Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 19, 2002
Russell Conn REED of Grand River, a 2002 graduate of Mount Ayr Community high school, recently qualified and enlisted
in the United States Navy for guaranteed training as a builder. REED, the son of Gary REED of Grand River, enlisted under
the Delayed Entry Program. He will report to Great Lakes, IL for active duty in September 2002. There he will undergo basic
training to prepare for Navy life. Upon completion of basic training, REED will begin 13 weeks of schooling in
Gulfport, MS to prepare for a job in the Navy's builder field. Builders make up a large segment of the Navy's construction
force. They work as carpenters, plasterers, roofers, bricklayers or cabinet makers. After successfully completing advanced
training, REED may go on to additional schooling or be assigned to any one of the Navy's duty stations around the world.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 10, 2005
Reed serving with Navy in Pacific
Navy Constructionman Russell C. REED, a 2002 graduate of Mount Ayr Community high school, recently embarked on a
routine scheduled deployment at sites throughout the world in support of national and theater operations in the
Western Pacific while attached to the Navy Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 40, the Seabees homebased in Port
Hueneme, CA. The unit arrived in Okinawa, Japan, in mid-December and has been operational at several different
locations in Japan, including Atsugi, Fuji, Iwakuni and Sasebo, as well as Pohang and Chinhae in South Korea, Diego
Garcia and San Clemente Island. REED'S unit consists of 700 personnel who specialize in advance base construction,
battle damage repair, contingency engineering, humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery support around the world.
REED joined the Navy in September 2002.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 27, 2005
Navy Constructionsman Russell C. REED, a 2002 graduate of Mount Ayr Community high school, participated in Hurricane
Katrina and Rita relief efforts while assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Batallion 40 based in Port Hueneme, CA.
REED'S unit helped a private school in Jefferson Parish, LA, recover from damage caused by the hurricanes. The Seabees
cleared wind-blwon debris, removed broken glass, cleaned classrooms, put up plywood on broken windows, and even mowed
the school's lawn, all the while working independently so school staff personnel could concentrate on academic tasks.
NMCB 40 conists of 700 personnel who specialize in advance base construction battle damage repair, contingency
engineering, humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery support around the world. REED joined the Navy in September
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012

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