Kellerton Bird Conservation Area

The Kellerton Site is Iowa's first offical Bird Conservation Area, designated by Iowa DNR under criteria developed by
Partners In Flight. It contains the state's largest lek site for Greater Prairie-Chickens and also provides critical
habitat for Northern Harriers, Short-eared Owls, Henlsow's Sparrows and several other decining species of concern.
A generous donation by the Iowa Ornithologist's Union donated a commercial spotting scope which has been mounted on
the public viewing platform. This scope allows a greater opportunity to view the prairie-chickens on the lek
during their booming season. This annual spring ritual normally occured between late March and early May. The best
viewing opportunities are during the early morning trip around mid-April. Snow geese stop at the conservation area
during their northward migragtion during March.
Directions: From Interstate 35, take the Iowa Highway 2 exit west at Decatur. Follow Highway 2 west of
Kellerton for 2 miles . If travelling from Mount Ayr, follow Highway 2 east approximately 7 miles. From either direction,
then turn south and continue 1.5 miles on a gravel road, which passes through center of the Bird Conservation Area. The
Prairie Chicken obeservation platform is located on the east (left) side of road.
SOURCES: www.iowadnr/gov
