Family &Biographical Pages

Maurice CARR and Maxine SHAY, daughter of Lee and Teresa SHAY, were married in the chapel at Camp PICKETT,
Virginia, on August 15, 1942. Maurice had been in the service since May of that year, and Maxine was teaching
in Denver, Colorado. In September Maurice was transferred to Camp Blanding, Florida, and Maxine returned to
Denver. At Christmas time, she was able to get to Florida for a two-week sojourn. The following summer was
spent in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and again in September Maxine returned to Denver. Maurice was transferred
to Yuma, Arizona for desert training. In October he received a medical discharge because of a severe
hearing loss and rode a troop train to Denver, sitting on his suitcase in the aisle. Maxine resigned her
teaching position and they returned to Iowa to stay. They lived for a short time in Omaha where Maurice
was employed by the postal department and in Sioux City where he was tax examiner for the Internal Revenue
Service. However, Maloy was still home. Both were natives. Maxine was born near Maloy, and Maurice moved
there with his family in 1926. Both graduated at Maloy, and they taught together there for two years. In
1937 Maxine returned to the University of Iowa to complete work on a degree in English and journalism.
In 1938 she accepted a position in the public schools in Denver, Colorado. Maurice continued teaching and
coaching in Maloy until his induction into the service. When he returned from the service, the Maloy job
was not available, so he accepted a position in the Redding School as a teacher and coach. The following
years Lloyd SAVILLE, who had been teaching in Maloy, took the Redding job, leaving the opening in Maloy for
Maurice. Maurice and Maxine bought the W. L. SHAY farm west of Maloy where they lived for the next 15 years.
Maurice was superintendent and coach and part-time farmer.
He returned to Redding in 1951 as superintendent
and coach, commuting from the farm. Maxine began teaching again in Maloy in 1954. Following reorganization,
Maurce became assistant superintendent of Mount Ayr Community Schools and supervised the outlying elementary
schools in the county. in 1959 he underwent heart surgery at Mayo Clinic, and because of his health problems,
the CARRS left the farm and moved to Mount Ayr. Maurice continued as elementary supervisor and Maxine
became an English and journalism teacher in the high school. Both retired in 1975. They were the parents of
three children, all of whom attended elementary school in Maloy and were graduated from Mount Ayr High School.
Daniel, born in Omaha in 1944, received a J.D. degree from the University of Iowa College of Law where he
graduated with distinction. While there he was editor of Law Review, a university publication. He was
employed for seven years at the law firm of Dewey, Ballentyne, Palmer, Bushly and Wood in New York City.
Returning to Iowa, he enrolled in the school of journalism at Drake and is currently [1987] deputy business
editor of the Des Moines Register. Dan has two sons, Jason, 18, and Dan, age 16.
Martha attended Marycrest College for one year and received a B.S. degree from Iowa State University. She
taught for one year in the Waterloo High School system. She married Jon HOVE in 1969. They are the
parents of two sons, Eric (age 13) and Michael (age 10). Jon is also an ISU graduate with a B.S. in
industrial engineering. He is currently employed as material control manager at the 3-M plant in Menomonie,
Wisconsin. Martha keeps busy being an organist for the Catholic Church, playing for various Stout University
functions, giving piano lessons, and taking charge of the parent volunteer aids at the public school library.
She currently [1987] is beginning a three-year term as manager of concessions for the school hockey teams.
Tom and his wife, Sharon NORRIS, spent two years at UNI and graduated at Northwest Missouri State University.
Tom has a B.S. in business administration and Sherry a B.S. in elementary education. Tom was affliliated
with the K-Mart Corporation for 15 years, and was managing the store in Atlantic when he resigned in 1985. He
is currently [1987] assistant manager of the Sernett store in Storm Lake. Sherry works as a substitute
teacher in Storm Lake and surrounding towns. They are the parents of four children: Jackie (age 18), Jeff
(age 16), Kelly (age 9) and Allison (age 7). Maurice passed away in Phoenix, Arizona in February of 1985.
Maxine still lives at their home in Mount Ayr.
Maurice Leo CARR was born near Beaconsfield October 15, 1911 and died February 22, 1985. Maxine (SHAY) CARR
was born in 1913, and died in 1996. They were interred at St. Mary's Cemetery near Maloy.
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 Pp. 104-5. 1987.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
