Twice-A-Week News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa 1898

The above cut represents the interior of Miss EPPERLY &Co's millinery establishment when in its brilliant array during
the first grand opening in March, 1895. In September, 1894, Miss Rose EPPERLY and C. HICKMAN purchased the store of Mrs. J. T. MERRILL, which was at
the time under the firm name of Mrs. J. T. MERRILL &Co., and which at present time is known as the firm of Miss EPPERLY &Co.
This emporium has long since been recognized as the leading millinery store of this city and it is here the up-to-date
ladies of the city and surrounding county continue as always purchasing their headgear from season to season. During
Miss EPPERLY'S skillful management of this commodious apartment she has been assisted by the following trimmers:
Mrs. [illegible] and Miss Julia MERRILL, Misses Alice BASTOW, Mabel HENRY, Flo P[illegible], Edie HENDERSON, Villa WHITTAKER, Edith
KELLER, Miss Anna ANTHONY of Muscatine and Miss Lydia SCHRECK of St. Joseph. Mrs. J. F. WALL has been a valuable assistant during
the great rush. The present trimmer, Miss SHRECK, whom Miss EPPERLY &Co. were so fortunate in securing two season in succession, has proven
to be the most artistic trimmer employed in Mt. Ayr. The proprietress in company with one of the assistants goes early in
each season to D. B. FISK &Co., the leading millinery house of Chicago, and TOOTLE &WEALEY, St. Joseph, to select the
latest and most fashionalbe stock of goods the eastern markets offer. The new departure in the way of spring openings in
the city was originated by Miss EPPERLY &Co., the first grand opening ever held in the city being given on the above
date, while this year a similiar session was that of the grand Easter opening which occurred April 3 and 4 and at which time the
chic, nobby Easter hat - the joy of a woman's heart - and the dainty veils for the "dear faces" were displayed.
Miss EPPERLY has, by her genial manner and present force of helpers, won not only a large patronage but many friends.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010
