Ringgold County's Oral Legend & Memories Project

One day my great-grandfather John Solomon MOSBARGER went to do some errands on Kellerton's main street.
While there he saw a brand new washing machine for sale in the window of the appliance store. He went in and asked the
owner of the store if he would hold one for him until he could have enough money to pay for it. The store owner said he
would, and my great-grandfather left the store to do more errands. When he finally got back home there was the brand
new washing machine sitting in the kitchen, and my great-grandfather hadn't yet paid a single penny for it, but the
store owner knew that my great-grandfather was an honest and honorable man, trusted him, and knew that he would be
paid in full when my great-grandfather did have the money. Eventually the store owner was paid in full.
My mother told me that story years after my great-grandfather died and my grandmother confirmed it, and from it I
really learned about honesty, trust, truthfulness, and being honorable. It also told me how loved and respected my
great-grandparents were in Kellerton.
John Solomon and Sarah Vienna (VOGAN) MOSBARGER
By Jack W. Davis, May of 2009
