Kellerton's American Legion Post 676 was organized early in January of 1946. There were 69 charter members and
Ted DUFFIELD was elected as Commander of the Post. In May of 1947, the Legion assumed responsibilities of Memorial
Day services at the cemetery. A white cross was put into place, honoring those whose lives were lost in service to their
country. Each Memorial Day the flag at the cemetery is flown at half-staff until after a gun salute and taps is played.
In 1976, the Avenue of Flags was started at the cemetery with 30 poles and service flags to be flown at Memorial Weekend.
Kellerton's Auxilliary of American Legion Post 676 was organized with the first meeting held January 17, 1946. The following
officers were elected:
Ruby JACKSON, president
Fern GLEASON, vice-president
Lucy TEALE, secretary
Leone BASSETT, treasurer
Helen GALBRAITH, board member
With the assistance of generous contributions from the community, an American Legion building was purchased.
The first meeting in the new American Legion Hall was held on March 14th of 1947.
NOTE: Tragically, Kellerton's American Legion Post #676 was disbanded in 2014 due to lack of membership.
SOURCE: Kellerton, Iowa: A History to 1981 p. 50. 1981.
Transcription ¬e by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010
