Family & Biographical Pages

Submitted by Annabel HAIDSIAK WALKUP
March 1, 1937 -- It was a typical March day -- a raw gusty wind had buffeted the HAIDSIAK family as the teams
of horses strained and pulled the wagons piled with household goods and belongings over 14 miles of muddy and
sometimes bottomless roads. The "How much father, Dad?" was finally answered when "We're here now, girl" as
we pull into the Chan SHAY farm 3 1/2 miles south and west of Maloy. John F. "Piper" and Anna HAIDSIAK established
their new residence. The family also included Wayne, Vera, Max, and Annabel. Other members of the family who
were in their home were Helen SINGLETON HUNTER and family of Kansas City, Lucile HAMMER (now deceased) and
family of Clarinda, Frank HAIDSIAK and family of Blockton and Nina DUKES and family of Bedford. There are
two other daughters, Hazel and Ethel, both deceased. Ill and failing health permitted the father, John F.,
who died January 5, 1938, to live not quite a year on the SHAY farm, but through the work and efforts of
Wayne aided by the diligence, frugality and management of the mother, Anna C., and assistance of Vera's
teaching income, the family stayed on together until 1943. In 1940, Annabel graduated from the eighth
grade at the Maloy school as the only graduate. She remembers the senior graduating class as having only three
members: Dennis SHAY, Rosalie SHAY, and Maxine McNUTT. Joint exercises were held for both eighth grade and
senior graduations. In 1941, Max graduated in a class of six seniors - all boys and the graduating eighth
grade was also all boys. Childhood memories should always be happily treasured ones and though the money
was very limited, love, warmth and close family ties made us very rich. Fond and loving memories also encompassed
close neighbors May and Jay SKINNER, the Roy LEPLEY and Pearl BURGHER families, who all seemed to take the
youngest members, Max and Annabel, under their wing. Annabel left Maloy High School in the fall of 1942 to go
to Blockton where she could take normal training. She graduated from there in May 1944 as the last normal
training student and began her teaching career that all. Annabel remembers her first teacher Irene SHAY PARKS
along with various other teachers, but the idol in her memory is Mr. Maurice CARR. In later years she was
privileged to teach under him and Maurice's recognition made Annabel feel special. Wayne married Jean
KETTLE in 1942 and established their home west of Maloy on the STEELE farm. Max made his home with them for
a while and the mother, Vera, and Annabel moved west of Blockton. Wayne and Jean have three children all
grown and in their own homes. In 1945, Max married Lois SNYDER of Beford and they established their home in
that area. Fun-loving, happy-go-lucky Max created a stir of gasps and laughter at one of the Maloy alumni
reunions when he told about his children - "I have 5 boys - AND 3 girls - AND 2 boys AND 1 girl" (eleven in all).
Our hearts were saddened when Max passes away in February, 1983, but we observed his admonishment not to keep
a long vigil and weep, bu tturn again to life and smile. Vera married Otis CARSON of Diagonal in 1945. Vera
continued teaching for several years but is now currently [1987] serving the public as manager of the
Shamrock Cafe in Mount Ayr. Vera and Otis' home is in Redding. The mother, Anna C., and Annabel made their
home together in Blockton with Annabel still teaching. In 1949, Annabel drove from their farm home five miles
south of Blockton to Maloy to teach. Harol and Annabel have three sons: Michael Glenn, Dale Eugene and
John David. The family circle also includes Mike's wife Mary and children Justin, Joey, Jenny and Brandon;
and Dale's wife Sharon and daughters Amy Lynn and Ann Marie. On January 29, 1975, part of our life and light
was extinguished when Anna C., died at the age of 91 years.

John Frederick HAIDSIAK, the oldest son of Frank T. and Mary E. HAIDSIAK, was born February 2, 1880,
and died at his Maloy home on January 6. 1938. He was married November 6, 1901 to
Anna Christina HOLMS. Anna
was born July 24, 1883, the daughter of Charles and Sophia (GRANT) HOLMS, and died at the age of 91 years
on January 29, 1975. John's mother, Mary E. HAIDSIAK, died December 4, 1892.
They were were interred at Polsley Cemetery, Yorktown, Page County, Iowa.
Wayne Alfred "Jake" HAIDSIAK was born in Nuckolls County, Nebraska, on August 12, 1912. He married Grace
Jean KETTLE on December 31, 1942, Maryville, Missouri. Wayne died at the age of 92 years on February 26, 2005.
Hazel C. HAIDSIAK was born in 1915, and died in 1918. She was interred at Polsley Cemetery, Yorktown, Page County, Iowa.
Ethel HAIDSIAK was born in 1921 and, died in 1933. She was interred at Polsley Cemetery, Yorktown, Page County, Iowa.
HAIDSIAK Family Reunion, 2010,
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 114.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription and Notes by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
