Twice-A-Week News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa date clipped off
Below is the list of 184 men and one woman in uniform for whom stars were placed on the service flag of the
Mount Ayr schools which was unveiled Sunday afternoon at exercises held at the school auditorium. Three gold stars are on
the flag for Ewing Moore, Arthur Rush and Verle Murphy who were killed in action in the performance of their duty and in
the service of their country. A blue star with a red cross appears for Miss Ethel Hughes, nurse, the only woman in uniform
from the Mount Ayr schools. Blue stars will be added to the flag as fast as men and women discard their civilian clothes
to accept the uniform. Five boys have entered the service since the flag was dedicated. They include Neil Thomas, John
McFarland, Roger Kelly, Marion Millsap and Richard Johnston. Four others, Lyle Dailey, Wallace Smith, John Hayes and
Robert Lesan, will leave in the near future.
Sherman Adams |
LeRoy Alexander |
Robert Alexander |
Allan Allyn |
George Allyn |
Maurice Armstrong |
Dick Austin |
Paul Bagley |
Raymond Bagley |
Roy Baker |
Charles Bastow |
Burrus Beard |
Donovan Bishop |
Roger Boone |
Walter Bradley |
Harold Brand |
Marvin Brower |
Russell Brower |
Robert Buck |
Warren Buck |
George Burnside |
Arlo Campbell |
Ira Campbell |
Owen Campbell |
Kenneth Catterson |
LeRoy Cole |
Donald Coril |
Wendell Cornwall |
Donald Dailey |
Harold Dailey |
Roy Daniels |
Burl Davis |
Nelson Denney |
Robert Denney |
Evan Dickerson |
George Dickerson |
Hollis Dickerson |
Harold Dorsey |
Billie Dowling |
John Dowling |
Ned Dowling |
Dale Downie |
Glen Drake |
Raymond Drake, Jr. |
Leland Duffield |
Junior Dulany |
Lyle Dulany |
Robert Dulany |
Frank Elliott |
Everett Ferree |
Albert Finley |
Rex Fleming |
Charles Foster |
Joe Foreman |
Gerald Gardner |
Glenn Gardner |
Max Gebhardt |
John German |
Robert Gilbert |
Loren Goldner |
Earl Gracey |
LaVon Gray |
Wilbur Greenman |
Kenneth Haley |
Paul Hall |
Glee Harsh |
LeRoy Herrington |
Linden Hickerson |
Loren Hickerson |
Luther Hickerson |
Elton Hoover |
Billie Horne |
Alvin Hudson |
Glen Hudson |
Ethel Hughes |
Robert Humphreys |
Wayne Hutchinson |
Lowell Irving |
Drexel Jackson |
George Jackson |
John B. Jackson |
Chester Johnston |
Forrest Johnston |
Richard Johnston, Sr. |
Harold Johnson |
Junior Jeter |
Vernon Kaster |
Lyle Kelley |
Lyndon Kelley |
Harry Kimble |
Dewey Kinder |
Clyde Lamb |
Russell Lamb |
Loren Laughlin |
Owen Laird |
Charles Lesan |
John Lewis |
Arlo Link |
Franklin Link |
Thomas Liggett |
Lee Lorimor |
Ralph Long |
Vernon Long |
Eldon Main |
Richard Main |
Joseph Maloney |
Dan Miller |
Robert Miller |
Raymond Miller |
Ewing Moore |
Hallie Moore |
Phil Moore |
Junior Moore |
Eldon Morse |
J. J. Morris |
John Morris, Jr. |
Brandon Molin |
Loren Mosier |
Ted Mosier |
Verle Murphy |
Donald McCammond |
Clarence McGahuey |
Duane McGahuey |
John McGehee |
John McNerney |
Lyle Newman |
Richard Newman |
Richard Newton |
Samuel Newton |
Donald Nichols |
Lyle Nichols |
Lawrence Oliver |
Harold Olney |
Archie Palmer |
Arthur Palmer |
Lyndon Price |
Louis Polen |
Robert Richards |
Duane Richey |
Jay Robinson |
Joe Robinson |
Winston Robison |
Curt Roe |
Arthur Rush |
Richard Saltzman |
Junior Schardein |
Burnett Shelden |
Gerald Sheldon |
Wendell Sheldon |
Clinton Sheumaker |
Roy Sheumaker, Jr. |
James Sickels |
Lloyd Spencer |
Cecil Staats |
Frank Stranahan |
Roe Stranahan |
Burl Stull |
John Stull |
Walter Stone |
Russell Stuart |
Cecil Summers |
Kenneth Summers |
Linn Sheil |
Leland Sloan |
Gerald Swigart |
Paul Tedrow |
Wayne Tompkins |
Ainslee Triggs |
Duane Triggs |
Ralph Watson |
Duane Webb |
Roe Wheeler |
Robert Wilkinson |
Donald Willey |
J. B. Willey |
Orrin Willey |
Frank Willis |
Bobbie Wilson |
Gerald K. Wood |
Robert Wood |
Dennis Worthington |
Cloyd Zarr |
Submission by Theola Weeda June of 2013
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
