Benton Centennial 1887 - Benton, Iowa - 1987
The Vaughn Family

Susan Evelyn HUTCHISON, born in Ringgold County on March 2, 1878, and Dora A. VAUGHN, born in Fairfield County, Ohio on
July 14, 1872, were married on January 9, 1901, and lived in Ringgold County until their deaths in 1963. [Dora died
on September 6th. Both Susan and Dora were interred at Benton Cemetery.] Mrs. VAUGHN attended Buffalo School located
west of Benton during her youth, while living in the home of her sister, Fannie, and family. Mr. VAUGHN attended public
schools in Ohio and Delphos, Iowa, after his family moved to Iowa from Ohio in 1872. After public school, he attended
Western Normal School in Shenandoah, Iowa. Mr. VAUGHN owned and operated a farm east of Benton at the time of their
marriage and continued in that occupation for the rest of his life. Mr. VAUGHN was elected to the Iowa State Legislature
in 1926 and re-elected to the same office in 1928. He thoroughly enjoyed serving in that office and also on the school
board of the Benton Public School. Matilda VAUGHN, widow of Edward VAUGHN, a veteran of the Civil War, and mother of
Dora, lived in the home from the time Susie and Dora were married until her death in 1924, making it what is now referred
to as an inter-generational home. [Matilda (KRAMER) VAUGHN was born April 3, 1838, and died October 10, 1924. Edward VAUGHN
was born August 25, 1832 and died February 20, 1899. They were interred at Benton Cemetery.] Mr. and Mrs. VAUGHN had seven
children who grew to adulthood, one child having died in infancy [Charlie VAUGHN, died September 4, 1904, interred at
Benton Cemetery], and all graduated from the Benton High School. Perry, born October 26, 1901, married Vona GERMAN in
1922 and Agnes DUGAN in August of 1941. He farmed for twelve years; served as Deputy Sheriff of Ringgold County for two
years, from January 1, 1933 to January 1, 1935; and was employed by Merchants Motor Freight Company until his retirement.
He died September 3, 1975. Lela, born October 18, 1905, married Donald L. CAMPBELL on December 12, 1926. She attended
Iowa State Teacher's College for one year and taught in the Ringgold County school system for three years before her
marriage. She died July 2, 1981 [interment at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr]. Orlo, born March 19, 1908, married Pauline
STOWELL on September 14, 1930. He was engaged in farming from the time of his graduation until his death, December 1, 1977
[interment at Maple Row Cemetery, Kellerton]. Ethel, born May 22, 1910, married Harlan C. HANSEN on October 27, 1940.
She attended the University of Commerce and was employed much of the time from January 1929 to retirement in 1972 by the
State of Iowa and the Purdential Insurance Company. Bernice, born June 23, 1912, married Charles FLETCHALL in June
18, 1935. She attended Normal Training classes in Shenandoah and taught in the Ringgold County school system until her
marriage. She came back into the work force in 1942 and was working at Bankers Trust Company's branch bank in Grimes
at the time of her retirement in 1977. [Bernice Louise (VAUGHN) FLETCHALL died on December 24, 1999 and was interred
at the Masonic Cemetery in Des Moines.] Viona, born December 24, 1913, married Alvin SNYDER on January 15, 1949. She
attended the American Institute of Business and was employed by the State of Iowa, Central Life Assurance Company
and by Delavan Corporation at the time of her retirement in 1972.
Merle, born November 5, 1917, married Margaret
degree in June of 1939, and in 1948 received his Master's degree from Drake University. His entire career was in the
field of education, as teacher and athletic coach, superintendent of schools, business manager of the Cedar Falls school
system, and in the State Department of Public Instruction at the time of his retirement in February of 1983. All
of the children of Mr. and Mrs. VAUGHN have lived their entire lives as citizens of Iowa, and Lela and Orla were
residents of Ringgold county until their deaths. The three remaining daughters and one son reside in Polk County.
In contrast, the members of the next generations, now extended to five, reside in Iowa; in Virginia on the east, to
California on the west; and in Wisconsin on the north, to Florida in the south.
At high noon on January 9, 1901, Susie E. HUTCHISON and Dora A. VAUGHN were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. STOUT, of
Des Moines. The wedding took place in the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. DILLE, north
of Benton. Nearly fifty relatives and friends of the couple were present for the wedding, following which a turkey dinner
was served. The VAUGHNS didn't take a honeymoon trip, as is the custom today. The day following their marriage Mr. VAUGHN
took his bride to the new home, which had been built the previous summer, and where he and his mother lived. All six of
their children were born in this home, where they continued to live until thirty-one years ago, when the family removed
across the road into the house which they now call home. In honor of the golden wedding anniversary a dinner was served
Monday evening at the I.O.O.F. Lodge Hall in Mount Ayr, as prepared by Mrs. Orville SHELDON and Mrs. Lloyd DENHART,
friends of the family.
and members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. VAUGHN held open house at the home, west of Mount Ayr, and a large number of
relatives and friends called during the afternoon and evening to congratulate and extend best wishes to the highly
respected couple. They were the recipients of many contratulatory cards and letters, flowers and gifts, which they prize
highly. Mr. and Mrs. VAUGHN are 78 and 73 years, respectively, and enjoy good health and the everyday tasks of common
living. They are the parents of seven children - four daughters and three sons - all of whom were present to share in
the festivities of the occasion. The sons are Perry, of Independence; Merle, of Calumet; and Orlo, of Kellerton; and the
daughters are Lela (Mrs. Don CAMPBELL), of Benton; Ethel (Mrs. Jack HANSEN), and Viona (Mrs. Alvin SNYDER), of Des
Moines; and Bernice (Mrs. Charles FLETCHALL), of Grimes. Included in the family circle are also eight grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren, all of whom have the ardent affection of the VAUGHNS.
SOURCE: 1887 - Benton, Iowa Centennial - 1987. Pp. 159-61. Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, Mount Ayr IA
Transcriptions and notes by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012
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