Betty Conley, Postmaster since 1965
The first post office, in what is now Maloy, was installed in 1878. The town was then called Delphi. Due to the
confusion with the town of Delphos, the name was changed to Maloy in 1800. The first postmaster was Michael RUSH.
Some other postmasters were Virginia HARTLEY WORTHINGTON, Lorenzo WORTHINGTON, Frank CARR, Marea SHEIL, Viginia
CARR (acting) and Betty CONLEY at the present time. Some known persons who have served as substitute postmasters are
Katie CARR, Dorothy BARBER, Linda BARBER, Elizabeth LYNCH, Jane BRABY, Kathi SHAY, Sue and Janice MOBLEY and Lee
KEENAN at present [1987]. Some of the locations of the post office at Maloy have been as follows: Second house
north of the old Christian Church (both now burned) 1st house west of the bank building which has been demolished
and twice in the house that was directly east of the present Ronald CONLEY home, also demolished.
When Frank CARR rebuilt his store and station after the big fire, he built one room for the post office as he was
postmaster at the time. Later the office was moved to the bank building under Marea SHEIL'S tour of duty and
part of Betty CONLEY'S. Betty and Ronald CONLEY purchased the old township building which was remodeled and is
now [1987] the present post office. Mail has come to Maloy by railroad, highway post office, and the present star
route system. J. B. STROBEL was a very early carrier on the rural route. Other carriers were Don STITES, Fred MILLER,
Pat CARR and Cecil NEWKIRK at the present time. Some substitute carriers have been Ira KEMERY, John NOLAN, Leland
DUGAN, LaVerne WORTHINGTON, Frank HIGGINS, Emeral WHEELEN and Gary KLEJCH at present.
Fred Miller &Horse, Rural Mail Carrier
Pat Carr, Rural Mail Carrier 1951 - 1980
Marea Sheil, Postmistress 1939 - 1964
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 57. 1987.
Courtesy of the Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
