Mount Ayr, IA, single
PATTERSON, Lloyd, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 12, 1898, Kellerton, IA farmer, married with 3 children
PATRICK, Charles, RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born March 25, 1882 farmer, spouse - Eva N. PATRICK
PAYNE, Squire Frank, RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born February 16, 1880 farmer, Lois A. PAYNE
PAYTON, Everett Shields, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 19, 1892, Lamoni, IA farmer, single
PAYTON, Lewis Leonal, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 7, 1887, Norton, KS automobile &stock salesman, single
PAYTON, Roy Harley, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 14, 1900 farmer, single
nearest relative - William Henry PAYTON, Mount Ayr, IA
PEARCE,Charles Henry, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 29, 1894, Grand River, IA farmer, single
PEDERSEN, Jens Mannas, Ellston, Iowa
born August 6, 1883 farmer, spouse - Maria PEDERSEN
PEDERSEN, Marius, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born June 22, 1891, Veddum, Denmark farmer, married with a child
PEERY, Granville Erwin, Tingley, Iowa
born August 7, 1881 farmer, spouse - Bertha PEERY
PEPPMEIER, Amos Ferdanand, Diagonal, Iowa
born February 1, 1896, Shannon City, IA farmhand of Guy CORNEILLSON of Ringgold Co., single
PEPPMEIER, Charles John, Shannon City, Iowa
born March 14, 1888, Diagonal, IA farmer, married with a child
PEPPMEIER, John Ludwig, [city left blank], Ringgold County, Iowa
born October 30, 1893, Shannon City, IA Ringgold Co. farmer, married
PEPPMEIER, William Fried, RFD 2, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born April 3, 1886 farmhand of Wm. MARKLEY of Shannon City, IA
spouse - Olive Francis PEPPMEIER
PERDUE, John William, Diagonal, Iowa
born May 10, 1879 fray transfer business, spouse - Laura Ann PERDUE
PERKINS, Bert Willis, RFD 1, Benton, Iowa
born September 21, 1873 farmer, spouse - Blanche PERKINS
PERKINS, Murray J., Benton, Iowa
born March 1879 inmate of State Institute for Feeble Minded
Children, Glenwood, IA Exemption - disqualified by reason of mental infirmity
PERKINS, Oatis Nelty, Knowlton, Iowa
born January 29, 1877 junk dealer, spouse - Laura May PERKINS
PETERSHON, Bruno Herman, Creston, Union Co., Iowa
born January 2, 1899 farms for Otto R. PETERSHON, Tingley, IA, single
nearest relative - France PETERSOHN, Creston, IA
PETERSHON, Harry Conrad, Shannon City, Iowa
born April 22, 1890, German Empire, Europe
farmer of Ringgold Co., married with 4 children NOTE: naturalized citizen
PETERSHON, Otto Reynold, Ringley, Iowa
born May 25, 1885 farmer, spouse - Marjorie PETERSHON
PETERSON, Jabez Q., RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold, Iowa
born October 13, 1878 farmer, spouse - Nellie PETERSON
PETTICORD, William Rodney, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 15, 1879 farmhand of H. H. MILLSAP, Mount Ayr, IA
spouse - Grace PETTICORD
PETTIS, James Harold, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 25, 1885 farmer, nearest relative - Alfred PETTIS, Kellerton, IA
PETTIS, Joseph H., Benton, Iowa
born November 28, 1875 farmer, spouse - Bessie B. PETTIS
PHILLIPPE, Elmer Edgar, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 23, 1888, Redding, IA farmhand of Charely MERRITT,Kellerton, married with 2 children
PHILLIPPE, George Washington, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 26, 1892, Redding, IA farmhand for Joe WENDELL of Kellerton, IA, single
PHILLIPPE, Leroy L., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 14, 1889, Redding, IA buyer &shipper for A. S. NEWMAN of Mount Ayr married with 2 children
Previous Military Service as a private with the South Dakota
National Guard for 2 years
PHILLIPPE, Virgil Merle, RR 2, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 28, 1898 farmhand of Chas. MERRITT, Kellerton, IA, single
nearest relative - Elsie Gertrude PHILLIPPE
PHILLIPS, Irven Martin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 7, 1896, Mount Ayr, IA farmhand of I. L. IRVING, Mount Ayr, single
PHIPPS, John Willis Edwin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 9, 1891, Shambaugh, IA farmer, married with 3 children
PIDCOCK, George Lloyd, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born January 31, 1887, Beaconsfield, IA farmer, married with a child
PIKE, William Arthur, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 29, 1876 farmer, spouse - Grace PIKE
PIM, William Henry, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born December 20, 1872 farmer, nearest relative - Scott PIM, Red Oak, IA
PINE, Edgar R., Diagonal, Iowa
born July 22, 1876 farmer, spouse - Mamie F. PINE
PINE, John L., RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 20, 1874 farmer, spouse - Dollie PINE
PINE, Max E., Diagonal, Iowa
born July 12, 1896, Alexis, IL employed by father, single
nearest relative - mother Mrs. Fred A. PINE, Diagonal, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Alexis, Illinois
PINE, Walter J., RFD 2, Diagonal, Iowa
born February 17, 1900 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father F. A. PINE, Diagonal, IA
PINGREE, Andrew Jackson, Tingley, Iowa
born September 30, 1891, Afton, IA farmer, married with 1 child
PINGREE, John Bruce, Tingley, Iowa
born April 15, 1876 farmer, nearest relative - John Aldon
PINGREE, Tingley, IA
POLEN, George, Diagonal, Iowa
born July 14, 1884 farmer, nearest relative - Jacob POLEN, Diagonal, IA
POLEN, Harry, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 16, 1895, Polen, IA laborer, single
POLEN, Hughy Melvin, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 5, 1874 engineer employeed by Sam BUCK of Diagonal, IA
spouse - Sarah POLEN
POLLEY, Guy Earnest, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 12, 1887, Maloy, IA farmer, married with 1 child
POLLEY, William Albert, Delphos, Iowa
born September 14, 1882 janitor at Delphos School, spouse -
POLLOCK, Henry, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 21, 1875 farmer, spouse - Josephine POLLOCK
POLLOCK, John Elwyn, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 2, 1878 farmer, spouse - Zella May POLLOCK
POLLOCK, John Sidney, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born August 20, 1880 farmer of Jefferson Twp., Ringgold County
spouse - Rozena Edith POLLOCK
POOLE, Edward C., RFD 3, Diagonal, Iowa
born September 9, 1874 farmer, spouse - Bertha M. POOLE
POOLE, Ralph Burden, Diagonal, Iowa
born December 31, 1899 farmer, single, nearest relative - Ed POOLE, Diagonal, IA
POOR, Alvin Linzy, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 20, 1874, Maloy, IA farmer, married with an infant
POOR, Frankly Pearley, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 12, 1892, Maloy, IA farms with father W. A. POOR of Kellerton, single
POOR, John Lawrence, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 3, 1899 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father W. W. POOR, Mount Ayr, IA
POOR, Wesley Ralph, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 30, 1899 teacher, single, nearest relative -
father Wesley A. POOR, Kellerton, IA
POOR, Willie Walter, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 13, 1876 rural mail carrier, spouse - Maude POOR
POORE, Elmer Roy, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 30, 1879 farmer, spouse - Erma Edith POORE
POTTER, Harmon, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 30, 1880 farmer, spouse - Alice L. POTTER
POTTEr, John William Milton, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born [illegible] 1875 farmer of Lotts Creek Twp., married
NOTE: John signed his registration card with his mark, an "X".
POTTORFF, Joseph Albert, RFD 3, Hatfield, MO
born April 3, 1873 farmer of Ringgold Co., spouse - Lula AGNES POTTORFF
POTTS, Alex, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 2, 1879 farmer, spouse - Mable POTTS
POTTS, Charles William, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 22, 1888, Dunlap, IL farmer, single
Exemption declared due to membership with Assembly of God Church
POTTS, James Richard, Kellerton, Iowa
born October 21, 1890, Dunlap, IL farmer, single
POTTS, Robert Henry, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 25, 1886, Dunlap, IL farmer, married
Exemption declared due to membership with Assembly of God Church
POWELL, Charley Henry, Diagonal, Iowa
born April 18, 1887, Kansas City, MO farmer, married with 3 children
POWELL, Delbert Ross, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 3, 1889, Memphis, MO station agent for CG&Q Rail Road, Diagonal, married
POWELL, Robert Edward, Diagonal, Iowa
born September 6, 1897 farmhand of Mrs. Wm. CANNY, Diagonal, IA
nearest relative - Sam Henry POWELL, Diagonal
POWERS, Lewis Franklin, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born July 14, 1877 farmer, spouse - Sarah POWERS
POWERS, Vern, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 3, 1899 mechanic with A. A. Peasley of Kellerton, single
nearest relative - Frank POWERS, Kellerton, IA
PRATT, William Levi, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 26, 1884 farmer, spouse - Lela Ethel PRATT
PRENTIS, Myron Glen, Knowlton, Iowa
born January 16, 1893, Delphos, IA farmer, married
PRESTON, William Grant, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 14, 188, Ridgeway, MO farmer, married with 4 children
PRICE, Earl Jay, Diagonal, Iowa
born December 10, 1889, Diagonal, IA farmer, married with 3 children
PRICE, Herschel Duncan, , Iowa
born August 17, 1886, Albany, MO proprietor of clothing store in Mount Ayr, single
Previous Military Service as a bugler with the Missouri National
Guard for 2 1/2 years
PRICE, Howard, Landreth, Ellston, Iowa
born September 2, 1895, Ellston, IA farmer, single
PRICE, John Walter, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 27, 1899 farmhand of Ralph KLING, Mount Ayr, single
nearest relative - Charley PRICE, Mount Ayr, IA
PRICE, William Albert, Ellston, Iowa
born April 3, 1880 real estate agent, spouse - Florence PRICE
PRICE, William Edward, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 2, 1881 farmer, spouse - Cora F. PRICE
PRIEST, John Lester, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born October 29, 1885 farmer, spouse - Irene Jeanette PRIEST
PRICHARD, Lewis Orlando, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 27, 1900 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father W. E. PRITCHARD, Mount Ayr, IA
PRITCHARD, Walter Edward, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 21, 1876 farmer, spouse - Grace E. PRITCHARD
PROCTOR, Earl Henry, Maloy, Iowa
born January 2, 1886 farmer, spouse - Mary Grace PROCTOR
PROCTOR, Harry Kenneth, Maloy, Iowa
born July 15, 1898 farmhand of J. T. O'CONNOR, Maloy, IA, single
nearest relative - Mrs. Elizabeth PROCTOR, Maloy, IA
PUTNEY, George Washington, RFD 2, Diagonal, Iowa
born November 2, 1874 farme, spouse - Eva PUTNEY
PYLE, Fred, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 30, 1900 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father Thos. J. PYLE, Mount Ayr, IA
PYLE, Ora Otis, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 10, 1888, Hatfield, MO farmer, married with 3 children
PYLE, Thomas Jacob, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 28, 1878 farmer, spouse - Myrtle Luella PYLE
PYLE, Frederick Grant, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 22, 1890, Allendale, MO farmer, married with 1 child
SOURCE: National Archives, Washington, D. C.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2008
