Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa August 22, 1940
History of the Mount Ayr Post Office
By Howard Tedford

Apropos to the dedication of Mount Ayr's new post office home, Postmaster P. J. MaGRATH has asked the writer to contribute
for his happy event a historical sketch of the local office since its establishment. This call to service is
accepted both with pleasure and from a sense of duty. The archives of the local post office furnish no records for
the researching of history. Postmasters are required at stated intervals to destroy their old records and no
historical data is handed down from one postmaster to his successor. Therefore, it will be necessary to rely largely on
tradition and local history for the facts in connection with the Mount Ayr post office. In the year 1926, the then postmaster
was asked by Mrs. B. M. LESAN for the names and dates of service of various postmasters who have served this community.
A request was made to the department at Washington [D. C.] for this information which was furnished and is a part of
Mrs. LESAN'S invaluable history of Ringgold County. The Birth of the Office. This record
discloses the fact that the Mount Ayr post office was established August 30, 1855 - just eighty-five years ago. To the
younger generation this may seem like an interminable period of time, but even then sixty-five years had elapsed since the
birth of the Constitution, and a hundred and fifty years is a fleeting breath in the history of the world.
Our First Postmaster.Barton B. DUNNING was Mount Ayr's first settler, our first postmaster, our
first merchant and our first booster. Mr. DUNNING was born in New York state in 1909. After his marriage he moved to Chicago and
soon concluded to push further west. He came to Iowa to look at the country and decided to pitch his tent on this side
of the Mississippi. At that time Mount Ayr had just recently been surveyed as the location of the county seat of
Ringgold county. Leaving his family at Decatur City [Decatur County], which was then quite a metropolis for those days,
Mr. DUNNING came on to Mount Ayr and built the first pole cabin in town on the lot where the United Presbyterian church
now stands. After the completion of the cabin he returned to Decatur City for his wife and sons, Walter, Frank, and Day.
They arrived in Mount Ayr in June of 1855. Their son Charley was the first white child born in Mount Ayr. Soon after
establishing his family in their temporary cabin, he decided to move to the square and built a double-log house and store room
on the lots now occupied by the Clyde LESAN Company, and the R. S. BEALL insurance office. The postal service has always
followed closely on the heels of advancing civilization and Mr. DUNNING lost no time in securing the establishment of a post office
in the future capital of the new county of Ringgold. The mail service was nothing to brag about in those pioneer days.
The first mail to reach this new outpost came from Mt. Pisgah, a small settlement a few miles northeast of Afton, which had
been started by the Mormons as a midway station on their long overland trek from Nauvoo, Ills. to Salt Lake City, Utah.
The earliest settlers in Mount Ayr were treated to mail once a month. Mr. DUNNING would go to Mount Pisgah on horseback
for the mail or dispatch one of his sons on the errand which required two days. Mr. DUNNING received his appointment as
postmaster during the administration of Franklin PIERCE - the sixteenth president of the United States. He served as postmaster
for several years or until his successor, John A. MILLER, was appointed on August 24, [1859] but the year is not legible on
the old records of the department. During the LINCOLN administration or from May 2, 1861, to December, 1867, five postmasters
served with commissions signed by Abraham LINCOLN. They include D. C. KINSELL [appointed May 2, 1861], John McGAUGHEY
[appointed October 30, 1865], David RICHEY [appointed February 5, 1867],
Alexander HARROUN [appointed September 30, 1867], and John A. LESAN [appointed December 2, 1867].
Judging by the frequent changes, it appears quite evident that postmaster in those good old days were men that the spoils
of office could not corrupt and they evidently rendered service from a sense of public duty. Mr. MILLER who succeeded Mr.
DUNNING, resigned in the early part of the Civil war to enter the service of his country and was killed in action. His widow
and son, Lee C. lived and died in Mount Ayr. Mr. MILLER was a brother of Ellis C. MILLER and the Mount Ayr G.A.R. Post
was named in his [Ellis] honor. D. C. KINSELL and his respected family have always occupied a large place in the
business and social affairs of Mount Ayr. John McGAUGHEY was an uncle by marriage of Mrs. Julia BAILEY. Alexander HARROUN
was an upstanding pioneer citizen and was the grandfather of W. T. HARROUN. David RITCHEY was the step-father of Major
D. M. MARSHALL. John A. LESAN was a loved, respected and honored citizen of Mount Ayr. The Gum Kirby Chapter
This brings us down to the seventies and eighties during the administrations of GRANT, HAYES, GARFIELD and the first term
of Grover CLEVELAND. Acknowledgement is made to G. M. KIRBY for the history of this period. Here are his memories as written
in a letter dated July 10, 1940: "My earliest memory of Mount Ayr postmasters begins with John A. LESAN who had the
office in a frame building on a lot south of the location of the Record-News office. At that time the mail reached
Mount Ayr by stage from Keokuk via Decatur City. This stage line extended from Keokuk to the Missouri river through the
southern tier of counties. The four horses used were exchanged every twelve miles. In 1868-69 we lived in the John
ARMSTRONG property, built by my father, three blocks east of the square on Madison street, and our home was the east limit
of the town and all east of this was open prairie and twice prairie fires came up to the road that runs north and south
as it does today. "The big thrill of the day to me, then a boy of six, was to climb on the fence and watch that
four-hours mail and passenger stage go by. With the establishment of this stage coach line mail was received in Mount Ayr
six days each week instead of once a month. The speeding up process had commenced. "My uncle, Geo. B. ROBY became
the next postmaster and moved the office to his print shop where he issued the Ringgold Record over the Z. T. KINSELL
hardware store located on the lot now the location of the PRENTIS Hatchery. When my uncle, W. S. BERKEY had the office,
it was moved back to the LESAN building on depot street and the BERKEY family lived in the rear and I was often there and
was permitted to go behind the boxes. I noted the money was kept loose in a desk drawer. There was no hard money
except pennies. It was all paper "shin plasters" in denomination from 5-cents to 50-cents. I recall in the office front
window one pane was replaced with a sheet of tin having a slot to receive mail. "Day after day there
appeared a shortage in the money drawer and suspicion pointed to some boys who were spending liberally for candy and tobacco.
The boys were able to rob the till by taking out the tin window and putting a smaller boy through to rake in the small
change. As usual the law administered a useful lesson to the culprits. "It was during Mr. BERKEY's term of
service that the C.B.&Q. [Chicago, Burlington &Quincy Railroad] was extended from Burlington to Council Bluffs and
with the completion of this line, Mount Ayr was served with mail by stage from Afton via Eugene."
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 28, 1991
By Shirley Hickman

The Eighties and Gay Nineties
Henry C. MARKHAM was serving as postmaster in the year 1879 and our branch railroad was completed was completed the next
spring to a point just north of Ben THOMPSON'S home. Mr. MARKHAM served as postmaster during the HAYES administration and
the office was located in a frame building on the Dr. E. C. SHEUMAKER lot across the alley from the last location of the office.
Mr. MARKHAM was succeeded by Hon. Geo. S. ALLYN on March 27, 1879. This was after concluding his term of service as clerk of
the district court. He resigned as postmaster after serving a year and two months to enter the banking and real estate
business in partnership with Cal MORRIS. He was succeeded by his deputy, Wm. A. REGER. At this time the office was moved
to a larger frame building on a lot south of the city hall corner. [Mr. REGER'S] four year's administration brings us to
the first CLEVELAND administration and for the first time since the Civil war, republican office holders were asked to take a
walk. The rule of Andrew JACKSON that to the 'victors belong the spoils' was religiously adhered to.
A Democrat Takes The ReinsSamuel HENDERSON served for four years from 1886 to 1890. He was a loveable
old character who moved to Mount Ayr to engage in the harness business. He was a soldier of both the Mexican and Civil wars.
When he took the notion in his head that he wanted to be postmaster he did not waste time consulting with the local and
state democratic bosses. Instead, he wrote to his old friend and neighbor Senator Isham H. HARRIS back in Tennessee advising
him of his desire. The senator went at once to call on President Grover CLEVELAND and asked him for the appointment of his
old friend. Of course the request was grant. Mr. HENDERSON moved the office to the west side of the square on the lot where Frank
F. WILSON'S law office is now located. Turning the Rascals OutDuring this period of administration
chades [?] became more common in our political history. Hugh A. WHITE served the term as postmaster during the HARRISON
administration and when Grover CLEVELAND staged his come-back four years later, Wm. A. TODD was appointed. Both of these
postmasters were deservedly popular and served the patrons of the office with great efficiency. Mr. WHITE caused the office to be moved
from the west side to its first brick building on the TIMBY lot, now occupied by the JOHNSON barber shop. Mr. TODD later
moved the office to the I.O.O.F. building. When the republicans were returned to power with the election of Wm. McKINLEY in 1896, Wm. A. DeLASHMUTT
was named postmaster and he moved the office to the brick building he owned which is now occupied by the offices of the Iowa
Southern Utilities Company. Here the office remained for twenty years.
At the end of four years more the
appointment went to A. O. INGRAM who held the office for about two years when he resigned to re-enter business. James BEARD
took charge of the office November 17, 1903 and served through the ROOSEVELT administrations. Mr. BEARD was a civil war
veteran and was universally loved and respected. He had previously served as sheriff of the county and proved a courageous
officer. It was during his administration that he selected Clarence E. HOLLOPETER for his assistant. Clarence lived with his
parents in Mount Ayr, but Mr. BEARD discovered him in a one-room school house in District No. 4 of Tingley township where
he was endeavoring to demonstrate to a future generation the venerable and now almost obsolete theorem that two plus two
equals four. He entered the service March 1, 1910 and was made assistant postmaster by appointment on September 1st of the
same year. He has served the patrons of Mount Ayr postoffice faithfully and with rare efficiency during all of the
intervening years. It was during Mr. BEARD'S administration that the old home-made fixtures were discarded and modern ones
installed. Rural route service was also instituted at this time.

Post Office, far left &next to J. B. Currie, Jeweler, northwest side of the square
The World War PeriodThe next shift of postmasters occurred after Woodrow WILSON became
president. John A. McNERNEY pulled the wires successfully and served for eight years of until June 3, 1924. This administration
was thoroughly approved by the patrons of the office. It was during this time that the service was seized with growing pains.
The office emerged from the 3rd to the 2nd class. Receipts of $8000.00 per annum are required for a second-class rating
and this goal was reached on January 1, 1919 and the office attained to a civil service status. The work was very arduous during
the war period with increasing duties and a limited clerical force, but long hours with pay for overtime, solved the
problem until the advent of civil service. More Changes of BaseVarious locations of the
post office have been noted. Another occurred during Mr. McNERNEY'S second term when the office was moved to the BARTOW
building by reason of the need of more floor space. Again after the termination of a ten-year lease it was moved to the
WILSON building and new fixtures were installed by the department. This completes the circuit of location around the square
and side streets. These changes often resulted in much controversy. Now that the office has been provided with a permanent home,
moving from pillar to post will become a thing of the past.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 09, 2015, Page 11

By Mike AvittI hope you can read the awnings on the old Firestone building. The nearest one says, "Post Office." The post office moved
around quite a bit in the old days and I have a few of its locations. The post office moved to the site in this week's photo on August 28, 1920 from its
old location at 104 S. Taylor. Iowa Southern Utilities would soon occupy the building at 104 S. Taylor and would remain there for decades. I don't know where
the post office was before that but the Mount Ayr centennial book shows an early post office at 111 N. Taylor, the site of Northern Propane in the 1960s and
70s. The post office had to have been located there prior to 1912 as I have a list of occupants after that date. The next move the Mount Ayr Post Office would make
would be January 23, 1932 at 111 S. Fillmore or the current location of Cunning Insurance. This was a new building built by Frank Wilson, son of the famous
grocer, H. H. Wilson. Leonard Rusk was the lead carpenter and Leonard (Dewey) Kinder and Ollie Guthrie were the masons. The post office would stay here only until
August 1940 when the current structure at 200 West Madison was ready for occupancy.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
Creston News Advertiser Creston, Union County, Iowa Thursday, May 27, 1938
Site of New Mt. Ayr Postoffice
By Irene HOOD
The buildings which will be torn down for the site of the new Mt. Ayr $75,000 post office on the northwest corner
of the square are Dr. J. W. HILL building which is occupied by the Ladies Toggery and in the rear Dr. HILL's office;
TODD Hardware; E. S. SHEUMAKER'S veterinary office; and Harold DAVIS Garage. These businesses will move and the buildings
will be razed. P. J. MaGATH is postmaster at Mount Ayr.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 24, 2015, Page 19
By Mike Avitt This is the first of three photos I'll run from the Orr Fisher collection. We still have hundreds of negatives and color slides to look
through so maybe I'll come up with more later. Most of the prints from this collection pertain to Orr's sister Eula and her daughter Donna.
After looking at this picture for about five seconds, I saw the words "LUMBER COMPANY" on the building in the background to the left. Then I knew I was
looking at the northwest corner of the square in the fall of 1939. These buildings were torn down that autumn to make way for the new post office. Less than
two years after this photo was taken, Orr Fisher would paint the mural that currently hangs on the east wall of the Mount Ayr Post office.
We see one building
still standing. This structure was built in 1875 as a bank by Dr. J. T. Merrill and DeWitt Kinsell. I believe three different banks occupied this building, those
being the Ringgold County Bank, the Dunning Bank, and (Allyn Bros.) Mount Ayr Bank. In December of 1913 Charles Stranahan opened a grocery here and called it
Stranahan's Busy Corner. He had a closing sale beginning January 1919 and Addie Milligan later had a millinery store here. The building was left standing
temporarily as a construction office and supply room. The building to the west of that is now just ashes and smoke was also built in 1875 by Z. T. Kinsell as
a hardware store. This remained a hardware store its entire life with Guy Todd buying an interest in the business in 1926. Mr. Todd bought the business outright in
1937 and moved to 108 S. Taylor in 1939 when he sold his old property to the government. The next building west was built in 1875 by N. W. Clark as a harness
shop. Kinsell's eventually took over the shop and used it as a warehouse. West of that was Dr. E. C. Sheumaker's veterinary office, built in 1912. The
doctor moved to 113 S. Fillmore (now Tyler Insurance) when he evacuated his building. And lastly, Dave Neptune had built a cement block garage on the east side
of the alley in 1912 but I don't know who occupied the building in 1939 or where they went. Now, if you look through the smoke over the seated gentlemen, you
may be able to see the back side of a billboard. I have seen this billboard in the background of another photo dated 1945. It faces toward Mount Ayr Mill &Feed
and I just find that very curious. These corner lots were sold by Billie Finch to United Food Market in February of 1954 and they built a new grocery store later
that year. Of course, that's Hawkeye Lumber Co. you see to the left of the billboard. The tile brick building to the right of Stranahan's Busy Corner, between
C.G.I. Grocers and the Mount Ayr Record-News today, was completed in August of 1938 and was built by Dr. J. W. Hill. Dr. Hill occupied the south half
downstairs while Dr. Raymond Leazenby, a dentist, occupied the north half downstairs. Dr. Leazenby's sister, Ferrah, married Dr. C. C. Lawhead. So what was
upstairs? The upstairs was made into an apartment and was rented out to Mr. and Mrs. Billie Finch. Billie later bought the old George Allyn home on West
Columbus. The painted sign on the window says, "POP and CANDY." Hopefully, I'll find out who the last occupant of this building was and bring it to your
in another article.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Stranahan Busy Corner photograph courtesy of Mike Avitt
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 4, 1991
By Shirley Hickman

Parcel Post Office
An important improvement in the postal service was the inauguration of the parcel post system in 1913. After a long
contest the monopoly of carrying packages was wrested from the express companies and the people were given this service
at rates that were fair and equitable. This service brought the city to the country and the country to the city.
Free Rural Delivery
The Rural Free Delivery service was instituted in 1896 and today the service comprises some 33,000 carriers who travel
a million miles daily. The first route from Mount Ayr was established September 2, 1902 with Ed WHITE as carrier.
Willie W. POOR took over the route October 16, 1906 and has completed thirty-three years of service and is entitled to
retirement. He is now serving on R.F.D. No. 2. His friends are numbered by all of his acquaintances. Four other
routes were afterward established and the farmers were given service for about 12 miles in every direction from
Mount Ayr. The old horse-drawn route was about 25 miles in length. Since the advent of the auto the routes have been reduced
to four without any curtailment in the service. Pointing With PrideThe department can point
with pride to the service record of the 22 postmasters who have served this community in the 85 years that have passed since
the office was established. The average tenure of each postmaster has been about four years. Many of the changes were brought
about by resignation, none by death, and the most of them were due to the fortunes of politics. In all of this time no postmaster
has been removed for malfeasance in office and each and every postmaster has rendered a true and accurate account of his
stewardship. It is an enviable record of faithful and conscientious public service, and deserved to be recorded as a historical fact.
The Speeding Up Process
During the time of the Mount Ayr post office the country has witnessed an undreamed of development in rapid transit facilities.
First our mail was brought on horseback once a month. The four-horse stage coach, in the old steam boat and river packet
gave us mail from Keokuk when that town seemed destined to outrival Chicago in importance. It was during this period that
the pony express was established between St. Joe and San Francisco. It took 75 ponies and 10 1/2 days to make the trip to the
coast, and a maximum speed of 7 days and 17 hours was finally attained. At first the charge for carrying a letter was $5.00,
but it was afterwards reduced to $1.00. To-day a letter mailed from San Francisco and sent by air mail at a cost of six cents
will be delivered in Mount Ayr in 23 hours. With the advent of the Burlington road at Afton in 1868 we were still
dependent on stage coach facilities until the completion of the Burlington branch from Chariton to Mount Ayr, in the
spring of 1880. Later the C.G.W. [Chicago Great Western] was built through the county and star route service was installed
from Benton. During the eighties [1880's] the railroads competed for mail contracts, a speed of a mile a minute being required
under the contracts with the post office department. It is less than fifteen years since the first air-mail letter was
received at the post office and the event called for an item in the Record-News. Soon afterwards Colonel [Charles]
LINDBERGH thrilled the nation by flying across the Atlantic in his epoch making adventure. Then came the rapid development
of air mail service and these routes now traverse the continent and extend to South American neighbors and across the seas.
In the slowing down of our railroad service the motor bus has come to the rescue to give Mount Ayr postal facilities
comparable with all our county seat towns.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa August 27, 1924

Patrons of the Mount Ayr postoffice who have occasion to mail letters on the Des Moines train are pleased to note that a mail
box has been provided and put in a convenient place at the west side of the depot. The box is maintained as a community
mail box and was installed at the suggestion of Postmaster Howard TEDFORD and upon the recommendation of an inspector who visited
the local office a couple of weeks ago. That's service.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa September 3, 1924

The campaign recently inaugurated by the working force at the Mount Ayr post office which includes the post master,
chief clerk, assistant clerks and the carriers on the five rural routes, to bring the mail boxes on all the routes up
to the standard required by the post office department, is meeting with gratifying results. A portion of the post office
basement has been converted into a paint shop and each day the carriers bring in rural boxes to be painted white with
the name of the patron in black. All the patrons interviewed have been pleased to co-operate and the prediction is safe
that within a few weeks every box and its support on the routes out of the Mount Ayr will be shipshape. The following
patrons of the different routes have either brought in their boxes to be painted or have promised the carriers to do the work
themselves. Only a few of the patrons have been seen by the carriers, but in every instance the suggestion has met with
enthusiastic response. Route No. 1: John F. WION, carrier; J. E. PRIMMER, Floyd MAIN, Leonard MILLS and J. L.
HICKERSON. Glenn SHELDON purchased a brand new box. Route No. 2: Willie POOR, carrier: A. C. TRULLINGER started
the painting on this route, and several weeks ago had his box and post nicely repainted and lettered. Other patrons who
have responded to the call are C. G. KIMBALL, Geo. GIBSON, L. O. IMUS and perhaps others. Route No. 3: John E. BRADLEY,
carrier; Geo. WILSON, Roy DAILEY, Sam GERMAN, Geo. MOFFATT, Glenn ROBINSON, Mr. BRADLEY painted fourteen posts on
Saturday morning while delivering his mail. Route No. 4: Leo C. LAIRD, carrier; H. Guy ROBERTS and C. S. RICE,
installed newly painted and lettered boxes Saturday morning. Other patrons who have enlisted are V. G. MACKEY, GREENMAN &BURCHETT, G. H. FERBER, O. C. FRY, H. G. CAMPBELL, J. L. FUNKHOUSER, Noah SALTZMAN and W. C. BARKER. Route No. 5:
Earl W. KELLY, carrier; J. E. MILLER, Fred BARKER and W. C. BARKER. We are pleased to know the post office department,
the carriers and the patrons are all co-operating to improve the mail service. We understand the road men are glad to
co-operate with the patrons and protect the boxes where they have taken interest enough to keep their boxes and supports in
good repair. We can barely blame the drag men and graders from pulling down the box supports when they are carelessly set too
far inside of the road. Good progress is being made by the mail carriers on the five routes out of Mount Ayr, who in
co-operation with patrons are bringing the mail boxes up to the standard required by the department. The latest report
shows that 338 routes out of 40,000 in the United States fully meet the requirements and it is the ambition of the Mount
Ayr carriers to place five more routes on the fully accredited list within the next few weeks. There are 475 mail boxes
on the Mount Ayr routes.

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 03, 1966
Work started this week on complete interior redecoration of the Mount Ayr post office. Paul Hervey of Ottumwa, in charge of the work here for the M. J. Newsom Company of Des Moines, said it would probably take more than a month to complete the job. Walls and ceilings of the work area will be repainted a light tan color with all wood trim in the area painted a rust color. The lobby area will remain about the same, with walls receiving a new coat of green and the wood getting new varnish. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2017
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 01, 2015, Page 1
Who are these people in famous Mount Ayr painting ? By Kathy Hemann

For many decades there has been speculation about who the characters in the Mount Ayr Post Office mural might be. I believe Orr himself would
sometimes say that he had no one in mind for each character leading many citizens to make guesses about the identities due to some similarity to a family member.
Remember, this mural was completed in 1941, so much time has passed.Among the information gathered from the estate of niece Donna Howard, there was
correspondence between Mary Nichols and Orr Fisher concerning the final resting place for his art. One question she asked was information about the post
office mural. Orr went into great detail about his work on the mural. First of all, as many of you know, this was commissioned work from the federal
government during the recovery from the depression called WPA project. The person in Washington, D.C. in charge of this project was a man named Mr. Ruan. Orr
had to submit many sketches. The one chosen was "Corn Parade" for Mount Ayr and "Evening on the Farm" for Forest City. All of the submissions were auctioned
off in 1943 by the government and have not been seen since. It would be nice if they could be located. Orr also had to provide information on the type of
paint and color he would use. Orr said there were six to eight colors used in the mural, and the paint was permanent. The colors were made by the Permanent
Pigment Company which explains why the mural is still in great shape. Other post office artists did not use permanent paint. Orr also had to provide Mr. Ruan
with a sample of the canvas he would use. He sent a piece of heavy linen canvas for approval, and it was approved. Other post office artists would paint directly
on the wall which is another reason our mural has held up. The size, as Orr recalled, was 5' x 11' and the Forest City mural was 13' and narrower than 5'.
The people in the mural, according to Orr, are Dr. Brown and his dog, postmaster Howard Tedford, mayor H. E. Bagley is on the horse, Roy Schwartz is on the
tractor and William Belvel is the cameraman. Orr was very sensitive about the little boy in the mural. Orr said, "He was a mentally retarded child," and
he did not want to give his name. These are all Orr's exact words. There was no money paid until the painting was half done, and he had to send a picture
to Washington. The last half was paid at completion and shown hanging in the post office. Orr was very proud of the fact that he hung the mural in the
post office himself. He said most artists did not hang their own mural. Orr was known around Mount Ayr as quite a handyman, so it was in good hands.
It is so exciting that this information still exists after all these decades. Many towns are not that lucky. Thanks again to University Museums, Iowa State
University, for retrieving the archive from Oregon and generously giving it to Ringgold County. [NOTE: Orr Fisher used his money for painting the post
office mural to buy a Studebaker car. He did love cars.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 31, 1940
A contract has been let to the Mount Ayr Greenhouse, under the proprietorship of Paul TEALE, for landscaping the grounds of the new federal post office building in Mount Ayr.
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
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Transcriptions and notes by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010; updated October of 2015; updated May of 2017
