List of Civil War Pensioners

Roll of Pensioners 1812-1883, Ringgold County, Iowa
January 1, 1883

Five acts between 1862 and 1907 provided pensions for Union soldiers. The earliest of these acts provided
pensions for soldiers where were disabled or killed. In these cases, a widow, the children, or a parent of an
unmarried son was granted a pension upon proving that the soldier contributed significantly to the applicant's support.
Normally these applications were submitted soon after the death of the soldier.
The National Archives in Washington, D. C. hold all of the original service records of the Civil War soldiers.
Each soldier's record in this collection includes several dozen documents, detailing the soldier's rank, his
assignment to a company and regiment, medical examinations during service, and disability pension papers. Also included
in the documentation are the widow's pension application, if one was submitted.
Some of the difficulty in verifying these records arise because of misspellings of the soldier's name, or the soldier may
have used an alias. Some soldier's gave false information about their name and/or age. If this happened, it came back
to haunt the soldier and his family years later when applying for a pension.
Some Civil War pension files for Union soldiers are also maintained by the Veteran's Administrion.
Union pensions were issued by the United States Government. Confederate veteran pensions were issued by some former Confederate states such as Tennessee.
Those records are usually maintained by that state's archives.

ARGABRIGHT, Jas. M., Kellerton. Pensioned for wound to right hand.
Certificate #88,755. Monthly rate $4.00
ASHBY, Nancy, Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #28,560. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance August of 1863
BEARD, James, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to wrist and arm.
Certificate #101,109. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance November of 1869
BRADLEY, William H., Kellerton. Pensioned for fracture of ribs, left side.
Certificate #187,661. Monthly rate $6.00. Original allowance April of 1881
BROME, James M., Marena. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea.
Certificate #206,079. Monthly rate $2.00. Original allowance April of 1882
BROWN, BAZZLE G., Kellerton. Pensioned for disease of the lungs.
Certificate #140,998. Monthly rate $6.00
BROWN, Emanuel B., Eugene. Pensioned for gunshot wound right arm.
Certificate #188,931. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance May of 1881
BROWN, Joseph, Caledonia. Pensioned for deafness.
Certificate #131,914. Monthly rate $8.00
BRUBAKER, Simon, Redding. Pensioned for partial paralysis of left leg.
Certificate #207,662. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance April of 1882
CAMPBELL, Elijah, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for disease of the eyes.
Certificate #10,821. Monthly rate $14.00
CAMPBELL, Robert, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to left thigh.
Certificate #205,404. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance March of 1882
CARMICHAEL, Jas. H., Tingley. Father's pension.
Certificate #187,052. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance February of 1880
Carr, Joseph A., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for wound to left knee.
Certificate #153,400. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance May of 1878
CARR, Joseph, Eugene. Pensioned for gunshot wound to the back.
Certificate #61,731. Monthly rate $12.00
CASNER, William, Eugene. Pensioned for disease of eyes and dyspepsia.
Certificate #165,461. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance March of 1880
CAVIN, William, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to right lung.
Certificate #10,220. Monthly rate $12.00
DANIEL, Sowash, Caledonia. Pensioned for chronic rheumatism.
Certificate #137,401. Monthly rate $12.00
DAVIS, Caroline E., Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #5,713. Monthly allowance $8.00. Original allowance April of 1867
DAVIS, Robert R., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for inhumane treatment.
Certificate #121,484. Monthly rate $4.00
DOAN, Isaac S., Kellerton. Pensioned for disease of lungs, stomach, and bowels.
Certificate #147,076. Monthly rate $6.00. Origianl allowance July of 1877
DODGE, Daniel, Eugene. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea.
Certificate #156,902. Monthly rate $3.00. Original allowance December of 1878
DRAPER, Isaac, Caledonia. Pensioned for asthma.
Certificate #220,441. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance November of 1882
ELDER, Alexander, Eugene. Pensioned for gunshot wound left arm.
Certificate #192,396. Monthly rate $2.00. Original allowance July of 1881
EPPERLY, Zachariah D., Mount Ayr. Minor child's pension.
Certificate #175,507. Monthly rate $10.00. Original allowance November of 1876
EVERLY, Elizabeth, Goshen. Widow's pension.
Certificate #119,214. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance September of 1868
FORIS, John G., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for disease of abdominal viscera.
Certificate #189,389. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance May of 1881
FOX, John, Kellerton. Pensioned for disease of abdominal viscera.
Certificate $170,778. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance May of 1882
FULLERTON, Jas. R., Kellerton. Pensioned for disease of eyes.
Certificate #183,818. Monthly rate $12.00. Original allowance March of 1881
GALE, James, Kellerton. Pensioned for dyspepsia.
Certificate #151,541. Monthly rate $6.00. Original allowance March of 1878
GANDER, James H., Ingart Grove. Pensioned for gunshot wound to right knee.
Certificate #203,126. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance February of 1882
GARD, Stephen J., Goshen. Pensioned for gunshot wound to left jaw.
Certificate #140,022. Monthly rate $6.00. Original allowance July of 1876
GIBBONEY, Francis E., Kellerton. Pensioned for wound to right shoulder.
Certificate #11,914. Monthly rate $8.00
GREGORY, Oliver C., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for disease of the eyes.
Certificate #141,478. Monthly rate $14.00
GUNTER, Hinson, Kellerton. Pensioned for injury to right foot.
Certificate #180,546. Monthly rate $2.00. Original allowance June of 1881
HAM, Jonathan, Kellerton. Pensioned for rheumatism.
Certificate #221,541. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance December of 1882
HARLOW, George W., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea.
Certificate #194,018. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance August of 1881
HARRIS, William C., Kellerton. Pensioned for gunshot wound of head.
Certificate #145,591. Monthly rate $4.00
HIGDAY, Albert H., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for paralysis of lower extremities.
Certificate #180,988. Monthly allowance $12.00. Original allowance January of 1881
HIMLEY, Lorinda, Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #58,896. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance March of 1875
HOFFMAN, Martha M., Redding. Widow's pension.
Certificate #74,228. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance August of 1867
HOOD, Wyatt C., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for tumor on left side.
Certificate #221,370. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance November of 1882
HOGUE, Francis C., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for ophthalmia, disease of the eyes.
Certificate #136,541. Monthly rate $14.00
HUGHES, Isaac, Kellerton. Pensioned for disease of abdomen viscera and dyspepsia.
Monthly rate $8.00
HUTCHINS, Mary, Caledonia. Widow's pension.
Certificate #121,030. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance November, 1868
Jackson, Joseph E., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to right knee.
Certificate #208,402. Monthly rate $6.00. Original allowance May of 1882
JOHNSON, John W., Caledonia. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea.
Certificate #211,768. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance June of 1882
JONES, Gabriel M., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for wound to left thigh.
Certificate #143,652. Monthly rate $8.00
KELLEY, Mark P., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to left thigh.
Certificate #175,846. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance October of 1880
KINDBLADE, Gustav A., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to left thumb.
Certificate #216,236. Monthly rate $2.00. Original allowance August of 1882
LAYTON, Minerva, Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #34,798. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance April of 1868
LEXINGTON, Foster, Caledonia. Pensioned for injury of right foot and ankle.
Certificate #298,776. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance May of 1882
LIGGETT, Thomas, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wounds to left side, face, and neck.
Certificate #145,680. Monthly rate $4.00
LONCAS, Godfrey S., Eugene. Pensioned for gunshot wound left arm.
Certificate #214,090. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance June of 1882
MARSHALL, Isaac, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for shell wound to right foot.
Certificate #80,417. Monthly rate $8.00
McCALLS, William H., Kellerton. Pensioned for gunshot wound of head.
Certificate #164,879. Monthly rate $2.00. Original allowance February of 1880
McCLANAHAN, Francis M., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea.
Certificate #145,511. Monthly rate $8.00
McCURDY, Anson B., Clipper. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea and disease of kidneys.
Certificate #171,459. Monthly rate $10.00. Original allowance July of 1880
McDONALD, George, Kellerton. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea and injury to abdomen.
Certificate #205,489. Montly rate $4.00. Original allowance March of 1882
McGAUGHEY, John, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for paralysis.
Certificate #59,031. Monthly rate $18.00
McGILL, Joseph, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to right hip.
Certificate #170,986. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance June of 1880
MEDARIS, Jason T., Redding. Pensioned for general debilatation and rheumatism.
Certificate #78,493. Monthly rate $4.00
MICHAEL, George W., Kellerton. Pensioned for periostitis of right tibia.
Certificate #221,388. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance November of 1882
MILLER, Annie W., Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #33,440. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance October of 1867
MOORE, General T., Caledonia. Pensioned for fracture of left patella.
Certificate #166,959. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance April of 1880
MORRILL, William, Redding. Pensioned for gunshot wound to right thigh.
Certificate #83,404. Monthly rate $7.00
NEIDIGH, William H., Eugene. Pensioned for gunshot wound right breast.
Certificate #175,854. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance October of 1880
NEWTON, Chas. R., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to the left leg.
Certificate #189,114. Monthly rate $8.00. Origianl allowance May of 1881
NEWTON, Jasper J., Wirt. Pensioned for disease of abdominal viscera.
Certificate #181,560. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance January of 1881
NOBLE, Rachel D., Kellerton. Widow's pension for Veteran of 1812.
Certificate #22,150. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance April of 1879
PALMER, William H., Delphos. Pensioned for loss of right leg.
Certificate #53,982. Monthly allowance $24.00
PARSONS, Henry H., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to left side.
Certificate #114,305. Monthly rate $8.00
PETERG, Alexander, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to left arm.
Certificate #194,288. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance August of 1881
POINTER, Robert, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for injury to black and hydrocele.
Certificate #138,130. Monthly rate $18.00
POLLOCK, William H., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for scurvy.
Certificate #215,566. Monthly rate $2.00. Original allowance July of 1882
PRATT, Edgar I., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for chronic cataracts and disease of the kidneys.
Certificate #178,758. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance Nov. of 1880
PRESTON, Bernard, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea.
Certificate #181,870. Monthly rate $6.00. Original allowance January of 1881
RAINS, Allen, Redding. Pensioned for varicose veins, right leg.
Certificate #167,831. Monthly rate $6.00. Original allowance May of 1880
RHODES, Abraham, Caledonia. Pensioned for gunshot wound left thigh.
Certificate #89,352. Monthly rate $8.00
RICHARDSON, John W., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for disease of the eyes.
Certificate #189,891. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance June of 1881
ROBBY, Nancy, Mount Ayr. Mother's pension.
Certificate #173,329. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance May of 1876
ROGERS, Jane, Mount Ayr. Mother's pension.
Certificate #60,157. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance November of 1865
RUSSELL, Elizabeth, Mount Ayr. Mother's pension.
Certificate #173,274. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance May of 1876
SAMS, Cynthia, Delphos. Pensioned as minor child of veteran.
Certificate #113,444. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance May of 1868
SEAY, John S., Mount Ayr., Pensioned for disease of the kidneys.
Certificate #144,423. Monthly rate $12.00
STATON, Wilson M., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for partial paralysis of right side.
Certificate #185,641. Monthly rate $18.00. Original allowance March of 1881
SMITH, George W., Caledonia. Pensioned for conjunctivitis and disease of eyes.
Certificate #181,289. Monthly rate $6.00
SMITH, William S., Kellerton. Pensioned for gunshot wounds to head, left foot.
Certificate #206,539. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance April of 1882
STEEN, Eliza, Kellerton. Mother's pension.
Certificate #189,637. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance September of 1880
STEPHENS, Barbara, Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #194,764. Monthly allowance $8.00. Original allowance March 1882
STEVENSON, Andrew, Eugene. Pensioned for disease of the heart.
Certificate #223,703. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance December of 1882
STEWARD, Sarah, Mount Ayr. Mother's pension.
Certificate #164,354. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance March of 1874
STIMSON, William R., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for wound to right hand.
Certificate #16,112. Monthly rate $8.00
SKINNER, Mary M., Mount Ayr. Widow's pension.
Certificate #173,742. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance June of 1876
THRIFT, William D., Goshen. Pensioned for chronic diarrhea and disease of eyes.
Certificate #176,943. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance October of 1880
THROCKMORTON, David, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for wound to right arm.
Certificate #75,766. Monthly rate $12.00
VIDAL, John L., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for nervous debilatation and partial paralysis one side.
Certificate #180,500. Monthly rate $17.00. Original allowance Jan. of 1881
VORPE, Eugene, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for wounded right scapula.
Certificate #143,788. Monthly rate $3.00
WALL, John, Mount Ayr. Pensioned for gunshot wound to right wrist.
Certificate #157,801. Monthly allowance $6.00. Original allowance March of 1879
WALTERS, Abraham F., Caledonia. Pensioned for disease of eyes.
Certificate #204,189. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance March of 1882
WHITE, William, Kew. Pensioned for lung disease.
Certificate #201,459. Monthly rate $4.00. Original allowance January of 1882.
WILLIAMS, James S., Tingley. Pensioned for wounds to throat, body, and left thigh.
Certificate #109,682. Monthly rate $12.75
WILLIAMS, Samuel G., Wirt. Pensioned for partial dap (?) left side and loss of sight in left eye.
Certificate #159,378. Monthly rate $8.00. Original allowance April of 1879
WILSON, Hugh P., Mount Ayr. Pensioned for injury to abdomen.
Certificate #630,010. Monthly rate $12.00
WILSON, Jas. H., Kellerton. Pensioned for gunshot wound left leg.
Certificate #130,723. Monthly rate $4.00
WYCKOFF, Erastus, Caledonia. Pensioned for gunshot wound right hand. Certificate # unknown. Monthly rate $4.00

Transcribed by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2009