The Lamoni Telephone Company, which was promoted by W. A. HOPKINS, was incorporated in 1897. The line
extends through Decatur and Ringgold counties, Iowa, and Harrison county, Missouri, and through its connections
with the Bell Telephone Company, gives its subscribers long distance as well as local service. The company employs
about five girls, a number of lineman and two or three men who assist Mr. FRANCE in the office work. The present
[1915] officers are: Charles FRANCE, president; W. A. GRENAWALT, vice president; Dr. W. J. MATHER, secretary; and G. H.
DERRY, treasurer. The above named gentlemen also constitute the board of directors.
HOWELL, J. M. &CONOMAN, Heman. History of Decatur County, Iowa, and Its People Vol. II. p. 297.
S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1915.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2009
