Family & Biographical Pages

BACK, L-R: Pearl, Manlea & Manlea Lyle "Tob" FRONT, L-R: John & Keleta
Manlea and Pearl BARBER and their youngest son John moved to the STEELE farm west of Maloy about 1955. John
was in the first grade. Manlea was born and grew to manhood at Denver, Missouri. His wife, Pearl SENIOR, was
born and raised at Grant City, Missouri. They were married February 22, 1933. They had lived in the Redding
area before coming to Maloy. Manlea farmed with his eldest son Manlea Lyle, Jr. (Tob) raising hogs, cattle androw crops. Their landlords were Gladys STEELE CARR and husband Pat, also of Maloy. Tob and wife Dorothy lived in
the little cottage south of the big square [home of] Raymer STEELE. Three daughters have been born to them.
Kathy Sue married Dan QUICK, Kelly Jean is married to Mike THOMAS and Karen Ann married Tracy DOMAN. The
DOMANS are students at NWMSU in Maryville. Mike THOMAS is employed by the Missouri Telephone Co. near Kansas
City as a supervisor. Dan QUICK farms and Kathy is employed by a government program "Vista" designed to help
families in many ways in our poor economic times. There are two grandsons. Tob and Dot live on the
FISHER farm at the south edge of Benton township. Keleta, the BARBER'S daughter, was married to Dean
SCHUSTER. They had Billy Dean, Belinda, Beatrice and Barry. Keleta is now married to Bill DUNKERSON. She has
an upholstery business in Mount Ayr. The son Bill is married to Kathleen HAVER and they have a daughter Amber.
Belinda has two children, Cory and Miranda JERALDS. Beatrice and Jim WIESE have a daughter Ashley, and Barry
is not married. John BARBER married Linda HENSLEY of Grant City. She is a beautician. They have two boys,
Dusty and Casey. They live at Benton. John works with heavy construction building roads. Manlea and
Pearl moved to the east edge of Blockton in 1974. In 1983 they celebrated their 50th wedding annniversary with family.
In failing health, Pearl went to live at the Clearview Home in Mount Ayr in August of 1984, and died February
1985 onher grandson Casey's birthday. She is buried at the Redding Cemetery. Manlea still lives at
Blocton and enjoys retirement with some trapping and playing cards as his hobbies.
NOTES: Pearl Christina (SENIOR) BARBER was born November 11, 1911, and died in 1985. She was
the daughter of John McCalley and Della F. (RICHMOND) SENIOR.
Manlea Lyle BARBER, the son of Henry and
Clara Mary (JONES) BARBER, was born March 13, 1908, and died at the age of 93 years October 12, 2001. He was
interred at Redding Cemetery.
Manlea Lyle "Tob" BARBER was born October 7, 1934, and died June 29, 1993. He married October 7, 1953 Dorothy E.,
who was born June 4, 1935. Tob was interred at Redding Cemetery.
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 98. 1987.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription and Notes by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
