Benton Centennial 1887 - Benton, Iowa - 1987
Iona Stacy Groves

I was born in Ellston, Iowa, the daughter of Walter and Eva STACY. I had two brothers and two sisters. Most of my life was
spent in Ringgold County. In 1925, my family moved to Benton where I attended high school, graduating with the class of
1928. My older brother, Jesse, graduated with the class of 1929. In 1930, I was married to Carl E. GROVES, the son of
Tom and Allie GROVES. His father passed away in 1928 and his mother in 1937. After her death, we continued living on
the old home place until 1958, when we moved into town. We were the parents of four children: Maxine, Louise, Tom, and
David. I have ten grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Carl passed away in 1961 and our son, Tom, [July 31] in 1972.
[Carl E. and Charles Thomas "Tom" GROVES were interred at Benton Cemetery.]
SOURCE: 1887 - Benton, Iowa Centennial - 1987. Pp. 168-69.
Transcriptions and notes by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012
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