Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa October, 1944
From Mrs. Harold PAGE, of Corning, comes the following interesting letter:
"I thought that friends of Pfc. Harold C. PAGE, who is overseas, might be interested to know that I received a
telegram from the government on September 11, stating that he had been slightly wounded in action over France on
August 29. I have since had word from him saying it was his right hand, but no details.
"He has been awarded
the Purple Heart for military merit, which he sent home. I received it this past week. "Harold left Mount Ayr
on January 10 and has been in France since the middle of July. The last news from home he has had was July 14.
In recent letters he asked about the corn crop in southern Iowa, stating that he had seen some good crops but
no corn. "He also sends greeting to all his Ringgold County friends."
Submission by Theola Weeda June of 2013
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
Harold PAGE, the son of Albert PAGE, served under General PATTON during World War II with the 9th Air Corps. He saw
action during the Battle of the Bulge. In the 1970's, Harold was elected to Iowa's 5th District Commander. When a small
boy, Harold attended school at Maloy, Iowa. SOURCE: Maloy Centennial book, p. 95
Submission by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010 