Ringgold County, Iowa 1917-1918
NOTE: Children noted are under age of 12 years.
HACKER, James Henry, RFD 2, Diagonal, Iowa
born April 14, 1873 farmer, spouse - Nancy Margaret HACKER
HACKER, Lester Lee, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 28, 1876 mail carrier, nearest relative - mother
Mrs. Lucretia Jane HACKER
HACKER, Roy, RFD 1, Mount AyrIowa
born November 14, 1880 farmer, spouse - Ida Louisa HACKER
HAFER, Henry Morton, Benton, Iowa
born July 17, 1875 farms for A. C. LONG of Benton
nearest relative - Myrtle Viola HAFER, Lamoni, IA
HAGANS, Albert, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 28, 1873 laborer for CB&Q Rail Road,
spouse - Elva R. HAGANS
HAGEMAN, Harwill Elmer, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 22, 1896, Kellerton, IA self-employed,
nearest relative - father P. F. HAGEMAN
NOTE: Father's birthplace - West Union, IA
HAGEMAN, James William, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 15, 1899 farms for father P. F. HAGEMAN of Kellerton
nearest relative - father Philo F. HAGEMAN, Kellerton, IA
HAGEMAN, Leonard Harlett, Kellerton, Iowa
born July 24, 1895, Beaconsfield, IA farmer, married with a child
HAILEY, Frank Wilford, Ellston, Iowa
born September 24, 1875 farm laborer for Wm. H. HAILEY of
Ellston nearest relative - William H. HAILEY, Ellston, IA
HAILEY, William H., Ellston, Iowa
born January 11, 1878 farmer, spouse - Ossa HAILEY
HALEY, Arthur, Maloy, Iowa
born December 18, 1888, Benton, IA farmer, married with a child
HALEY, Charley, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 13, 1881 farmer, spouse - Cora HALEY
HALEY, Otto William, Benton, Iowa
born May 25, 1896, Maloy, IA farms with father, single
HALL, ALbert Milton, RFD 1, Benton, Iowa
born January 21, 1898 farms for S. S. HALL,
nearest relative - S. S. HALL, Benton, IA
HALL, Frederick McCandrie, Benton, Iowa
born April 10, 1887, Benton, IA farms for S. S. HALL of Benton, IA, single
HALL, Charles Newton, RFD 1, Benton, Iowa
born August 31, 1885 farmer, nearest relative - S. S. HALL, Benton, IA
HALL, Everett Standley, Kellerton, Iowa
born Septembe 10, 1899 farmer, single nearest relative - Ressie Iowa HALL, Kellerton, IA
HALL, James Stewart, Benton, Iowa
born May 28, 1883 farms for S. S. HALL of Benton
nearest relative - Opal Fay HALL/Guy HALL, Benton, IA
HALL, Roy Robert, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 12, 1888, Mediapolis, IA self-employed
automobile mechanic, single
HALL, Victor Seth, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 4, 1877 implement &garage proprietor,
spouse - Anna M. HALL
HALL, Wilbur Earnest, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 14, 1889, Medapolis, IA farmer,
married with 1 child
HALL, William Curtis, Diagonal, Iowa
born June 15, 1876 salesman for Dodd &Struthers of
Diagonal, IA spouse - Pearl HALL
HALLBERT, Jim, RFD 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 20, 1895, Williamsville, MO farms for
Charley Bowen of Lotts Creek Twp., single
HALLBERT, Perry Franklin, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 13, 1895, Williamsville, MO farms for
Charles LESLEY, single
HALLER, Charles Lloyd, RFD 1, Benton, Iowa
born November 27, 1885 farmer, spouse - Ella Ida HALLER
HALTOM, RIchard Ellis, Tingley, Iowa
born December 16, 1882 farm laborer for Ray O. SMITH
of Tingley spouse - Velma HALTOM
HAMBLIN, Homer, Hatfield, MO
born August 16, 1899 road grading for Ringgold Co.,
nearest relative - Isaac HAMBLIN, Hatfield, MO, single
HAMILTON, Ross G., RFD, Clearfield, Iowa
born September 19, 1890, North Burg, IA farmer, married
HAMMACK, Delbert, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 18, 1851, Ridgeway, MO farmer of
Lotts Creek Twp. married with 2 children
HAMMOND, Wila LeRoy, RFD 4, Diagonal, Iowa
born July 12, 1877 farmer, spouse - Grace HAMMOND
HANKINS, John Lewis, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 18, 1873 barber, spouse - Elva HANKINS
Hannon, Michael Cornelison, Maloy, Iowa
born August 5, 1890, Clearfield, IA farmer, married
with a child Exemption for bad eye &deaf.
HANSELL, Bert, RFD, Clearfield, Iowa
born May 8, 1896, Lenox, IA farmer, single
HANSELL, Harry C., RFD, Clearfield, Iowa
born January 4, 1892, Lenox, IA farmer, single
HANSFORD, War, Diagonal, Iowa
born April 30, 1894, Houston, MO farms for C. E. BLISS of Diagnoal, married
HANSON, Fred Elmer, Ellston, Iowa
born February 20, 1884 farms for Home Waggoner of Ellston, single
nearest relative - Peter HANSON, Curryville, Pike Co., MO
HANSON, John Emanuel, Tingley, Iowa
born November 24, 1888, Tottenberg, Sweden farmer, single
Exemption - loss of one eye
HANSON, Ralph, Diagonal, Iowa
born August 15, 1893, Neverville, IA rural mail carriermarried
HARDEN, Charles B., RFD, Benton, Iowa
born January 26, 1900 farms for father,
also nearest relative - G. W. HARDEN
Note at top of registration card - c/o Construction QM Dept.,
Camp Dodge
HARDEN, Charles Walter, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 2, 1877 farmer, spouse - Luella B. HARDEN
HARDIN, Harry Kimmel, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 12, 1874 farmer,
nearst relative - T. J. HARDIN, Mount Ayr, IA
HARDINGER, Joseph Bueson, Ellston, Iowa
born November 5, 1896, Osceola, IA farmer,
spouse - Lena marie HARDINGER
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Maryland
HARGIS, Asa, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 15, 1892, St. Louis, MO
lineman for Iowa Southern Utilities Co., married
HARRIMAN, Benjamin Shafter, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 1, 1898 student &painter for
B. S. HARRIMAN of Kellerton, single nearest relative - Josephine HARRIMAND,
Kellerton, IA
HARRIMAN, Elmer Logan, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 12, 1894, Kellerton, IA farmer, married
HARRIMAN, James Lloyd, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 22, 1886, Kellerton, IA house painter, single
HARRIMAN, Leroy Lee, Kellerton, Iowa
born February 6, 1900 student, single,
nearest relative - George HARRISMAN, Kellerton, IA
HARRIMAN, Lessie B., Kellerton, Iowa
born May 25, 1896, Kellerton, IA single, works for father
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Ohio
HARRIMAN, Loren E., Kellerton, Iowa
born July 19, 1891, Kellerton, IA carpenter &subsitute rural mail carrier, single
HARRINGTON, Leo Clifford, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 2, 1892, Lamoni, IA auditor for
I. J. Dalbey Lumber Co., Kellerton, married
HARRINGTON, Tracy Rutledge, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 5, 1884 lumberman for Mount Ayr Lumber Co.
spouse - Alice HERRINGTON
HARRIS, Cyrus C., Redding, Iowa
born October 16, 1887, Worth Co., MO farmer
of Clinton Twp,
married with 3 children
HARRIS, Howard V., Redding, Iowa
born December 2, 1895, Kellerton, IA school teacher, Worth Co., MO, single
HARRIS, James Herbert, Kellerton, Iowa
born December 17, 1895, Kellerton farmer, married with a child
HARRIS, John Logan, Kellerton, Iowa
born July 26, 1890, Kellerton, IA farmer, married
HARRIS, Orville H., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 1, 1894, Mount Ayr, IA janitor at Ringgold
Co. Courthouse, married with one child
HARRIS, William C., Kellerton, Iowa
born August 7, 1888, Kellerton, IA farmer,
married with 2 children
HARROLD, Charles Thomas, RFD 4, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 19, 1880 farmer, spouse -
HARROUN, William Franklin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 29, 1880, Grant City, MO
farmhand for Geo. HESTER of Benton, single
HARSH, Isaac Leroy, Redding, Iowa
born June 1, 1891, Columbus Junction, IA farmer,
married with 2 children
HARSH, Ora Ergar, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 13, 1889, Columbus Junction, IA
farmer, married with 2 children
HART, Burchel Paul, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 20, 1897 laborer, nearest relative -
father Grant HART, Mount Ayr, IA
HART, Roy Amos, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 11, 1821, Eagleville, MO automobile mechanic for Seasholtz &Payton of
Kellerton, IA married with 1 child
HART, Verl Cassius, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 1, 1892, Ringgold Co., IA
section hand with CB&Q Rail Road, married with 1 child
HART, Wm. Thomas O'Connell, Maloy, Iowa
born August 2, 1892, Maloy, IA farmer, married
Exemption for bad feet
HARTER, William Perry, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 6, 1895, Boone, IA
automobile mechanic for V. H. DICKENS of Diagonal, married
HARTSTACK, Albert John, TInley, Iowa
born April, 26, 1887, Hepburn, IA farmer, married
HARVEY, Charles Edward, Tingley, Iowa
born March 10, 1896, Hubbard, IA farmer, single
HARVEY, Edward Emmett, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born September 5, 1881 farmer of Jefferson Twp.,
Ringgold Co. spouse - Daisy HARVEY
HARVEY, Otha Guy, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born August 3, 1878 farmer of Jefferson Twp., Ringgold Co.
spouse - Lillian Lucile HARVEY
HARVEY, Wiley Benjamin, RFD 1, Tingley, Iowa
born September 10, 1873 farmer, spouse - Annie HARVEY
HARVIN, George Oral, Maloy, Iowa
born March 2, 1884 farmhand for J. E. O'CONNOR of
Maloy, spouse - Cora Anna HARVEY
HASH, Robert Lee, Redding, Iowa
born August 1, 1881 manager of hardware for I. J.
DALBEY, Redding Lumber Co. spouse - Ida L. HASH
HASS, George Curtis, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 19, 1876 buyer for G. A. SLENTZ Clothing
Store, Mount Ayr, IA, single nearest relative - father Geo. HASS,
Mount Ayr, IA
HATHAWAY, Eljay Garfield, Route 4, Shannon City, Iowa
born September 27, 1882 farmer, spouse - Jennie
HAUSZ, Clarence, Tingley, Iowa
born September 12, 1900 student, single,
nearest relative - F. G. HAUSZ, Tingley, IA
HAVELY, Coy Gilbert, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 8, 1898 butcher for Whitson &Siple of
Kellerton, IA, single nearest relative - John M. HAVELY
HAVELY, Porter Franklin, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 2, 1896, Kellerton, IA farmhand &rural
mail carrier substitue, single
HAVLEY, William Robert, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 17, 1876 farmer, nearest relative -
Lafayett R. HAVELY, Kellerton, IA
HAVER, Lawrence Bertram, Tingley, Iowa
born September 4, 1899 bookkeeper for Okey &Vernon Bank of Corning, IA nearest relative - Chas. HAVER,
Tingley, IA
HAWK, Clarence Wesley, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born September 30, 1883 barber, spouse - Mable E. HAWK
HAWK, Dennis Alva, Tingley, Iowa
born October 24, 1879 partial clerk for J. L. SHEESLEY of
Tingley, IA nearest relative - Geo. W. HAWK, Tingley, IA
HAYDEN, Howard Ellsworth, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 26, 1885 farmer, spouse - Gussie HAYDEN
HAYDEN, Willis Arthur, Knowlton, Iowa
born October 20, 1887, Tingley, IA road superintendent &truck farmer of Jefferson Twp. married with 2 children
HAYS, George Eugene, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 31, 1876 barber, spouse - Couie HAYES
HAYES, Grant LeRoy, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 26, 1889, Mount Ayr
law student at State University, Iowa City, single
HAYES, Merrit Waldo, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 31, 1887, Mount Ayr, IA
surveyor's flagman for Iowa Southern Utilities Co. married with 2 children
HAYNER, Edgar Adelbert, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 11, 1888, Heavealtha, KS electric line foreman for Iowa Southern
Utilities Co. married with 6-year-old child
HAZLE, William Augustus, Redding, Iowa
born September 27, 1878 Janitor for Redding Consolidated Schools
spouse - Mamie M. HAZEL
HEALY, Homer, Diagonal, Iowa
born January 29, 1873 teamster, nearest relative -
H G. HEALY, Diagonal, IA
HEASLEY, John William, RR 3, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 6, 1873 farmer, spouse - Lilly Maude HEASLEY
HEATON, Herman Hancock, RFD 4, Diagonal, Iowa
born December 1, 1880 farmer, spouse - Estella D. HEATON
HEDGES, William Oscar, RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born June 14, 1875 farmer, single, nearest relative -
William Oscar HEDGES, Lamoni, IA
HEDLY, Oscar Vernie, Tingley, Iowa
born August 1, 1887, Meeker, CO farms for Day CARTER of
Tinley, married with 1 child
HEFFNER, Henry Jackson, RFD 1, Knowlton, Iowa
born June 26, 1875 farms for Joel HERSOM of Knowlton
nearest relative - Nellie E. GLENN and J. HEFFNER, his children
HEGGS, Edward Dilley, RFD 2, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 12, 1875 farmer, spouse - Rose Anna HEGGS
HEIZER, Morris Blair, Tingley, Iowa
born February 22, 1881 farmer, spouse - Barbara HEIZER
HEIZER, Nathaniel, Tingley, Iowa
born July 8, 1876 grain dealer for Tingley Elevator
spouse - Ethel E. HEIZER
HELIN, Frank M., Maloy, Iowa
born October 9, 1896, Maryville, MO self-employed,
spouse- Alice HELIN
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Maryville, MO
HENDERSON, Albert, Tingley, Iowa
born August 30, 1876 farmer, spouse - Rose
HENDERSON, E. Claire, Tingley, Iowa
born May 28, 1897 self-employed, single,
nearest relative W. L. HENDERSON, Tingley, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Mount Ayr, IA
HENSLEY, John Quincy, Grant City, MO
born March 30, 1875 farmhand for Bill COVERDELL of Beaconsfield, IA
nearest relative - G. W. HENSLEY, Grant City, MO
HERREN, Manson, Redding, Iowa
born June 9, 1880 farmer, spouse - Mamie Rebeca
HERRINGTON, Carl A., Redding, Iowa
born July 23, 1893, Grant City, MO farm laborer for O. W. LYNCH of Redding, single
HERRINGTON, Elder Wesley, RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born April 11, 1899 laborer, nearest relative -
mother Ida HERRINGTON, Redding, IA
HERRINGTON, George, Maloy, Iowa
born July 28, 1918 (sic, was 21 years old), Delphos, IA
employed by John HERRINGTON of Maloy Nearest relative -
Dora HERRINGTON, Maloy, IA, single
Note: Father's birthplace - Pennsylvania
HERRINGTON, William Dixon, Diagonal, Iowa
born December 5, 1880 grain& stock dealer,
spouse - Edith l. HERRINGTON
HERRINGTON, Willard M., Redding, Iowa
born May 7, 1888, Grant City, MO farmer, single
HERSCHBERGER, John Wesley, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 5, 1892, Hatfield, MO farms for W. M.
ROACH, single Exemption - blind in one eye, other eye is weak
HERSOM, Burdette, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 23, 1873 postmaster, spouse -
HERSOM, Lafayette, RFD 1, Knowlton, Iowa
born April 7, 1878 farms for Joel HERSOM
nearest relative - son Everett HERSOM, Knowlton, IA
HETZEL, Chas. Albert, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 14, 1899 clerk for C. V. AGEE of Mount Ayr,
single nearest relative - Code HETZEL, Mount Ayr, IA
HEYER, Fred R. , Tingley, Iowa
born November 22, 1883 merchant, spouse - Etta B. HEYER
HEYER, John Lawrence, Tingley, Iowa
born May 2, 1876 general merchandiser, souse - Daisy HEYER
HIATT, Frederick Hugo, Redding, Iowa
born February 16, 1900 laborer, single,
nearest relative - father Wm. Ellsworth HIATT, Redding, IA
HIATT, John H., Redding, Iowa
born November 22, 1894, Redding, IA
farmer, married with 2 children
HIATT, William Ellsworth, Redding, Iowa
born April 23, 1898 farmer,
spouse - Pearl HIATT
HICKERSON, John Luther, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 13, 1874 farmer, spouse - Virgie F. HICKERSON
HICKERSON, John Melanothon, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born October 19, 1897 medical student at
State University, Iowa City, single
nearest relative - father J. S. HICKERSON, Mount Ayr, IA
HICKS, Larry Earl, Tingley, Iowa
born July 20, 1888, New Market, IA clerk for
Fred A. HEYER of Tingley, IA, married with a child
HIGDAY, Albert William, Kellerton, Iowa
born March 13, 1895, Tingley, IA carpenter for
George HIGDAY of Kellerton, married
HIGDAY, Carroll Linden, Kellerton, Iowa
born December 16, 1899 carpenter for father,
single nearest relative - father E. J. HIGHDAY, Kellerton, IA
HIGDAY, George Elmer, Kellerton, Iowa
born May 30, 1892, Sedalia, MO carpenter, married
with 2 children
HIGDAY, Robert E., Kellerton, Iowa
born May 21, 1897, Kellerton employed by father,
also nearest relative - G. E. HIGDAY, Kellerton, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Madison, Wisconsin
HIGGINS, Frank Allen, Maloy, Iowa
born March 20, 1892, Maloy, IA farmer, single
HIGGINS, John, Maloy, Iowa
born November 2, 1891, Maloy, IA farmer, married
with 2 children
HIGGINS, John Paul, Maloy, Iowa
born October 8, 1898 farms for Matthew HIGGINS
of Maloy, single nearest relative - Lovetta HIGGINS, Maloy, IA
HIGHTSHOE, Russell Leo, RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born December 18, 1897, single farmer,
nearest relative - Isaac C. HIGHTSHOE, Lamoni, IA
HILL, Herbert Henry, RFD 1, Clearfield, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born March 7, 1886 farmer, spouse - Lucy HILL
HILL, James William, Ellston, Iowa
born July 20, 1882 physician, spouse - Flora E. HILL
HILL, Leroy Grant, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 20, 1898 farmer, single,
nearest relative - Chas. L. HILL, Mount Ayr, IA
HILLIBRAN, Joshua E., Beaconsfield, Iowa
born June 10, 1897, Glen Elder, KS employed by CB&Q Rail
Road nearest relative - Merzetta HILLIBRAN, Beaconsfield
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Eagleville, Harrison Co., MO
HILLIBRAN, Walter William, Tingley, Iowa
born August 11, 1894, Downs, KS farms for
Tom PONDERETH of Tingley, IA, single
HINES, Harlan, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 3, 1894, IA single
inmate of Institution for Feeble Minded Children, Glenwood, IA
HJORILSHOR, Peter John, RFD 2, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born Novebmer 30, 1877 farmer, spouse -
HOBBS, Harry Allen, Ellston, Iowa
born June 26, 1895, Ellston, IA painter for
F. R. GOLDSBERRY of Ellston, single
HOBBS, Lee R., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born November 28, 1882 farmer, spouse - Maude HOBBS
HOEY, Louie, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 15, 1890, China, Race - Oriental
employed by Bow CHUNG of Mount Ayr
nearest relative - Louie HACK or HOCK, Toledo, OH
NOTE: Father's birthplace - San Francisco, CA
HOFF, Henry MINEAR, Ellston, Iowa
born April 5, 1873 farmer, spouse - Evalina HOFF
HOFF, Milo Luther, Ellston, Iowa
born April 20, 1897, Ellston, IA farmer,
nearest relative - H. M. HOFF, Ellston, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - West Virginia
HOFFMAN, John Eddie, RFD 2, Redding, Iowa
born April 9, 1874 farmer, spouse -
HOFFMAN, Silas Ernest, RFD 1, Redding, Iowa
born October 28, 1878 farmer, spouse - Ethel
HOFFMAN, Walton Reminger, Kellerton, Iowa
born January 9, 1891, Pennsburg, IA
foreman of Fred CHQYDLERY farm, Chariton, IA, single
HOGUE, Carl Allen, Kellerton, Iowa
born June 4, 1889, Fossland, IL farmer, single
HOGUE, Hugh Wallace, Tingley, Iowa
born January 5, 1894, Tingley, IA unemployed, single
HOGUE, Robert Glen, Tingley, Iowa
born May 2, 1889, Mount Ayr, IA farms for Frank
GARNER of Macedonia, IA, single
HOUGE, Roy Elihu, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 26, 1898 farms for father, single,
nearest relative - William HOUGE, Kellerton, IA
HOUGE, Russell Vance, RFD 1, Kellerton, Iowa
born November 7, 1899 farms for father, single,
nearest relative - William HOUGE, Kellerton, IA
HOGUE, William Harvey, Kellerton, Iowa
born April 1, 1896, Fossland, IL farmer, married with 1 child
HOLDEN, Robert Clay, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born July 21, 1874 farmer, spouse - Maggie Patience
HOLDEN, William E., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 29, 1897, Mount Ayr, IA employed by father
James HOLDEN, Mount Ayr, IA nearest relative - Laura B. HOLDEN, Mount Ayr, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Mount Ayr, IA
HOLLAND, Richard Leo, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born September 21, 1897 farms for R. A. HOLLAND, Kellerton, single
nearest relative - Fanny A. HOLLAND, Kellerton, IA
HOLLAND, Robert Lyle, RFD 4, Kellerton, Iowa
born July 7, 1899 farms for Dick HOLLAND of Kellerton, single
nearest relative - Dick HOLLAND, Kellerton, IA
HOLLEN, Harmon Joseph, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January23, 1887, Lamoni, IA farmer, married with
3 children
HOLLEN, Roy McKinley, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born February 14, 1896, Lamoni, IA farmer, single
HOLLINGSWORTH, Abner Richard, Ellston, Iowa
born October 11, 1881 druggist, spouse - Myrtle G.
HOLLOPETER, Clarence E., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 5, 1886, Coon Rapids, IA postal clerk, Mount Ayr Post Office, married
HOLTZMAN, Omer Paul, RR 2, Lamoni, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born March 29, 1900 farms for Isaac A. HIGHTSHOE of
Lamoni, single nearest relative - Nancy J. LEWIS, Des Moines, IA
HOOKER, Charles James, Diagonal, Iowa
born March 1, 1896 farmer, unemployed due to illness, single
nearest relative - Iva HIGGINS, Kellerton, IA
Exemption - disqualified due to chronic influenza with discharging
HOOTON, Loring A. , Ellston, Iowa
born July 12, 1897, Harris, KS unemployed, single,
nearest relative - A. R. HOOTEN, Ellston, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Indiana
HOOVER, Arthur Melvin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 7, 1889, Mount Ayr, IA farm laborer
for Clyde HOOVER, married with children
HOOVER, Bert C., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 22, 1875 farmer, nearest relative -
Edna HOOVER, Neauetau, OK
HOOVER, Earl Thompson, Benton, Iowa
born July 23, 1883 banker for Benton Bank,
spouse - Nellie L. HOOVER
HOOVER, James L., Blockton, Iowa
born December 4, 1886, Redding farmer of
Clinton Twp., Ringgold Co., married
HOOVER, Raymond Chester, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 5, 1887, Ringgold Co., IA
store clerk for J. A. COLLESUM, Mount Ayr, married
HOOVER, Roy Lantz, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 19, 1886 farmer, spouse - Martha HOOVER
HOOVER, Stuard W., Delphos, Iowa
born September 19, 1890, Delphos, IA farmer,
married with 2 children
HOPKINS, Fred Martin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born January 11, 1889, Ringgold Co., IA
farmer of Lotts Creek Twp., married
HORNE, Charles Law, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 1, 1887, Mount Ayr, IA grocery clerk for
H. H. WILSON of Mount Ayr, married
HORNE, James Otto, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born August 19, 1873 farmer, spouse - Sadie Elizabeth HORNE
HOSACK, Elmer Preston, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born June 23, 1888, Lincoln, IL
station agent for CB&Q Rail Road, married with a child
HOSEY, Ralph Vincent, Diagonal, Iowa
born October 15, 1899 telegraph operator for
CG&W Rail Road, single nearest relative - Maggie BURNES,
Pryar, OK
HOUSE, Bertram Parker, Tingley, Iowa
born July 27, 1900 laborer, single, nearest relative -
O. C. HOUSE, Tingley, IA
HOUSE, James Randall, Tingley, Iowa
born September 9, 1895, Tingley, IA farmer, married
HOWARD, George Oliver, Tingley, Iowa
born October 9, 1893, Helena, AR barber, married
with a child
HOWE, Dennis Raymond, Diagonal, Iowa
born December 3, 1895, Diagonal, IA farms with father,
HOWE, Lawrence H., Diagonal, Iowa
born June 21, 1918 (sic, was 21 years old), Worth Co., MO
employed by Davis HOWE, Diagonal nearest relative - Eva HOWE, Diagonal, IA
NOTE: Father's birthplace - Clinton Co., IA
HUBBARD, Alfred Reed, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born March 8, 1880 farmer, spouse - Mary Elisabeth
HUBBARD, Irven Calvin, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born May 28, 1887, Nodaway Co., MO
auto/truck driver for Standard Oil Co., Mount Ayr
married with 2 children under age of 12
HUDSON, Frank L. , Redding, Iowa
born October 23, 1887 farmer, spouse - Allice Mary HUDSON
HUDSON, James Morton, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 27, 1878 farmer, spouse - Maude E. HUDSON
HUDSON, Oscar, Redding, Iowa
born August 16, 1893, Redding unemployed, single
HUDSON, Walter, Redding, Iowa
born April 25, 1882 farms for N. FLAGLER, Wimbledon Grove, ND
nearest relative - D. W. HUDSON, Redding, IA
HUFFMAN, Burt M., Kellerton, Iowa
born October 23, 1894, Leon, IA
student at Still College of Osteopathy, Des Moines, IA, single
HUFFMAN, Floyd Elvadore, RFD, Clearfield, Iowa
born July 22, 1895, Clearfield, IA farmer, married
HUGGINS, Asa W., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 6, 1891, Mount Ayr employed by
Goodyear Tire &Rubber Co., single
HUGHES, Warren Francis, RFD 1, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 1, 1899 student at State University, Iowa City,
single nearest relative - Aaron HUGHES, Mount Ayr, IA
HUHEY, Oscar Leroy, Ellston, Iowa
born October 13, 1875 farmer, nearest relative -
Frank HUGHEY, Portland, OR
HULET, Marcus Lane, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born March 15, 1888, Topeka, KS
electrician for Iowa Southern Utilities Co., married
HULL, Harry V., Mount Ayr, Iowa
born September 9, 1893, Redding, IA
abstract, farm loan &real estate for F. E. SHELDON &Co.,
Mount Ayr, single
HULL, John Benjamin, Maloy, Iowa
born April 11, 1882 farmer for W. R. &J. E.
LAMBERT of Maloy spouse - Josephine HULL
HULLINGER, Robert Bert, Tingley, Iowa
born March 16, 1875 farmer, spouse - Alice L.
HUMPHREY, Alan Boise, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 15, 1890, Ringgold Co., IA
farmer of Middle Fork Twp., married
HUMPHREY, Chancey William, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born April 12, 1889, Worth Co., MO
farmer of Lotts Creek Twp., married with a child
HUMPHREYS, Earl Judson, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born June 12, 1888, Mount Ayr, IA farmer,
married with 1 child seven-years-old
Exemption - lung trouble
HUNT, Boyd Franklin, Ellston, Iowa
born November 3, 1891, ILL farm laborer, single
HUNT, Roy Raymond, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born February 3, 1893, Allerton, IL farms for
Frank ARNOLD, single
HUNTLEY, Clarence, Shannon City, Ringgold Co., Iowa
born April 26, 1875 farmer, spouse - Jennie HUNTLEY
HUPP, GUy Harrison, Beaconsfield, Iowa
born January 1, 1890, Beaconsfield, IA section hand for CB&Q Rail Road, married
Exemption - weak eyes
HUTCHINSON, Claude Olen, RFD 3, Mount Ayr, Iowa
born December 11, 1878 farmer, spouse - Grace HUTCHINSON
HUTCHINSON, John William, Benton, Iowa
born April 6, 1875
employee of CG&W Rail Road, spouse - Cora Belle HUTCHINSON
HYMAN, Guy Wesley, Shannon City, Iowa
born January 25, 1894, Hawkeye, IA Ringgold Co. farmer, married
SOURCE: National Archives, Washington, D. C.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2008
