Family &Biographical Pages

Carroll and Opal MOTSINGER and little son Orval Carroll moved to Maloy on March 1, 1941. They had rented Ol' Sam GARARD'S
place, one mile south of town, from his daughter Fern and husband Harry DUNLANY. Orval was three-year-old, being born
December 1937. In 1943 they welcomed another son, Gaylord Wade, into the family. They felt especially blessed when a
daughter Marcia Maureen was born in 1948. In 1943 "Buck" and Opal purchased the farm from the DULANYS. Many happy and
hard-working hours and days were spent on this farm of 200 acres. All three children attended school in Maloy. When the
high school closed, Orval went to Redding and graduated in 1956. Orval and Wade were active members in the Maloy
Shamrocks 4-H Club. Buck was a club leader for many years. They remember many wonderful friends and neighbors during
their days at Maloy including the Roy LEPLEYS, Richard SHAYS, Jay and May SKINNER, Guy DUGAN, Frank and Pat CARR, the
MERCERS and LYDDONS and on and on. They enjoyed services at the Community Church for years. In the winter of 1957-58
they moved to Creston. Wade was in the eighth grade and Marcia was in third. They both graduated from Creston.
Orval attended junior college at Creston and [in 1965] became a member of the National Guard. He married Kay AYERS, daughter of
Francis AYERS of Maloy. Two children, Kevin Lee and Audrey Sue, were born to them. Orval worked as a meat cutter,
plumber and truck driver. He passed away July 24, 1981.

Wade is head basketball coach, industrial arts teacher and activities director in the Waukee system. He has taken some
teams to state tournament and done very well there. He graduated in 1962 and married LaVonne HOLLIDAY in October of
1963. Their children are Lori Michelle and Michael Todd.
The family was deeply saddened in April of 1967 when the daughter Marcia died of leukemia a year after she finished
high school. The MOTSINGERS have operated a business since moving to Creston. They still enjoy coming to visit friends in the area.
Carroll MOTSINGER was born October 5, 1912, and died February 9, 1990.
Carroll married Opal Maude OLENY on December 22, 1935 in Afton, Iowa.
Opal Maude (OLNEY) MOTSINGER, daughter of Carl and Maude (ARMSTRONG) OLENY, was born at Redding on October 25, 1916,
and died at the age of 82 years October 1, 1999.
Orval Carroll MOTSINGER was born December 20, 1937, and died at the age of 44 years on July 24, 1982, Tryon, Oklahoma.
Marcia Maureen MOTSINGER was born in 1948, and died in 1967.
They were interred at Hickory Grove Cemetery east of Redding.
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 154.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription and Notes by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
