The 4th, 39th &46th IA INFANTRIES &8th IA CAVALRY
Iowa's 4th Regiment was composed of companies from the counties of Mills, Pottawattomie, Guthrie, Decatur, Polk,
Madison, Ringgold, Union, Wayne, and Page Attached to and a part of the regiment was [Colonel Grenville
M.] DODGE's battery of light artillery. They were mustered into the service of the United States by Lieut. MERRILL,
inthe month of April, 1861. The number of the volunteers at that time was 903. The regiment was officered as follows:
Grenville M. DODGE, colonel; John GALLAGAN, lieutenant colonel; Wm. R. ENGLISH, major; J. A. WILLIAMSON, adjutant;
M. W. ROBBINS, surgeon; W. S. GRIMES, assistant surgeon; T. M. GOODFELLOW, chaplain. The regiment was stationed at
Rolla, Missouri, in November 1865. The regiment received no clothing until September.
Iowa's 39th Regiment was made up of compnies organized in the counties of Pottawattomie, Mills, Harrison, Adams,
Adair, Fremont, Taylor, Ringgold, Union, and Guthrie. The regiment was mustered into the goverment
service at Council Bluffs in December, 1862, by Lieut. Horace BROWN. The field officers were: Thos. H. BENTON, Jr.,
colonel; Robert F. PATTERSON, Lieutenant colonel; Chas. B. SHOEMAKER, major; Jos. LYMAN, adjutant; W. W.
WILSON, quartermaster; W. S. GRIMES, surgeon; W. L. NICHOLSON, assistant surgeon, and J. M. CONRAD, chaplain.
Iowa's 8th Cavalry was organized from compnies elisted in the counties of Page, Wapello, Van Buren,
Ringgold, Des Moines, Clarke, Wayne, Lucas, Henry, Lee, Appanoose, Jackson, Marshall, Cedar, Muscatine,
and Polk with the following field officers: Joseph B. DOOR, colonel; Horatio G. BARNES, lieutenant colonel;
John J. BROWN, Jas. D. THOMPSON and A. J. PRICE, majors; J. H. Isett, adjutant; J. Q. A. DAWSON, quartermaster;
J. E. PRICHARD, commissary; W. H. FINLAY, surgeon; A. S. CARAHAN, assistant surgeon; Thomas C. CLARK,
chaplain. The regiment was mustered into the service of the United States by Lieut. Col. W. N. GRIER, at
Davenport, September 30, 1863.
Iowa's 46th Regiment at its organization was composed of the following officers: David B. HENDERSON, colonel;
Lorenzo D. DURBIN, lieutenant colonel; Geo. L. TORBERT, major; John L. HARVEY, adjutant; D. D. HOLDRIDGE, quartermaster;
J. R. DUNCAN, surgeon; W. H. ROSSER, assistant surgeon, and John TODD, chaplain. The various companies were enrolled
in the counties of Dubuque, Poweshiek, Dallas, Taylor, Fayette, Linn, Ringgold, Delaware, Winneshiek,
Monroe, Wayne, Clark, Cedar, and Lucas, under the proclamation of the governor of the state for one hundred
days service, and were musted into the United States service by Capt. Alex. CHAMBERS, at Davenport, on the 10th
of June 1864.
Source: TUTTLE, Charles R. (Charles Richard) &DURRIE, Daniel S.
(Daniel Steele). An Illustrated History of the State of Iowa . . .From Its First Exploration Down
to 1875. Pp. 284, 306, 312, 326-327. R.S. Peale &Co., pub. Chicago. 1876.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2009
