Tingley Centennial: 1883 ~1983
Tingley Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts were organized in Tingley on August 28, 1913. Fourteen girls from 10-16 years of age signed up: Irene
McDOWELL, Helen HAAS, Lottie and Grace ARNOLD, Ivah RICHARDS, Leona FRANE, Lola ROUSH, Almeda McGUGIN, Gladys TIDRICK,
Lois SHAY, and Lucile QUICK. Dorothy MILLER and Hazel NELSON were patrol leaders. Loretta DUFTY and Florence DeLONG
were corporals. Fern LITTLE was Lady Captain. April 3, 1947 - Girl Scout Candlelight Ceremony at Legion Hall - Those
receiving badges were Doris JOHNSTON, Roberta REYNOLDS, Joan HANNAH, Verlene HALM, Roberta SWIGART, Wanda SWIGART,
Anne O'NEAL, Marlene GILES, Donna FERGUSON, Linda RICHARDS, Ellen EIGHME and Lyla CLOUGH. Margaret TROXELL and Loyce
OVERHOLTZER went out of scouting.
July 10, 1947 - Girls flying-up from Brownies to Intermediates are Betty JOBE,
Jenesse OVERHOLTZER, and Carol WERNER.
SOURCE: Tingley, Iowa Centennial: 1883 - 1983. p. 112. PSI, Inc. Belmond IA. 1983.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, September of 2011

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