Ringgold County, Iowa 1917-1918
NOTE: Children noted are under age of 12 years.
MacKEY, Clyde, RFD 2, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 19, 1900 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father, Charley MacKEY, Kellerton, IA
MacKEY, Frank, Kellerton, Iowa
born December 27, 1889, Kellerton, IA farms with father, single
nearest relative - father, Charley MacKEY, Kellerton, IA
Exemption - totally disabled due to withered leg
MacKEY, George Edward, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 29, 1878 laborer on bridge gang,
spouse - Lucy O. MacKEY
MacKEY, Virgil Guy, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 27, 1879 farmer, spouse - Tillness McKEY
MacKEY, Grover Guy, Kellerton, Iowa
born July 25, 1892, Kellerton, IA farmer, married
MADSON, William, Tingley, Iowa
born December 4, 1897 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father Peter MADSON, Tingley, IA
MAGGARD, Norval, Tingley, Iowa
born June 18, 1897, Ringgold Co., IA self-employed, spouse - Ada MAGGARD
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Cass Co., IA
MAGGARD, Roy Rogers, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 14, 1899 farms with T. E. MAGGARD, single
nearest relative - Nellie G. MAGGARD, Kellerton, IA
MAGGARD, William Howard, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 16, 1899 farmer, single,
nearest relative - James T. MAGGARD, Kellerton, IA
MAHAN, James Edwin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 9, 1899 granite cutter with W. W. PRUET of
McKinney, TX, single nearest relative - T. J. MAHAN, Mount Ayr, IA
MAHAN, Thomas Joseph, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 12, 1873 self-employed monument dealer,
spouse - Nannie MAHAN
MAIN, Adrian Truman, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 2, 1900 farmer, single,
nearest relative - Joe MAIN, Mount Ayr, IA
MAIN, Alexander Melville, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 16, 1874 carpenter, spouse - Minnie G. MAIN
MAIN, Corwin Ernest, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 26, 1893, Mount Ayr farmer, married with
1 child under 12 years of age
MAIN, Cortez Riley, Redding, Iowa
born July 5, 1873 farmer, spouse - Lottie MAIN
MAIN, Dwight, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 6, 1885 farms for H. H. WILSON of
Mount Ayr, spouse - Addie MAIN
MAIN, Homer LaRue, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 20, 1897 farmer, single,
nearest relative - E. E. MAIN, Mount Ayr, IA
MAIN, John Ralph, Redding, Iowa
born February 5, 1880 printer &publisher,
spouse - Ella MAIN
MAIN, Orville Merritt, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 23, 1897, Mount Ayr, IA employee of Ralph DUNCAN of Delphos, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Indiana
MAIN, Peter Roe, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 14, 1876, Mount Ayr, IA employed by father, single
nearest relative - father, W. H. MAIN, Mount Ayr
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Hartsville, Indiana
MAIN, Wesley Hayes, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 25, 1876 proprietor of a resturant, Mount Ayr,
spouse - Elizabeth MAIN
MALONEY, James W., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 18, 1896, Mount Ayr, IA farmer, single
nearest relative - Mr. &Mrs. Wm. MALONEY, Mount Ayr, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Ireland
MALONEY, John William, Redding, Iowa
born October 1, 1898 laborer for father, single
nearest relative - father Daniel Elbert MALONEY, Redding, IA
MALONEY, Leslie Arthur, Redding, Iowa
born July 3, 1897, Darlington, MO employed by father, single
nearest relative - father D. E. MALONEY, Redding, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Illinois
MALLONY, Chester M., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 14, 1889, Chicago, IL insurance agent for
National Travelers Insurance, Des Moines, IA, single
MALOY, Forest Foy, Maloy, Iowa
born April 8, 1898 farmhand of E. S. KEANE, Maloy, IA, single
nearest relative Mrs. Eva RICH, Maloy, IA
MALOY, Flavel Baird, Redding, Iowa
born January 7, 1892, Redding, IA farmer, married with 1 child
MANNASMITH, Clarence Alfred, Kellerton, Iowa
born December 24, 1880 assistant cashier with Ringgold County
Savings Bank, Kellerton nearest relative - M. E. MANNASMITH, Kellerton, IA
MANNASMITH, John Alexander, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 28, 1878 rural mail carrier,
spouse - Eula Irene MANNASMITH
MANNING, Cairo, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born January 30, 1894, Beaconsfield, IA farmer, single
MANNING, Ernest John, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 19, 1889, Kellerton, IA farmer, married with 1 child
MANNING, Frank, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 23, 1880 grocer, Kellerton, IA,
spouse - Lyda E. MANNING
MAPEL, Charley, Diagonal, Iowa
born February 16, 1887, Maloy, IA lumberman for Diagonal Lumber Co., married with a child
MAPEL, Claude Lorane, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born march 15, 1881 carpenter, nearest relative - mother
Amanda MAPEL, Mount Ayr, IA
MAPEL, Fred, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 14, 1884 invalid, nearest relative - Pearl MAPEL, Mount Ayr, IA
MARINER, William F., June 27, 1900, Iowa
born June 27, 1900 baggage &postal clerk at Union Depot,
Kansas City, MO, single nearest relative - M. MARINER, Tingley, IA
MARKER, William Oscar, Ellston, Iowa
born September 24, 1880 merchant, spouse - Ethel O. MARKER
MARKLAND, Millard, RFD 2, Clearfield, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born January 4, 1879 farms for J. U. WYANT of
Clearfield, spouse - Minnie E. MARKLAND
MARKLEY, Arthur Bicknell, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born February 28, 1881 farmer of Jefferson Twp.,
spouse - Myrtle Vianna MARKLEY
MARKLEY, John Ruskins, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 12, 1876 mechanic for Beall Auto, Co., Albia, IA
spouse - Fannie MARKLEY
MARKER, Joseph Anderson, Tingley, Iowa
born March 18, 1877 farmer, spouse - Gertie B. MARKER
MARSH, Earl Franklin, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 7, 1900 farms with father, single,
nearest relative - father Frank MARSH, Mount Ayr, IA
MARSH, Ray Wilber, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 17, 1894, Mount Ayr, IA farmer of Lotts Creek Twp., married
MARSHALL, Elvis D., RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 15, 1898 farmer, nearest relative - Fern V. MARSHALL
MARTIN, Berdene Lewis, Delphos, Iowa
born August 23, 1892, Blythsdale, MO section foreman of CB&Q Rail Road, married with 3 children
MARTIN, Fred W., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 15, 1876 foreman of road gang for Ringgold Co., spouse - Gertrude MARTIN
MARTIN, Leo R., Kellerton, Iowa
born May 29, 1892, Lamoni, IA farmer, married with 2 children
MARTS, George Washington, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 3, 1888, Denver, CO butcher, married with 2 children
MASON, Ralph William, Ellston, Iowa
born January 2, 1897, Ellston, IA self-employed, spouse - Lulu MASON
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Greencastle, Indiana
MATHANY, Earnest Charles, RFD 1, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born October 13, 1875 farmer, spouse - Gertrude MATHANY
MATHIS, Basil Edward, Tingley, Iowa
born April 25, 1890, Knowlton, IA farmer, married with 1 child
MATHIS, Robert Roy, Knowlton, Iowa
born November 12, 1881 self-employed well digger, nearest relative - A. A. MATHIS, Gillett, WY
MATHIS, Orem Edgaer, Hatfield, MO
born December 23, 1892, Harrison Co., MO Ringgold Co. farmer, married with 2 children
MATTHEWS, Alfred James, Maloy, Iowa
born November 25, 1872 farmer, nearest relative - Marshall MATTHEWS, Maloy, IA
MATTHEWS, Jesse Fletcher, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 15, 1881 farmer, spouse - Rose MATTHEWS
MATTHEWS, John William, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 20, 1874 farmer, spouse - Mary MATTHEWS
MATTHEWS, Joseph, Maloy, Iowa
born April 15, 1890, Maloy, IA farmer, single
MATTHEWS, Richard Cecil, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 11, 1899 student at Grand Island Business College [NE], single
nearest relative - J. W. MATTHEWS, Mount Ayr, IA
MATTHEWS, Robert Loyd, Maloy, Iowa
born June 18, 1894, Maloy, IA farmer, married with 1 child
MAUDLIN, Harvey Franklin, RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born December 23, 1884 farmer, spouse - America E. MAUDLIN
MAULDIN, Ora Herman, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 21, 1882 farmer, spouse - Grace E. MAUDLIN
MAXWELL, Frank H., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 30, 1888, Ringgold Co., IA farmhand of A. M. HOLEN, Red Oak, IA, single
MAXWELL, Glen Allen, Ellston, Iowa
born January 9, 1898 employed at Orvill WOODS' sawmill, Ellston, single
nearest relative - Carrie May MAXWELL, Ellston, IA
MAY, Buell Emerson, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 2, 1897 farmer, spouse - Bessie Fay MAY
MAY, William Ammon, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 8, 1889, Monroe Co., IA farms for J. H. MAY, Lotts Creek Twp., single
MAYHALL, Ross, Shannon City, Ringgold Co. , Iowa
born November 8, 1874 farmer of Jefferston Twp., Ringgold Co., spouse - Anna MAYHALL
MAYNARD, Frank Otis, RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born May 3, 1886 farmer, spouse - Etta MAYNARD
MAYS, Roy W., RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 1, 1875 farms for A. H. BEEDE, Kellerton
nearest relative - Ben W. MAYS, Corry PA
McCHESNEY, Nathan C., RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born July 17, 1880 farmer, spouse - Vissie McCHESNEY
McCLANAHAN, Frances Howard, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 2, 1882 manager of Stintson &Maxwell Store, McPhinson, IA
nearest relative - Mrs Elizabeth McCLANAHAN
McCLANAHAN, Roy Clifford, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 13, 1875 farmer, spouse - Elizabeth McCLANAHAN
McCLAREY, Charley Louis, Knowlton, Iowa
born February 2, 1899 laborer for W. R. BROWN of
Knowlton, IA, single nearest relative - J. M. McCLAREY, Knowlton, IA
McCLURE, David Leslie, Tingley, Iowa
born August 24, 1885 self-employed lumber dealer, spouse - Emma McCLURE
McCLURG, Charles A., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 3, 1876 farmhand for Isaac MOSIER of Mount Ayr, IA
nearest relative - Mrs. Jennie HETZEL, Mount Ayr, IA
McCLELLAND, Riley F., Redding, Iowa
born May 23, 1889, Grant City, MO
farmer, married with 3 children
McCONNELL, Bird Herman, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born August 27, 1878 farmer, spouse - Ollie McCONNELL
McCONNELL, GLen Dale, Ellston, Iowa
born June 29, 1891, Mount Ayr, IA
carpenter, married with 2 children
McCONNELL, Hale J., Beaconsfield, Iowa
born December 29, 1895, Beaconsfield, IA
farm laborer for George McCONNELL, Beaconsfiel, IA, single
McCONNELL, Harley Henry, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 22, 1873 farmer, spouse - Luella McCONNELL
McCONNELL, Hugh, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 17, 1899 farmer, single, nearest relative -
Harl McCONNELL, Mount Ayr, IA
McCOWEN, Fred, RFD 2, Diagonal, Iowa
born November 11, 1897 farms for W. J. SNETHEN of Diagonal, IA
nearest relative - Jay McCOWEN, Diagonal, IA
McCOWEN, Harvey Franklin, Tingley, Iowa
born December 22, 1874 farmer, spouse -
Nellie D. McCOWEN
McCOWEN, James Tildon, Tingley, Iowa
born August 11, 1878 farmer, spouse - Jessie McCOWEN
McCREARY, Frank LeRoy, Tingley, Iowa
born December 4, 1890, Emmettsburg, IA
Tingley school teacher, married
McCREARY, George Allen , Knowlton, Iowa
born August 2, 1896, Atlantic, IA employed by Robert
TAYLOR of Elsie, NE, single nearest relative - Hannah McCREARY
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Missouri
McCREARY, Leo, Knowlton, Iowa
born February 8, 1899 farm laborer for Ed WELSH of
Elkton, SD, single nearest relative - father James McCREARY, Knowlton, IA
McCULLOUGH, Guy Lee Roy, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 10, 1898 truck driver for E. M. ELLINGSON of
Des Moines, IA, single nearest relative - Gran McCULLOUGH, Kellerton, IA
McDONALD, Francis Patrick "Frank", RFD 1, Diagonal, Iowa
born May 20, 1878 farms for James McDONALD, Diagonal, IA
nearest relative - Anna McDONALD, Dubuque, IA
McDONALD, John, RFD 1, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 28, 1899 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father James McDONALD, Diagonal, IA
McDOWELL, Roy Wesley, Tingley, Iowa
born March 26, 1875 drayman, spouse - Edna Rachel McDOWELL
McDOWELL, William Ellis, Tingley, Iowa
born June 10, 1876 farmer &thresher, spouse - Euphemia McDOWELL
McFARLAND, Johnn William, Benton, Iowa
born October 28, 1884 farmer, spouse - Clora McFARLAND
McGAHUEY, Samuel Lodric, Kellerton, Iowa
born August 2, 1894, Burrel, IA
section hand for CB&Q Rail Road, married with 1 child
Exemption due to membership with Penticostial Church
McGAUGHEY, Fred A., Kellerton, Iowa
born November 24, 1899 farmer, single nearest relative - Mrs.
Ada McGAUGHEY, Kellerton
McGAUGHEY, Lennie Randall, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 11, 1897, Decatur Co., IA self-employed, single
NOTE: Putman Co., Indiana
McGEHEE, Ward Orr, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 22, 1896, Maloy, IA self-employed, spouse -
Lottie Belle McGEHEE NOTE: Father's birthplace - Illinois
McGRATH, Peter John, RFD 1, Knowlton, Iowa
born October 1, 1897 farms with father T. W. McGRATH,
Knowlton, IA, single nearest relative - Mary McGRATH, Knowlton, IA
McGUIRE, Ernest Leslie, Diagonal, Iowa
born November 25, 1892, Bormand, MO printer for
W. R. RUS of Diagonal, married with 1 child
McHENRY, Jerry A., Mount Ayr, Iowa [spelled "Mount Erie" on card]
born February 27, 1873 farmhand of Henry KRAFT of
Oakes, ND nearest relative - George McHENRY, Mount Ayr, IA
McHENRY, John, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 12, 1881 farmer, nearest relative - George McHENRY, Mount Ayr, IA
McHENRY, John Robert, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 20, 1896, Harrison Co., MO self-
employed, single nearest relative - mother &father, Route 6, Mount Ayr, IA NOTE: Father's birthplace - Wisconsin
McHENRY, Joseph Robert, RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born April 9, 1880 farmer, spouse - Cara [?] McHENRY
McKEE, John William, Tingley, Iowa
born June 19, 1879 farmer, spouse - Ollie Ellen McKEE
McKINE, William, RFD 1, Knowlton, Iowa
born January 16, 1885 farmer, spouse - Edith McKINE
McLAURY, James Thomas, RFD 1, Clearfield, Ringgold, Iowa
born April 17, 1880 farmer, spouse - Anna Bell McLAURY
McMANUS, Michael Leo, RFD 1, Diagonal, Iowa
born Jan 10, 1880 farmer, nearest relative - John W. McMANUS, Diagonal, IA
McMANUS, Wm. John, RFD 1, Diagonal, Iowa
born July 16, 1878 farmer, spouse - Josephine McMANUS
McMATH, Vinson Willis, Clearfield, Iowa
born October 30, 1884 farmer of Ringgold Co., spouse - Elise Bell McMATH
McNEIL, Ernest Wasson, Tingley, Iowa
born May9, 1878 proprietor of meat market, Tingley, spouse - Jennie McNEIL
McNESSE, Rolla, Maloy, Iowa
born August 14, 1890, Gentry, MO farmhand of M. C. SHAY of Maloy, married with a child NOTE: Rolla signed his registration card with his mark, an "X".
McNUTT, John Alexander, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born December 3, 1877 employed by United Oil, Co.,
oil station, Shannon City, spouse - Hattie McNUTT
McNUTT, Martin Edmond, Ellston, Iowa
born December 19, 1875 real estate agent, spouse - Maggie H. McNUTT
McPHEETERS, Walter Perry, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 7, 1891, Middle Fork Twp. doctor of osteopathy, Mount Ayr, married
McPHERSON, Evan A., Delphos, Iowa
born January 16, 1873 farmer, spouse - Ella J. McPHERSON
McQUIGG, Joseph Addison, Mount Ary, Iowa
born May 24, 1886 farmer, nearest relative - T. D. McQUIGG, Mount Ayr, IA
McQUIGG, Ernest Worth, RFD 1, Redding, Iowa
born February 26, 1877 farmer, spouse - Estinnie McQUIGG
MEKEMSON, Andrew Thompson, Redding, Iowa
born September 15, 1883 farms for W. B. MEKEMSON, Redding
spouse - Effic MEKEMSON
MELODY, Patrick, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born March 16, 1875 farmer of Jefferson Twp.,
spouse - Bridget MELODY
MERCER, Johnn Martin, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 23, 1878 farmer, spouse - Lelia MERCER
MERCER, Joseph Warren, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 14, 1890, Galena, OH engineer for Ringgold Co. Highway Commission, married
MERRILL, Alfred Lea, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 25, 1895, Kellerton farms with father,
S. N. MERRILL, Kellerton, single
MERRILL, Forest Ray, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 22, 1892, Kellerton, IA farmer, married with 2 children
MERRILL, Frank S., RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 14, 1884 farmer, spouse - Lena MERRILL
MERRIMAN, Charley, Redding, Iowa
born March 19, 1887, Blocton, IA farm laborer for Will WALSTON, Redding, IA, single
MERRITT, Archie G., Kellerton, Iowa
born May 26, 1887, Kellerton farms for Joseph F.
MERRITT, Kellerton, IA, single
MERRITT, Carrol Ray, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 7, 1893, Kellerton farmer, married with 1 child
MESSLER, Edwin Walter, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 7, 1873 salesman with Wragg Nursery Co. of
Diagonal spouse - Effie MESSLER
MIARS, Francis Earl, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 29, 1885 traveling salesman for Magestic Mfg. Co. of
St. Louis, MO spouse - Ollie E. MICARS
MCHAEL, ALbert Wesley, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 7, 1873 section hand with CB&Q
Rail Road, spouse - Lizzie M. MICHAEL
MICHAEL, Charles Perry, RFD 1, Redding, Iowa
born October 21, 1876 farmer, spouse - Lou Anna MICHAEL
MICHAEL, James Ernest, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 31, 1892, Mount Ayr, IA farmer,
married with 2 children
MICHAEL, John Hillary, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 25, 1887 farmer, married with 2 children
MICK, Charley Gettes, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born February 4, 1893, Clarinda, IA farmer, married with 2 children
MICHAEL, Charley William, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 4, 1890, Kellerton, IA farmer, single
MICKAEL, James Franklin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 21, 1883 restuarant employee, nearest relative -
Welthie OLLIVER MICKAEL, Mount Ayr, IA
MICKAEL, N. S., Kellerton, Iowa
born July 7, 1892, Kellerton, IA farmhand for
Roy MICKAEL, Kellerton, IA, single
MICKAEL, Roy Bell, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 18, 1881 farmer, spouse - Lizzie MICKAEL
MIDDLESWORTH, Carl Logan, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 2, 1881 baker, spouse - Iva MIDDLESWORTH
MIDDLESWORTH, Dey Warren, September 8, 1883, Iowa
born September 8, 1883 druggist, spouse - Mabel MIDDLESWORTH
MIDDLETON, Charley Lee, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 27, 1899 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father Allie MIDDLETON, Mount Ayr, IA
MIDDLETON, Herbert Ray, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 22, 1894, Mount Ayr, IA farmer, single
Exemption - near sighted
MILIKIN, Samuel, RFD 4, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 19 [year missing, age 18] farms with
father, single nearest relative - father James MILIKIN, Diagonal, IA
MILLER, Charles Elton, Benton, Iowa
born February 27, 1891, Redding, IA farmer, married with 1 child
MILLER, Charles H., RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 1, 1886 farmer, spouse - Elizabeth MILLER
MILLER, Chester Arthur, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born October 5, 1881 farmer, spouse - Inez Ann MILLER
MILLER, Clarence Albert, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 8, 1883 farmer, spouse - Mary Maud MILLER
MILLER, Clyde Wesley, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 9, 1900 bridge laborer for Ringgold Co., single
nearest relative - Ida Myrtle MILLER, Diagonal, IA
MILLER, Cyrus Carroll, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 24, 1899 farms with father, singel
nearest relative - father Thomas J. MILLER, Kellerton, IA
MILLER, Forest Ray, Ellston, Iowa
born March 2, 1892, Ellston, IA farmer, married with 2 children
MILLER, Fred Olliver, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born December 26, 1884 farmer, spouse - Nellie Mae MILLER
MILLER, Guy Edgar, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 22, 1894, Kellerton, IA farmer, single
MILLER, Henry Dennis, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 4, 1878 farms for Carl LUNNEY, Mount Ayr, IA
spouse - Bessie MILLER
MILLER, Henry Raymond, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born August 21, 1883 farmer, spouse Nancie M. MILLER
MILLER, Ira C., Beaconsfield, Iowa
born March 21, 1887, Beaconsfield, IA farmhand
of Perry WALTERS of Beaconsfield, single
MILLER, Ira James, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 21, 1872 farmer of Washington Twp.
spouse - Cordelia R. MILLER
MILLER, James, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born May 14, 1891, Ellston, IA farmer, single
MILLER, James A., RFD 1, Redding, Iowa
born August 2, 1884 farmer, spouse - Martha MILLER
MILLER, James Leroy, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 29, 1888, Delphos, IA farms for mother, married with 1 child
MILLER, James Ralph, Benton, Iowa
born January 12, 1893, Blocton, IA farmer, single
MILLER, james Stevenson, Redding, Iowa
born January 21, 1881 farmer, spouse - Ollie MILLER
MILLER, John Floyd, Tingley, Iowa
born April 23, 1899 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father P. W. MILLER, Tingley, IA
MILLER, John Ray, RFD 1, Redding, Iowa
born December 25, 1886 farmer, spouse - Clara May MILLER
MILLER, Lee M., Kellerton, Iowa
born August 27, 1899, Grant City, MO automobile
mechanic for Wiley Bros. of Kellerton, IA married with 2 children
MILLER, Legrand, Ellston, Iowa
born November 30, 1897 no occupation listed
nearest relative - Eliza J. MILLER, Ellston, IA
MILLER, Lennie Bertie, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 9, 1892, Weldon, IA vulcanizer &mechanic,
married with 1 child
Previous Military Service with Company C out of Eldora, IA for 12 months.
MILLER, Lester, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 22, 1896, Allendale, MO employed by
Bill LINCH of Mount Ayr, IA nearest relative - father W. M. M. MILLER,
Mount Ayr, IA NOTE: Father's birthplace - Indiana
MILLER, Ova Albert, RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born February 6, 1899 farms with father Arthur D.
MILLER, Redding, single nearest relative - mother Laura Helen MILLER, Redding
MILLER, Oral, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born May9, 1893, Ellston, IA farmer, single
MILLER, Roy Clifton, Tingley, Iowa
born August 8, 1883 farmer, spouse - Della G. MILLER
MILLER, Thomas [illegible], Kellerton, Iowa
born December 3, 1890, Beaconsfield, IA farmer, single
MILLER, Thomas J., Redding, Iowa
born May 30, 1888, Redding farmer of Clinton Twp.,
married with 2 children
MILLER, Thomas J., Kellerton, Iowa
born July 7, 1876 farmer &real estate agent,
spouse - Eva Dell MILLER
MILLER, William Frederic, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 28, 1890, Worth Co., MO auto livery business,
married with 2 children
MILLER, William Wesley, Tingley, Iowa
born January 4, 1874 merchant, spouse - Jesse V. MILLER
MILLIKIN, Jesse Joshua, Diagonal, Iowa
born July 19, 1891, Mount Ayr, IA farms for J. MILLIKIN of
Diagonal, IA, single
MILLIKIN, Robert, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 19, 1888, Eugene, IA farmer, single
MILLS, Charles Garfield, Ellston, Iowa
born December 25, 1880 farms for C. J. LEWIS of
Mount Ayr, IA spouse - Sarah MILLS
MILLS, Clarence Eugene, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 29, 1874 manager of Mount Ayr Creamery Co., spouse - Anna Mae MILLS
MILLS, John Lewis, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 3, 1890, Ittica, OH newspaper publisher,
married with 1 child
Previous Military Service as a non-commissioned officer with the Ohio Infantry for 3 years.
MILLSAP, Fred, Kellerton, Iowa
born July 19, 1895, Mount Ayr farmer, married with 1 child
MILLSAP, Ulysses Lee, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 11, 1898 farm laborer for Philip SCHMITT
of Wahpiton, ND, single nearest relative - A. H. MILLSAP, Kellerton, IA
MINICK, Frank, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 16, 1894, Mount Ayr, IA farms for Nick
MOSIER of Mount Ayr, IA, married
MINNICK, Loyd Cecil, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 14, 1899 farmer, single, nearest relative - Geo.
MINNICK, Mount Ayr, IA
MITCHELL, Henry Edwin, RFD 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 7, 1875 farms for Perry SCOTT of Kellerton, IA,
spouse - Myrtle MITCHELL
MIX, James E. P. , Denver, CO
born August 17, 1897, Clearfield, IA employed by
Wm. SHAY of Maloy, IA, single
nearest relative - mother Mrs. W. P. MIX, Denver, CO
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Canada
MIX, Ray L., RFD 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 28, 1881 farmer, spouse - Bertha Ann MIX
MOFFATT, Alex Grant, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 20, 1893, Mount Ayr, IA farmer, married with 1 child
Previous Military Service for one year the the Iowa State College, Iowa City, IA
MOLER, George H., RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born September 4, 187[illegible, 39 years of age]
farmer, spouse - Grace MOLER
MOLER, Selma E., RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born April 8, 1873 farmer, nearest relative -
Eugene MOLER, Redding, IA
MONORE, Alvin James, Ellston, Iowa
born February 8, 1889, Hopeville, IA
farm laborer for Miriam SHERWOOD of Ellston, single
MOON, Charles McClelland, Ellston, Iowa
born July 6, 1896, Humeston, IA self-employed,
nearest relative - Florence MOON, Ellston
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Muscatine, IA
MOON, James William, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 14, 1892, Humeston, IA farmer,
married with 2 children
MOORE, Arlo Neil, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 26, 1890, Monmouth, IL farmer, single
MOORE, Arthur Roy, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 10, 1886 farmer, spouse -
MOORE, Claude, RFD 5, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 11, 1898 farmer, single, nearest
relative - Call MOORE, Mount Ayr, IA
MOORE, Edward Oscar, RFD 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born October 29, 1874 farmer, nearest relative - Door [?] E. MOORE
MOORE, Floyd G. , Ellston, Iowa
born July 30, 1897, Ellston employed by father
nearest relative - C. B. MOORE, Ellston, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Mount Pleasant, Iowa
MOORE, Guy E., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 10, 1891, Monmouth, IL farmer, married with 1 son
MOORE, Glenn Harvey, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 1, 1896, Mount Ayr farmer, married with 1 child
MOORE, Harvey Earnest, Diagonal, Iowa
born February 10, 1881 salesman for J. R. WATKINS Co.,
spouse - Carrie A. MOORE
MOORE, Joseph, Hatfield, MO
born September 11, 1896, Diagonal, IA self-employed, single
nearest relative - W. M. MOORE, Hatfield, MO
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
MOORE, Sumner Albert, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 20, 1875 farmer, spouse - Mary Elisibeth MOORE
MORELAND, William Ross, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born May 20, 1879 farmer, spouse - Mildred MORELAND
MORGAN, Bird Dean, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born October 7, 1875 farmer, spouse - Laurie MORGAN
MORRILL, Olliver Winfred, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 20, 1878 day laborer, spouse - Anna S. MORRILL
MORRILL, William Clifford, Diagonal, Iowa
born June 15, 1889, Benton, IA laborer for Iowa Southern Utilities Co., single
MORRIS, Andrew Noah, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 27, 1888, St. Joseph, MO United Evangelical Church minister, Lotts Twp.
married with 4 children
MORRIS, Cecil Evert, RFD 3, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 14, 1899 farms with father, single
nearest relative - Mr. &Mrs. Frank MORRIS, Diagonal, IA
MORRIS, Frederick Carroll, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 20, 1897, Paola, KS employed by A. J. OVERHOLSER of Diagonal, IA
nearest relative - C. C. MORRIS, Diagonal, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Ohio
MORRIS, Naly Franklin, Diagonal, Iowa
born November 24, 1875 farmer, spouse - Sarah MORRIS
MORRIS, Philip Howard, Kellerton, Iowa
born October 4, 1889, Severance, KS farmer, married with 2 children
MORRIS, Victor Baker, Diagonal, Iowa
born February 21, 1893, Paola, KS farms for Jess Overholser, single
MORRISON, Clarence Chester, RR 1, Tingley, Iowa
born September 5, 1899 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father John Ingle MORRISON, Tingley
MORRISON, Herschel, Jay, RFD 2, Tingley, Iowa
born December 9, 1894, Mount Ayr, IA farms for John MORRISON, Tingley, IA, single
MORRISON, John Virgil, RFD 2, Tingley, Iowa
born February 10, 1896, Tingley, IA farms for John MORRISON, Tingley, IA, single
MORROW, Ervin Edward, Diagonal, Iowa
born November 25, 1877 miller, spouse - Ethel May MORROW
MORSE, Alva Franklin, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 1, 1899 farms for Mervin JACKSON of Kellerton, single
nearest relative - Maye MORSE, Kellerton, IA
MORSE, Fredrick Franklin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 17, 1892, Mount Ayr, IA farms for George MOFFITT of
Mount Ayr, married with 1 child
MORSS, Robert Fulton, Ellston, Iowa
born January 9, 1879 farmer, spouse - Gussie MORSS
MOSBARGER, Charley Arthur, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 6, 1888, Kellerton, IA farmer, married with 2 children
MOSBARGER, William H., Kellerton, Iowa
born February 11, 1800 auto dealer &real estate,
spouse - Faresta MOSBARGER
MOSIER, James, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 3, 1872 farmer, spouse - Lucy P. MOSIER
NOTE: James was a Canadian citizen.
MOSIER, John, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 20, 1878 farmer, spouse - Anna Grace MOSIER
MOSIER, Joseph, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 22, 1876 farmer, spouse - Mildred May MOSIER
MOSIER, Simon Ray, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 8, 1889, farmer, married with 2 children
MOTSINGER, Albert Leander, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 7, 1884 farmer, spouse - Eunice Ellen MOTSINGER
MOUTON, Jackson Levi, RFD 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 13, 1885 farmer, spouse - Florence L. MOULTON
MOULTON, Robert Burns, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 10, 1880 laborer for Moore Bera, Blunt, SD
nearest relative - Florence MOULTON
MOWRY, Frank, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 3, 1881 barber, spouse - Hattie R. MOWRY
MULL, Charles, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 8, 1885 farmer, spouse - Minnie MULL
NOTE: Charles signed his registration card with his mark, an "X".
MULL, Chas. Edward, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 19, 1882 farmer, spouse - Maggie MULL
MULL, Walter Franklin, Maloy, Iowa
born December 10, 1885 farms with W. T. SAMS of Maloy, IA
nearest relative - Mrs. Rosie May MULL, Maloy, IA
MULLIN, John, Blockton, IA, Iowa
born July 22, 1889, Beaconsfield, IA farmer, single
MULLIN, William Patrick, Maloy, Iowa
born March 3, 1878 salesman for Breeders &Farmers
Supply Co., Omaha, NE spouse - Ellen MULLIN
MUNYON, James, Beacosnfield, Iowa
born November 8, 1893, Grand River, IA farmer, married
MUNYON, Ray, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born July 22, 1888, Grand River, IA farmer, married with 4 children
MUNYON, Wert, Kellerton, Iowa
born August 15, 1898, Grand River, IA farms with
father, C. L. MUNYON, Kellerton, IA
nearest relative - Ida MUNYON, Kellerton, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Ohio
MUNYON, William Henry, Knowlton, Iowa
born May 20, 1881 laborer for CG&W Rail Road, spouse - Anna MUNYON
MURPHY, Asa Gilbert, Redding, Iowa
born February 11, 1888, Redding, IA farmer, married with 2 children
MURPHY, Fred, Diagonal, Iowa
born September 2, 1892, Brayton, IA farmer, single
MURPHY, Harold Edward, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 21, 1894 farms with father, single
MURPHY, Marion Grover, Diagonal, Iowa
born April 19, 1895, Brayton, IA farmer, single
MURPHY, Willie Benjamin, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 5, 1884 farmer, spouse - Martha MURPHY
MYERS, Glen Joseph, RFD 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 12, 1898 farms with father, single
nearest relative - father Lewis T. MYERS, Kellerton, IA
MYERS, Wayne J., Kellerton, Iowa
born July 28, 1896, Kellerton, IA employed by father, single
nearest relative - parents Mr. &Mrs. Lewis MYERS, Kellerton, IA
SOURCE: National Archives, Washington, D. C.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2008
