THE BOOK COMMITTEE: Pat CARR, Elizabeth LYNCH, Gladys CARR, Kathi SHAY, Maxine CARR.This dedicated
group shared fun and frustrations, memories and migraines to compile this book within a tight timeline. We have
attempted to make our publication as comprehensive and accurate as our deadline allows. Special thanks to Pat and
Gladys for collecting sports, postal and club information and for providing many pictures, to Liz for compiling the
veterans, 4-H and biographical histories, and to Maxine for her expertise on the early history, church, school, farm and
biographical sections. Thanks too to Joan JACKSON for her typing and to Mildred SHAY for combing newspaper microfilm. Also
thank you to all the wonderful people who sent us pictures, information and memorabilia. We all share a special love and a lofty
pride for our little Centennial community. Kathi SHAY, Book Committee Chair
SOURCE: Maloy, Iowa Centennial History: 1887 - 1987 p. 3. 1987.
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011
