Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 1, 2010
Local Soldier Readies for Ag Deployment
By Specialist Lucas Smith 734th Agri-Business Development Team

When I first found out about the Agri-Business Development Team (ADT) mission to Afganistan last November [2009],
I volunteered right away. In July, I'll have been in the Army four years, and I wanted to go on a deployment.
This seemed like a pretty good one. We'll get to go and interact with people, rather than sitting "behind the wire"
guarding prisoners. Also, if the team needs help with construction, I'll be able to pitch in. I'm majoring in
construction management at UNI [University of Northern Iowa] and work in the summers roofing houses and putting up siding.
At first I wasn't sure I'd get to go. Soliders on the ADT are hand-picked, and I was was selected just as an
alternate. Then a couple of months ago, another soldier had to withdraw from the team and I got word I would
definitely be going. We've been training for the ADT mission since January during weekend drills. We started
training full-time the last week of May, and this month we've been training hard. We're getting less sleep, but
we're getting even better at the soldier tasks that will keep us safe over there. I'm a little nervous about the
deployment because it is my first one to a combat zone. But the Security Forces section I'm a part of
all come from the same military police company, and we all work really well together as a team. That makes me
confident we'll be successful in our mission of protecting the agriculture experts on the ADT. We'll be going to Camp
Atterbury in Indiana on July 1, right after a going away ceremony at Camp Dodge in Des Moines. My
family will be there, and I really appreciate my mom and dad's support. I know they're proud of me. That's another
reason I want to do a good job while I'm in Afghanistan. My commander says I should keep everyone at home
posted while I'm gone, so I'll write again when I have some more to tell you. Specialist Lucas
SMITH is a member of the Security Forces section of the Iowa National Guard's 734th Agri-Business Development
Team (ADT). He is a lifelong resident of Mount Ayr and has been home visiting his parents -- James and June SMITH --
in prepartation for deployment. The ADT'S mission is to improve the productivity and sustainability of Afgan ag producers and agri-business,
and build the capacity of the Government of the Islamic Repulbic of Afghanistan to provide agricultural
services to its citizens.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2010
