Tingley Centennial: 1883 ~ 1983

Heading West on Main Street, 1914 - 1915 Aerdome is the 1st structure on the right.
The Vindicator, May 28, 1914
Building An Aerdome
O. W. ROUSH started the workmen on the construction of his Aerdome moving picture building Tuesday. It is 29x70 feet wtih a
15-foot front. The floor is earth, raised at the south, and with a gradual slope to the north, it makes a natural ampitheater.
This will be covered with sand, and the rains will compact the surface. The building will be lighted with a gas lighting
plant, and the picture machine enclosed in a booth. Mr. ROUSH expects to give two shows a week.
~ ~ ~ ~
The Vindicator, June 11, 1914
The shower Saturday evening prevented ROUSH'S Aerdome opening at that time as advertised. However, on Monday evening
telephone calls were sent out and the opening held that evening. The aerdome is seated with good benches which have backs
and canvas seats. A good sized crowd was present to witness the pictures. Music was furnished by an Edison talking machine
with the latest music and song hits. Commencing Saturday evening at 8 o'clock two shows will be given - this is the reels will
be run through the machine twice as is done in the city.
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The Vindicator, June 21, 1917
Aerdome Wrecked
O. W. ROUSH began Monday tearing down the aerdome building between his lot and that of Mirl THOMPSON'S.
SOURCE: Tingley, Iowa Centennial: 1883 - 1983. p. 105. PSI, Inc. Belmond IA. 1983.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, September of 2011
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2011
