Tingley Centennial: 1883 ~ 1983
No longer in Existence

The Home Culture Club was organized in the early 1900's. The March 19, 1908 issue of the Tingley Vindicator
noted: "The most elaborate society event of the spring season was the entertainment provided by the ladies of the
Home Culture Club at the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. Luke SHAY in northeast Tingley. The ladies of the Home Culture
Club have a enviable reputation for providing delightful entertainment." The club met every two weeks from October
to May. Each program was intellectural - on musicians, authors, Indian life, art, Shakespeare, study of the original
13 colonies, etc. Elaborate Thanksgiving and Valentine's parties were held.
SOURCE: Tingley, Iowa Centennial: 1883 - 1983. p. 94. PSI, Inc. Belmond IA. 1983.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, September of 2011
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2011

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