Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 16, 2005
Ringgold County Fair, sesquicentennial celebration set here

Six nights of entertainment and events are planned when the Ringgold County Fair gets underway, Wednesday, July 13 through
Monday July 18 at the fairgrounds north of Mount Ayr. Thursday evening will be the sesquicentennial beard judging
contest. Judging will be done by a panel of local barbers and beauticians. The sesquicentennial committee is currently
making plans for the parade to be held at 5 p.m. in Mount Ayr. The theme is "Celebrating 150 Years Living in Ringgold County."
Categories include antique car to 1939, classic cars 1939-1960, antique machinery to 1939, classic machinery 1939-1960,
bicycle, political affiliation, fair queen (past and present), horses, horse drawn entry, draft horses, town mayor/council
or other ideas. Following the parade, there will be a parade of flags with horse riders carrying flags from all 50
states along the parade route.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 14, 2005
County's centennial was bigger bash than 150th year observance
By Britt Fell
The sesquicentennial celebration is almost here! At this time fifty years ago, the people of Ringgold county were
preparing to celebrate the centennial. Although both events pay homage to the past, the way it is is celebrated
will have changed somewhat. The centennial party in 1955 lasted five days, every evening starting off with a
performance by nationally renowed singer Oscar Davis. Young women of the county were nominated for queen and the
title of "Miss Ringgold County" and waited in anticipation for the night when the results would be announced.
Miss Ringgold County Contestants, 1955
The winner was Ms. Carolyn LUNGREN. In addition to the crown and title, she won a trip for two to Orlando, FL.
There were ten princesses in her court. They included Suzanne TODD, Janelle TAYLOR, Myrtle SERVIR, Jeannette RAUCH, Mari
REES, Mary Sue PRITCHARD, Shirley POWELL, Mary PINE, Mildred JONES and Delores GRAVETT. Another event of the
centennial aniversary was a beard contest. Three different titles were awarded in this category. The longest beard
was won by Carrol MOTSINGER whose beard was four and a half inches long. Hurley POWELL won the title of worst-looking
beard and Harry GUNTER was awarded the title of fanciest beard. Many members of the community participated in the
performance "Backward Glances" which was a series of short skits about the role that Iowa and Ringgold county played in
various major historical events. Those that were interested in traditional American clothing designs made replicas
of garments from a certain era which were then modeled and judged. Over 7,000 people watched the pageant. The courthouse
hosted the centennial tea. Cake and punch were also served followed by singing and a performance by the Mount Ayr band.
The grand finale was a parade that featured antique cars, farm machinery, floats from different organizations and livestock.
Surprisingly, it was estimated that 20,000 people watched the parade's progress through Mount Ayr.
Although some of the events are different, some of the traditional centennial activities will be brought back in
the observance this week.
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Church services at the park Sunday

The Mount Ayr United Methodist Church will hold a special worship service at Judge Lewis Park this Sunday, July 17.
Members and guests are invited for fellowship and brunch beginning at 10 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. with worship service
to follow at 11 a.m. Please dress casual and bring a lawn chair if you have one. Some seating will be available.
This special service is sponsored by the worship and membership committees of the Ringgold County Sesquicentennial and
the County Fair. There will be no regular monthly potluck following worship.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
All afternoon - judging of 4-H home economics, expressive arts, science and engineering, ag and natural resources
and personal development projects.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Arrival of livestock and exhibits.
12:30 p.m. Horse Show, superintendents Jay and Pat Meeser.
5:30 p.m. Beard Judging Contest.
6:30 p.m. Queen and Princess Contest.
7:30 p.m. "Headin' South" concert.
Friday, July 15, 2005
9:00 a.m. Swine Show, superintendent Ed McCreary.
10:00 a.m. Bucket Calf Show, superintendents Jamie Haidsaik, Andy Dugan and Brian Bickel.
10:30 a.m. Sheep Show, superintendents Richard Tidman and Tim Creveling.
11:30 a.m. Goat Show.
1:00 p.m. Poultry Show, superintendent Bob Martin.
3 - 7:00 p.m. Kids games.
6:30 p.m. Annual pickup and tractor pull.
6:30 p.m. Bill Riley Talent Search, grandstands, followed by Louie Long &Texas 3 concert.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
6 - 9:00 a.m. 4-H County Countil pancake breakfast &fundraiser.
8:30 a.m. Feeder Calf Show, superintendents Jaime Haidsaik, Andy Dugan and Brian Bickel.
9:00 a.m. Breeding Beef Show,
9:00 a.m. Challenge Recipe check-in.
10:00 a.m. Baby Contest.
10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Kids Games (included bowling pin knock down, pluck a duck, bean bag toss-a-roo, dime that dish,
spin art and face painting).
11:00 a.m. Pen of Three Beef Conference Judging.
12:00 - 5:00 p.m. Sales of Ringgold County Sesquicentennial Postmarks at Ringgold County Fairgrounds.
12:00 noon Peewee Wrangler Show and Bucket Calf Contest.
12:45 p.m. Egg Toss Contest.
1:00 p.m. Market Beef Show followed by Open Class Feeder Calf Show.
1:30 p.m. Husband &Wife Calling Contest.
2:00 p.m. Mom and Dad Calling Contest.
3:00 p.m. Skillet Throwing Contest.
3:45 p.m. Turkey Calling Contest.
4:00 p.m. Mud Volleyball Tournament, sponsored by the 4-H County Council.
5:00 p.m. "Celebrating 150 Years Living in Ringgold County" Sesquicentennial and Ringgold County Fair Parade,
followed by parade of flags representing all 50 states.
7:00 p.m. Muttin Bustin' Contest.
8:00 p.m. Bulls and Barrels Rodeo with a special bull soccer event. Vic Lilinethal is the local bull rider for
this event, followed by fireworks by Flashing Thunder.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
9:30 a.m. Monster Arm Wrestling Tournament.
10:30 a.m. Church brunch, Judge Lewis Park.
11:00 a.m. Church services, Judge Lewis Park.
12:30 p.m. Future 4-Her's Pet Show, followed by judging of small animals, pets, dogs and rabbits.
1 - 3:00 p.m. Kids Games.
1:00 p.m. Williamson Monkey Show.
3:30 p.m. Williamson Monkey Show.
6:00 p.m. 4-H building projects released.
6:00 p.m. Cow Lotto Contest, sponsored by the 4-H County Council.
7:00 p.m. Annual Demolition Derby &Hay Stacking Contest.
8:00 p.m. Release of animal exhibits not proceeding on to livestock auction.
Monday, July 18, 2005
3:30 p.m. 4-H Pie Judging.
5:00 p.m. Livestock Auction Barbecue, sponsored by Hy-Vee Food Store.
5:45 p.m. Auction of 4-H Pies, following by sale of chain saw sculptures, followed by livestock auction.
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An antique display in the McDonnell Aplliance window on the square in mount Ayr has been
touting the celebration of Ringgold County's sesquicentennial and the Ringgold County Fair for several weeks.
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Pictorial postmark set to celebrate sesquicentennial
Ringgold County will have a pictorial postmark to commemorate its sesquicentennial celebration. As a community service,
the U.S. Postal Service offers pictorial postmarks to commemorate local events celebrated in communities throughout
the ntion. A postal trailer will be at the Ringgold County Fairgrounds on Saturday, July 16, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. offering the
special postmark. Those who cannot attend the events on Saturday bu wish to obtain the postmark may submit a mail order
request to David Richards, Postmaster, 202 W. Madison St., Mount Ayr, IA 50854-9998 or stop by the Mount Ayr Post Office
no later than 30 days after July 16 to received the special postmark. Customers wishing to obtain a postmark should affix
stamps to any envelopes or postcards of their choice and also enclose a return stamped envelope so the postmark cancellations
can be returned to them.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 21, 2005
Ringgold County's 150th birthday was celebrated in conjunction with the Ringgold County
Fair last week, with a big parade, featuring some of the most creative floats entries.
Above, the display of all the flags of the United States by horse riders.
The Parade

At left: Great Western Bank's 150th birthday cake float;
At right: Mount Ayr Record-News float celebrating 141 years of service.
At left: Some old engines on display;
At right: Chamber of Commerce float clebrating years of business.
At left: A Red Hat Society float celebrating the change in effort appliances have brought;
At right: A Willey vehicle celebrating Cross Service &Garage.
At left: Bob Schafer's float with a homemade tractor which was driven in the county
centennial parade of 1955;
At right: The Ellston float stepping back in time.
The Celebration
At left: Chain saw artist John Geddes at work;
At right: The monkey show.
A free monkey show was held at 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon on the stage in the commercial building. Jim and
Jan Williamson will bring bring their trained monkeys to the fair for a show. Jocko is a Rhesus Macaque monkey and Judy is a
capachin monkey. They will do do acrobatic tricks, play ball, ride a rocking horse and do many other tricks. In addition,
the Williamsons have added some magic tricks to the show and Judi the monkey does a few illusion tricks as well. The
monkeys have been raised in the Williamson's home since they were just a few weeks old and are family pets in
addition to entertaining people around the country. As well as entertaining, the couple stresses the importance of
literature and learning in life, tells about the care of primates and urges character development and safety.
Sesquicentennial beard contest judged
Winners were named in the sesquicentennial beard contest held at the Ringgold County Fair Thursday evening. Some 15
contestants took part in the contest, with prizes awarded in three categories. In the longest beard contest, Chuck
WIEMAN of Mount Ayr (at right, center) was first; Warren ANGUS of Mount Ayr was second; and Gaylen COMBS of Mount
Ayr was third. In the best groomed beard contest, Kurt GREENMAN of Mount Ayr (near right) placed first; Mark HICKMAN
of Mount Ayr was second; and Elbert SKARDA of Tingley was third. In the scariest beard contest, Warren ANGUS of
Mount Ayr (far right) placed first; Roger MORRISON of Tingely placed second; and Harold CRAWFORD of Mount Ayr placed third.
Manure spreader teamwork.
Winners told in fair judging
A number of contests were held for young and old as part of the 2005 Ringgold County Fair.
Watermelon eating contest.
Watermelon Eating Contest Winners Told
A watermelon eating contest was held with prizes for the person who finished his or her watermelon slice the fastest.
Results included:
Ages zero to five -- In first place was Ryann MARTIN.
Ages six to eight -- First place went to Bria HOFFMAN; Jake and Joe RICKER also participated.
Ages nine to 14 -- First place went to Sky HOFFMAN; also participating was Taylor STILL, Madison HOSFIELD, Matasha
VanHEESWYK, Megan PIERCE, Logan WIMER, Mason MERCER, Bradly LOVE and Jesse RICKER.
Ages 15 and up -- First place went to this year's fair queen, Amanda HYNEK; also participating was Brent RICKER,
Jamie LOVE, Jess FROST and Matt HYMBAUGH.
Egg Toss
The winners of the egg toss were Bradley LOVE and Dillon DRAKE.
Husband Calling Contest
First place went to Tracee KNAPP in the husband calling contest. Also participating was Carol Ann McCREARY, Marla
Wife Calling Contest
First place went to Doug STILL in the wife calling contest. Also participating was Joe LOVE, Bernard CRAWFORD, Jim
Skillet Throw Contest
Winners in the skillet throw contest included:
Ages zero to five -- First place went to Hallie STILL.
Ages six to 12 -- First place went to Taylor STILL, 57' 8"; second place to Brad POORE, 48' 8.5"; and third place
to Jake RICKER, 43' 1.5". Others participating were Shelby WAMBOLD, 38' .5"; Joe RICKER, 40'; Ben SAVILLE, 23' 5"; Jacob
Van HEESWYK, 31' 11.5"; and Elly BROWN, 43' 9".
Ages 13 and up -- First place went to Shane TRIGGS, 126' 2"; second place to Sheldon TRIGGS, 86' 3.5"; and third place
to Colton BOLES, 84' 3". Others participating were Bradley LOVE and Ethan WAMBOLD.
Mom/Dad Calling Contest
The Ringgold County Fair had quite a large number of participants in the Mom/Dad calling contest event. Each one hollered
for mommy or daddy and while all of them did well, there had to be only one winner. This year's first place award
went to Bradley LOVE. Others who participated were Jesse RICKRE, Maci LILIENTHAL, Reece KNAPP, Elly BROWN, Jacob
Turkey Calling Contest
Winners in the turkey calling contest included:
Ages five to eight -- First place Joe RICKER. Jake RICKER and Hallie STILL also participated.
Ages nine to 13 -- First place went to Bradley LOVE, second place to Taylor STILL, and third place to Jeston JOBE.
Brandon PIERCE and Zane SICKELS also participated. Ages 20 and up -- First place went to Steph HOSFIELD.
First place went to Juston JOBE in the push-button turkey calling. Taylor STILL, Hallie STILL, Jake RICER and Joe
RICKER also participated.
Threshing machinery preparing for demonstration.
Thursday, July 14, 2005 Antique tractor, machine show part of county celebration
Part of the sesquicentennial celebration during the Ringgold County Fair will be an antique farm equipment display with
work demonstrations. Featured will be antique and classic tractors, cars and trucks, antique farm equipment and draft
horse equipment. Some of the machinery will be utilized in working demonstrations along with four draft teams demonstrating
horse-drawn equipment. Draft teams will pull wagons with shocks of barley to a threshing machine which will be in
operation. An old steamer tractor, an old dozer and road blade will be present, plus a wide variety of tractors and
equipment. Demonstrations will take place Friday through Sunday in a field just south of the Ringgold County Fairgrounds
located one-half mile north of Highway 2 on Highway 169. The field is donated for use by Mark TRIGGS. On Saturday
the "Old Tyme Power Club" will be demonstrating their hit-and-miss engines. The committee members organizing this
show are Jim SMITH, chairman; Ron ABBOTT, Elmer BRADLEY, Claire NEWTON, Jim HULLINGER and Carrol SOBOTKA, with many other people
helping to organize equipment, vehicles, engines and teams.
Tractor Pull
Bulls and Barrels Rodeo
Ringgold County Fair &Ringgold County's Sesquicentennial, 2005
Photographs by H. Alan Smith, courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2012
