10:30: March from park to grounds, led by Benton Cornet Band
11:00: Music by band
Opening Address: Major D.B. Marshall
Invocation: Rev. Dille
Vocal Music: Prof. Don Tate's Jubilee Singers
Address of Welcome: Mayor W.S. Monger
1:00: Music by the band and Jubilee Singers
1:45: Address: Hon. F.Q. Stuart, of Chariton, Iowa
3:00: Ball game: Benton versus Mount Ayr
4:30: Amusements: Polo, potato race on horseback, lady's nail driving contest, tug of war, other amusements.
8:00: Music by band and Jubilee singers. Reminiscences by Old Settlers. All old settlers of Ringgold and surrounding
counties are cordially invited to be present and take part in the evening program.
Second Day: Old Soldier's Day
10:30: Assemble at park. March to grounds led by band.
Invocation: Rev. H. Tarp
Music: Jubilee Singers
Address of Welcome: J.D. Dille
Dinner: Pork and bean dinner for Old Soldiers, their wives, and the widows of Old Soldiers
1:00: Music by the band and Jubilee Singers
Invocation: Rev. A.D. Heckathorne
1:45: address: A.I. Smith of Mount Ayr
3:00: Ball game: Benton versus Diagonal
4:00: Children's exercises: Flag drills, etc.
4:30: Shooting contest for Old Soldiers. Bugle calls. Experience Meeting for Old Soldiers led by
Third Day: Everybody's Day
10:30: March to grounds led by Benton Cornet Band
Music: The band and Jubilee Singers
Address: Rev. A.D. Heckathorne
1:00: Music by band and Jubilee Singers
1:45: Address by Judge H.M. Towner of Corning, Iowa
3:00: Ball game: Benton versus Redding
4:00: Amusements: Buggy Race - two men to each buggy, one at singletree and one at end of shafts - buggy to be
run backwards. Centipede Race - free for all, three boys on a broomstick to constitute a centipede. Egg Race. Sack Race.
Biscuit eating contest - 25-cents to enter. Other amusements. Prizes given to winners of all contests.
8:00: Grand Concert by Prof. Don Tate's Jubilee Singers. They have been secured at a
considerable cost to the Association and we feel sure that they will delight all who hear them.
SOURCE: 1887 - Benton, Iowa Centennial - 1987. Pp. 207-08. Courtesy of Mount Ayr Public Library, Mount Ayr IA
Transcriptions and notes by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012
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