Family &Biographical Pages

On November 18, 1914, Lora (MATTHEWS) married Charles Arthur NEWBURN. He was born in May of 1882. He and his family moved
to Clearfield when he was very young.Charlie worked for Billy [William Andrews] MATTHEWS. He and Lora courted and
were engaged for five years. After they were married they lived and farmed on the Billy MATTHEWS farm on Platee River
for many years. Later they moved to the Mary HIGGINS farm in Section 18. Then they retired and sold the farm to Roy
LEPLEY and moved to Clearfield in 1947. Lora and Charlie enjoyed dancing and they played for many dances. They had
two children, Joseph Clyde and Mildred Louise. They both attended and graduated from Maloy school.
Charlie died in December of 1963. Lora maintained her own home until 1973 when, due to declining health, she went to
the Clearfield Clearview Home to live. She enjoys the activities of the home there. Joe was born in July of 1916 and
grew up on the farm his grandfather had homesteaded. While he was in high school he drove a horse-drawn school bus
and also played basketball. Joe met Ruth MUIR of Clearfield and they were married December 20, 1939. They began
housekeeping in the little house on the first corner west of Maloy, and Joe was employed by Aubrey LYNCH who lived on
the farm up the hill. Joe and Ruth's children are Marcia Kay and Allan Dean. They are the proud grandparents of
Lori, Craig and Rodney Ray, all of Newton. Marcia and her husband live in Newton while Allan is in Chicago.
After farming for themselves a while, the NEWBURNS moved to Clearfield where they still [1987] maintain a residence.
Joe was employed by Farmer's Produce and Taygld Co-op. Ruth was a member of the first LPN class to graduate from
Southwestern College in Creston. She worked as an aide for eight years and an LPN another eight years at Clearview
in Clearfield. Since the NEWBURNS have retired, they have spent the last eight winters in Arizona, but are always
glad to return to Iowa. Mildred Louise NEWBURN was born January 1921 at Maloy. Her parents were Charley and
Lora NEWBURN. On June 1, 1939 she married Weldon WEBB. He had been born at New Market, Iowa in 1916. This young
couple lived at places around Maloy, Bedford, Lenox and Mount Ayr before settling in Creston in 1960. At this time
[1987] Weldon started to work for the Burlington Northern Railroad in train service. By this time they had become
the parents of five children - Jim, Donna, Arlene, Ed and Fred. All are married but Ed. Jim and family live in
Creston. He is custodian at the Old Depot, now used as the Creston City Hall. His wife Sandy is the family editor
for the Creston News Advertiser Donna and husband Lynn HUFF live in Grundy Center. They have one son,
Weldon J. They are owner-operators of the Grundy Home Bakery. Arlene and husband Richard SWEET now live at Bethany,
Missouri. Richard was manager of Places store in Mount Ayr previously. Their children number four and include eldest
son Rick, Randy and wife Loretta and baby of Coffeeville, Kansas, Kelli who attends college in St. Joseph, Missouri
and Rodney, a senior in high school in Bethany. Ed lives at home and works construction. Youngest son Fed and wife
Ann live at Alvord, Iowa. They have a daughter Melissa. Fred is the town mayor and Ann is the pastor of the Lutheran
Church there. Weldon retired from the railroad in 1980 and "Middy," who had been a seamstress sewing for many
regular customers, retired also. They enjoy their retired life of retirement.
Only one of the twelve [MATTHEWS] children, Lora Mae NEWBURN, survives. Lora was born June 4, 1892. She is now [1987]
94 years of age. Lora, along with the other children, went to the Shiloh country school which her father helped to
build across the road from their home.
Lora Mae (MATTHEWS) NEWBURN was born June 4, 1892, and died April 16, 1992. She married Charles Arthur "Charley" NEWBURN
who was born May 23, 1882, and died in December of 1963. They were were interred at Clearfield Cemetery.
Joe NEWBURN was born at Maloy July 16, 1916, and died May 13, 1987, interment at Clearfield Cemetery. He married
December 30, 1929 at Grant City, Missouri Ruth MUIR.
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 Pp. 147-48.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription and Notes by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011

