Virgil DEARDORFF, Jr., the son of Pearl and Virgil DEARDORFF, served eleven months on the front during the Korean
War. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his part in the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge.
Virgil's son, Fred DEARDORFF, served in Korean and in Germany.
NOTE: The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge was a month-long battle during the Korean War, fought between
September 13 and October 15 of 1951. This was one of several major engagements in an area called "The Punchbowl,"
an important Communist staging area. The battle site is located in the hills of North Korea, a few miles north of
the 38th parallel near the village of Chorwon. The battles which began by bomb, bullet, and shell inevitably turned
into grenade and trench knife when formal military engagements degenerated into desperate hand-to-hand fighting. Both
sides suffered high casualties - over 3,700 American and French, and an estimated 25,000 North Korean and Chinese.
Maloy Centennial book, p. 81
Submission and note by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010
