Family &Biographical Pages

Forest OVERHOLSER and Lucille COVERDELL were married September 23, 1948 and lived north of Diagonal on a farm, then
moved to Shannon City and finally moved to Maloy in 1951. Here they worked for Bob LYNCH and later moved back to
Diagonal. They again returned to Maloy, this time to work for Cleo LYNCH. Forest and Lucille are the parents of
six children: Eddie, at home, Carolyn REEVE who lives in Des Moines but maintains a home in Maloy, Jerry of Redding,
Jeannittie TODD of Maloy, Larry of Maloy and Sherry OVERHOLSER of Maloy. Also making their home with Lucill and
Forest are Lucille's brother,
Dannie COVERDELL, and grandchildren, Steve and Janet REEVE and Katie and Tommie OVERHOLSER. The family's favorite
pastime are the ponies and their participation in parades. They have won many trophies, ribbons and other honors for
their pony team and wagon. Lucille has babysat for many of the community's children and has specialized in being a
great mother. Forest still works for Cleo LYNCH with whom he has now been employed 26 years. Lucille attended
grade school at the Maloy school. The family now [1987] lives at the "top of the hill" across from this deserted
structure. The OVERHOLSER family has a special comaraderie among its members and a special closeness that our little
community promotes.
Sherry Jean OVERHOLSER was born to Forest and Lucille OVERHOLSER May 20, 1961 at the Ringgold County Hospital. She
attended school at Maloy kindergarten through fifth, went to Benton in sixth grade and then graduated from Mount Ayr
Community High School. She ahs two children, Rachel B. who is three-years-old, and Ryan Forest, age 14 months.
The children and their mother also enjoy attending parades with their grandparents. They purchased the former
Guy DUGAN residence in Maloy.
Jeannittie Elizabeth OVERHOLSER, daughter of Forest and Lucille OVERHOLSER, was born near Maloy on the Bob LYNCH place
September 12, 1957. She went to Maloy school kindergarten through third grade and graduated from Mount Ayr Community
High School. On December 17, 1975 she married Roger Dean TODD of Tingley in a ceremony performed by Rev. Merlin
WILKINS of Tingley. They lived in Maloy on Roy LEPLEY'S place until they moved to Delphos, then to Caledonia. In
October of 1977, they bought the former Roger NOLAN home in Maloy and carried out extensive remodeling. In December of
1986 they purchased Rita SHAY'S residence and moved in just in time for Christmas. On November 30, 1982, a special
higlight of their life found them and their parents and families standing at the Minneapolis airport waiting for
a big plane from Korea to land, bringing them their adopted son, Jacob Dean TODD. He was born August 11, 1982. On
December 16, 1985, they added a welcome surprise, baby girl Stephanie Raye TODD, born at the Ringgold County Hospital,
to their family. "Now we have the perfect family!" remarks Jeannittie. The family enjoys going with Grandma and
Grandpa OVERHOLSER to parades where they ride in the pony wageon. On Sundays, they head to Grandma and Grandpa's for
home cooked meals and the cookie jar. Roger likes to take Jacob fishing and hunting and Jeannittie enjoys sewing, painting
and babysitting as well as helping out at Head Start where Jacob attends. "We just love spending time with our two
wonderful children and family and living in our little home town of Maloy, Iowa!" adds Jeannittie.
Jerry OVERHOLSER and his wife, Peggy, and daughters Brenda and Lesa, and son, Jeffery, now [1987] live in Redding after living
in the Maloy area during the earlier years of their marriage. Jerry is the second son of Forest and Lucille OVERHOLSER.
He has lived in the Maloy area for 24 years and worked for Wendell JACKSON for ten of those years. He is now working
for Kelly Tire Service in Redding.
Larry OVERHOLSER, youngest son of Forest and Lucille OVERHOLSER, attended Mount Ayr schools. He resided in Maloy and works
on the Tom MILLER and Bob SHAY farms as well as holding part-time employment at BG Muffler near Redding. He is quite
adept as a mechanic and enjoys tractor pulling. He has two children - Katie and Tommie.
Forest Eugene OVERHOLSER, son of Samuel Forest and Leona Elizabeth (STRUWE) OVERHOLSER, was born in Diagonal
on December 27, 1928, and died at the age of 76 years June 18, 2005. He married first Lucille COVERDELL on
September 23, 1948. He married second February 29, 1992 Darlene (BLACK) MINNICK.
Lucille (COVERDELL) OVERHOLSER, daughter of Fay and Jeannittie (PAGE) OVERHOLSER, was born in 1932, and died in 1991.
They were interred at Benton Cemetery, Benton, Iowa.
Dannie Wiburn COVERDELL, son of Fay and Jeannittie (PAGE) COVERDELL, was born October 17, 1938, and died May 17,
2008. He was interred at Benton Cemetery, Benton, Iowa.
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 160-61.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription and Notes by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
