Benton Centennial 1887 - Benton, Iowa - 1987
Samuel Hall

Samuel HALL was born December 26, 1857 near Benton. He was married to Sarah Jane HUTCHISON on February 23, 1879, and to this
union was born 10 children: John Thomas, Etta May, James Stewart, Charles Newton, Fed McKendra, Rebecca Ann, Cora Margaret,
Mary Evaline, Albert Milon, and Samuel Glen. Sam, as he was called, farmed for several years and ran a grocery store in
Benton for a while. He watched Ringgold County grow from a prairie country to a well improved and progressive farm
community. Samuel HALL was a progressive citizen, always standing for the best for the people. It was through his efforts
and judgment that the fine new schoolhouse was built in Benton in 1916. Samuel HALL was an active member of the Methodist
Church. He was a firm believer to the end in the Bible and its teachings. He was a charter member of the Benton I.O.O.F.
Lodge No. 570. He attended the Grand Lodge of Iowa for several years. Samuel and Sarah HALL lived south of Benton until
his death, October 29, 1931, at the age of 73 years and 10 months. Sarah moved to town and lived with her son, Charles,
until April 12, 1936, when she passed away.
NOTE: Sarah Jane (HUTCHISON) HALL was born on May 17, 1859, and died on April 12, 1936. Samuel and Sarah
were interred at Benton Cemetery.
SOURCE: 1887 - Benton, Iowa Centennial - 1987. Pp. 139-40. Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, Mount Ayr IA
Transcriptions and notes by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012
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