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John Benjamin HULL, known as Ben, was born in Kickersville, Licking County, Ohio April 11, 1882 to Robert and Mary Jane DEFENBAUGH HULL. The family came to Iowa and settled near Delphos about 1886. Ben's sisters Helen (1888) and Olive (1890) were born near Delphos. All three children attended school in Delphos.

About 1914 the family returned to Ohio, but Ben was a young man and married, so he remained in Iowa.

He was married to Josephine Ann LAMBERT, daughter of William and Mary Ellen LAMBERT, in 1908. They were the parents of four children: Joseph Lambert, July 26, 1909; Helen Beatrice, April 13, 1912; William Robert, February 14, 1915; and Mary Josephine, August 4, 1922.

They farmed at one time on the William LAMBERT farm east of Maloy and also on the James SHEIL farm southeast of Maloy. They later moved to Maloy, and for serveral years Ben was custodian at the Maloy school.

In 1942 they moved to Des Moines, and Ben worked at Look Magazine until he retired. Josephine worked at Younker Brothers for 20 years and retired in 1962. Ben passed away November 23, 1955, and Josephine died on September 19, 1974. Both are buried in Glendale Cemetery in Des Moines.

Lambert was married in Willows, California February 24, 1941 to Florence Mary MARRON, who taught at Maloy School for several years. Theywere the parents of four daughters: Joanne Kathleen, Mary Patricia, Jean Marie, and Eileen Madonna. Mary Patricia passed away at the age of three years, and Florence passed away April 13, 1972. Both are buried at Orland, California.

Bea was married to Francis Marion HENDERSON of Bedford at Maloy on September 5, 1940. They are the parents of Judith Ann and a son, Richard Francis who was born March 30, 1948 and died May 2, 1948. He is buried in the baby section of Glendale Cemetery in Des Moines. They also have a daughter Mary Louise (Mrs. Steven) LaMONTIA.

Francis is retired from Ford Motor Co. and is currently a real estate broker. He and Bea and their daughters make their homes in Omaha.

Bill was married to Opal HARBATTLE, formerly of O'Neill, Nebraska, at Pomona, California in 1941. They were the parents of John Michael, Barbara Josephine, Kathryn Ellen and Cynthia Louise. Bill passed away October 20, 1977 and is buried at Colton, California. His wife Opal resided in San Bernardino.

Mary Jo was married to Ralph Lawrence CLINTON of Massena, Iowa in Des Moines October 13, 1945. They were the parents of a daughter Janice Josephine (Mrs. Larry) FRANKLIN who lives in Newton. Ralph passed away March 23, 1982 in Des Moines and is buried in Glendale Cemetery. Mary Jo is employed by the State of Iowa and resides in Des Moines.

All four of Ben and Josephine's children were graduated from Maloy High School and all were active in sports. When Bill was a sophomore, he played guard on the first Maloy basketball team to reach the state tournament. Bea played on the girls high school team when she was in eighth grade and for four years in high school. Lambert and Bill played on the baseball teams. All four played on the town softball teams after they were graduated from high school.

SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 132.

Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library

Transcription and Notes by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011


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