Camp Dodge, Iowa, 1918
HUMAN STATUE of LIBERTY - 18,000 officers and men preparing for war at Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa. Col. Wm. NEWMAN, Commanding;
Col. Rush S. WELLS, Directing. FACTS: Base to Shoulder: 150 feet; Right Arm: 340 feet; Widest part of arm
holding torch: 12 1/2 feet; Right thumb: 35 feet; Thickest part of body: 29
feet; Left hand length: 30 feet; Face: 60 feet; Nose: 21 feet; Longest spike of
head piece: 70 feet; Torch and flame combined: 980 feet; Number of men in
flame of torch: 12,000; Number of men in torch: 2,800; Number of men in right
arm: 1,200; Number of men in body, head and balance of figure: only 2,000.
Photograph taken by Mole &Thomas, 915 Medinah Bld., Chicago IL
Courtesy of Gold Star Museum, Camp Dodge, Iowa

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