Ringgold County's Oral Legend & Memories Project

As I'm cleaning out my spam trap and my
in-box (spam that squeaked through spam trap), I wonder. . . .
instead of spam for printer ink, free business cards,
acai berry, green tea, "as seen on tv", and not to
mention the X-rated spam - all of which I never asked
for - nor would ever want -
why can't we get useful spam? Such as:
brickwalls knocked down within two mouse clicks
those elusive ancestors of yours
all the ancestral photographs you'll ever wish for
family census reports at a glance
everything you ever wanted to know about your ancestors -
but was too afraid to ask
500 free family trees of your family line
If we got spam like that, I don't think the word "spam" would
be such a dirty word. (However, I do like a nice fried spam
sandwich from time to time, served on whole wheat bread
with a touch of mustard.)
Back to deleting those sexy Russian women who want to meet
me - they are probably after my printer ink & free business cards.
Submitted by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
