When traveling through Ringgold County on May 22, 2009, we stopped at Redding. The following photographs are
from this visit.
Redding Post Office
Redding Feed Supply was housed in the northwestern corner of the Redding School.
Log Cabin, Redding Park
Sinclair Station
In 1939 the Redding Oil Company built a new station along Highway 169, complete with all the moder conveniences [restrooms?].
The new building was 30' x 66' and was painted green and white.
Redding Opera House
We stopped to ask for directions and then visited a bit with the lady of the house while her young daughter was
holding up an adorable kitten for us to look at. She told us that the building, pictured above, used to be the hotel.
She said that the blacksmith shop was on the lot directly across the street west of the old hotel. This lot is on her
property. She said that they find horseshoes all the time when tilling their garden. I found out later that this building was Redding's Opera House, known by the old-timers as the SMITH
building. At one time, there were chautauqua-style shows in the upper floor; the store occupied the lower floor. The old screen door is still hanging at the
Redding Opera House, pictured at right. The last hotel in Redding was on the northeast corner of the park.
Other Redding links:
Redding School House, 2009
Redding Cemetery
Methodist Church, Redding, Iowa
Photographs and Submission by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
